I wasn't on the IUOMA for 24 hours before I got this.
Dear Alex Idle, I apologize for having confused you with a correspondent of mine I call the Lone Gunman Neoist. That is just some fun we were having. I am too trusting, and I did not realize something else was going on here. I have removed the blog here at the IUOMA and at M-L. I request you and I have no more contact. I also apologize to IUOMA-Ning for having attracted this vermin. The part of your mail to me that I did not post involved the strangulation of women and a performance involving the strangulation of women. I found this deeply disturbing and offensive. I do understand some individuals might incorporate this idea of violence into art to make some kind of statement. But especially given the above rant, I am now more concerned than ever about this material endorsing the strangulation of women. I am worried about people who might interact with you, but that's not my responsibility. I cannot see how a performance advocating the strangulation of women would ever be appropriate in contemporary mail art.

I have not the faintest idea what this rant (above) is about or if it involves me. I am involved with mail art to have fun with my friends and sometimes engage in exchanging ideas. My blogs are meant to be parodies of critical writing and not are to be taken seriously. So as far as I am concerned you have no "bourgeois critics." I do m-a for fun so I have no idea wtf you are talking about.

You accuse your "bourgeois critics" of "cowardice." But "Alex," - who is using the fake name? Why don't you at least identify yourself? It's very creepy when an anonymous person mails people items about performances advocating the strangulation women. I don't think that's art. I think it has another name.

So I ask you to please stay the f--- away from me and my friends too

This isn't an invitation to discuss or debate. This sounds like a facist (vermin is unmistakably a code word - vermin aren't human, vermin are less than human). And, though I'm loathe to admit it, I'm a sensitive guy, and this hurt my feelings. My work deals with the issue of violence against women but it certainly doesn't advocate on its behalf, there IS a difference and any fairminded person should be able to see that. I'm thinking of terminating my partcipation in the union. Should I or would that be giving in to the bullies?

Views: 288

Tags: bullying, facistic_code-words, performance_art, violence_against_women


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Comment by MONTE CON O SIN SAFOS on May 5, 2016 at 11:17pm

I know of at least one lowly rat who would like some mail of yours to ponder. 

Comment by Ruud Janssen on May 4, 2016 at 2:37pm

Hi Alex,

I wouldn't give in, but I can't tell you what to do.  

I hope the reaction was an over-reaction, and the sender actually deleted the  posting. But you read it, and it aaffect you, that won't change.

Let's focus om art again. Why not make it.  Don't let others decide on your moves.  Decide yourself.

Hope you stay though.

best wishes,

Ruud Janssen

Comment by Justin Marquis on May 4, 2016 at 1:37pm

what was sent? what was the context?


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