Mason Keys: His First Foray into Mail Art

One of the primary directives of the mail art clan is to be helpful to struggling young mail artists. I think you can see that Mason falls under the category of at least one of those things if not three. Certainly he has struggled initially to learn the basics: how to address an envelope, for example. I don't know about you but I think he has achieved mastery in this regard. Also to Mr. Keys' credit is that instead of writing an essay on "How to Apply for a Credit Card" in his Consumers Education class he has taken the road of many a mail artist before him and opted for something more daring, more artful, more insightful: "How to use a credit card to buy a Unicycle with assorted digressions."  So bravo, Mason. I think this is the beginning of a long, fruitful career in the mail art biz. If you need help on how to address a postcard there are several old hands here that will step up to the plate. Thanks for your good work.

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Comment by DKeys on May 31, 2016 at 2:55am

Dipping the pizza inn the possum magic was the best idea you have ever had. Now everyone does it. THey call it the Stafford sip & dip

Comment by David Stafford on May 31, 2016 at 2:43am

White Port, Lemon Juice, Two drops of honeydew melon and an angel's kiss in spring (pending availability). Rim chilled champagne classes with Possum Musk. Set on sill to dry. Stir vigorously. Order pizza.

Comment by DKeys on May 31, 2016 at 2:16am

I heard they still sing that other song written about you, "There's a new clown in town". They even have a rap version of it on the juke box--it is PERFECT for Tuesday night line dance competition.  I hhaven't had a possum magic in ages!!!  doesn't that have tequila in it?

Comment by David Stafford on May 31, 2016 at 2:09am

All too true, Diane. You may live to a hundred (like my mom) but you never outgrow your need for the magic of possum musk.

Comment by DKeys on May 31, 2016 at 12:03am

I thought it was important to archive it as I know it is a piece of Stafford history that you don't like to brag about. It explains so much though--how you pulled yourself up from your cowboy boot straps and spurs and drove your donkey to the mail box every day in 100 degree weather! Isn't that when you lived on leather chaps road? I remember sending possum jerky to you there once. You are truly a Renaissance Man!

Comment by David Stafford on May 30, 2016 at 11:23pm

That is the highest compliment that anyone could ask of an 18 year old.

And thanks for the boekie, Diane. I  thought I'd buried those Rodeo Clown years forever but it was not to be. I guess I'll be addin' those missin' chapters back in. Cue Moe Bandy.

All the time I tried to hide

those years without a name

Teasin' bulls and broncos

Without a lick of shame

I'd put on the make up

and my rubber nose

Then I'd hide out in the trailer

Until the damn thing closed.

Rodeo Clown!

Rodeo Clown!

You wear a smile but underneath there's a lot of churning emotions

all the while.

I may need to revise those last lines. They don't quite fit the Moe Bandy oeuvre.

Comment by DKeys on May 30, 2016 at 11:04pm

aahahahaha   love it.  He LOLed we he read this

Comment by Suus in Mokum on May 30, 2016 at 10:18pm
Great debut. Like!


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