Mail Art Martha altered part of what I sent her for the LPC and returned it. The hive layer on the bottom is mine, and the rest is new. There’s even a bee… 


Views: 184

Tags: MailArtMartha, Minizine, TrashPo


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Comment by FinnBadger on December 24, 2015 at 9:38pm

Viva mail art! Viva TrashPo!

Merry Christmas, Martha + Husband + MailArtMutt, and looking forward to seeing what 2016 brings.

Comment by Mail Art Martha on December 24, 2015 at 9:13pm

There is nothing as a good sniff of rotten bins, Finn. And thank you for your beautiful minimalist star, it is on the wall of the sitting room but soon it will be published . It ahs been great to correspond with you, may we long continue. Hppy 2016.

Going for a bite and a beer with husband and our Wild Man! Wassail !!!

Comment by FinnBadger on December 19, 2015 at 5:34pm

Perhaps all good trash should be sniffed before being turned into mail art? I will try to remember to do this in future.

Comment by Mail Art Martha on December 16, 2015 at 6:07pm

Oh! Can MailArtMutt join the D canine program? He is only a puppy but he has said he is willing to try, as  soon as he finish his course on Trash Sniffing

Comment by De Villo Sloan on December 14, 2015 at 2:35pm

Great observations, Richard, especially concerning the fly. Will DK or any of the DKult chapter presidents comment on the issue?

My observation is that DK leaves the management of the various chapters alone. For instance, Meeah Williams was allowed to form Dkult Brooklyn and my protests were ignored.

I am now asking Meeah to consider adopting the cockroach as the insect mascot of DKult Brooklyn.

We did have the D-Kanine program. Angie Cope's Snooker & DSF's Karina the Dog have gained some attention from the program.

Comment by FinnBadger on December 14, 2015 at 2:31pm

@ DVS - thanks! I love what Martha added to my initial piece

@ Richard Canard. Thank you. I really need to restart my Poems found in Morrow project in 2016

Comment by Richard Canard on December 13, 2015 at 5:13pm

13.12.15 Dare Mister FinnBadger, ...What a nice day (although here it is a bit muggy outside)!...I refer primarily toward the four previous comments. ...Mail Art Martha's observation  & discovery of the obvious flies surrounding trashpo ( I had not even noticed).  FinnBadger's recognition that it is indeed a meaningful symbol.  ...Katerina N.'s ironic pleasantry: "Nice Trash." & De Villo S. being supportive as ever. ....... I can only suggest that the "Horse"  fly be adopted as the official Trashpo  mascot as it is somewhat larger & is capable of administering a painful bite & I am hopeful that fellow Trashpo enthusiast Dan Mouer (an authentic Equestrian) will be supportive . ... I am of course fully aware that any such proclamation must come from the Palace in Elgin. Ave uh nez dae. Richard Canard......... Post Scriptum:  Also,  I have been meaning to mention to you that I find your blogspot  "PoemsfoundinMorrow" most appealing. I have been fumbling with "Humor Mints" (A Humument [a la Tom Phillips] )since the late 60's (off & on) & you are much better at it than I am.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on December 13, 2015 at 4:14pm

Wonderful collab!

Comment by FinnBadger on December 13, 2015 at 12:57pm

Oh, yes, so it is! How did I not recognize the trashpo mascot?

Comment by Mail Art Martha on December 13, 2015 at 6:49am

It is  a fly, not very good drawing I admit . Bees are fat and stripy this poor fly is blackand thin, that's why she is sucking up all the honey. I thought a fly was best for a trashpo effort.


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