Last week an interesting parcel from Mike Dyar arrived with in it an object that deserves some attention.
The backside of the parcel receils some details already. A.M. Fine and Ray Johnson, and Mike himself looking for the next question. The mail-interview with Mike Dyar (see on this blog at:
Was never finished and published when I ended the project.
Above the front cover of the parcel. Typical style of Mike, and I am off course curious on what the content will be,
Inside an object carefully wrapen with a paper that reads: CLEVERNESS – “Don’t you think Mr. Ray E. Johnson would enjoy a perfect vacation, through the end of this Cosmic Epoch ? “- A.M. Fine
Mike also wondered as to what the next question was. Since he is not on Internet, I will print out that question and will thank him for the sending. Also the backside reveils an explenation to this object and that reveals the story behind this.
Thank you Mike Dyar. Always a pleasure to receive your deep thoughts and generosity.
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