Guido Vermeulen

70, Male



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Communication in a global network
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

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  • fátima queiroz

    "Hello, Guido

    I would like to invite you to participate in a video about Frida Kahlo, this is the second video about herYou can It will be a pleasure to your participation!a hug "

  • fátima queiroz

    Hello, Guido

    I did not get ...

    My email


  • fátima queiroz

    This was the first video, see Guido


    frida - 2011

  • fátima queiroz

    Ok, Guido!
    I did not get your email
    Have a good weekend

  • Ronna Saunders (Ronni)

    It's so interesting that you mention Pete Seger.  He's one of my favorites (and is still chopping his own wood).  He was my late husband's music teacher in NY when he was blackballed in the McCarthy era.  I wasn't thinking of him when I made the postcard, but it fits!!

  • fátima queiroz

    Wonderful!, Guido!
    Thank you!

  • xx Jones

  • Vicki Fraser

    Hi Guido! Thank you so much for the mail, sent while you were suffering from the enormous jetlag! Both the envelop and card are intriguing and provocative, and I'm very pleased to get them. And you are making me think I'd better find my dictionary and do a little review of my limited French.

  • xx Jones

    ok, thank you! xx

  • Clair Lambright

    Thank you for the welcome!  :)

  • Kate Murphy

    Thank you and hello!!
  • fátima queiroz

    thanks, guido! hugs!

    I sent two works for you yesterday!

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

  • Edna Toffoli

    Hello Guido thanks for the picture is beautiful!
    I want to join the call: "what do you care now?"
    send to the address on this page IUOMA

  • xx Jones

  • Sarah

    Dankjewel Guido! Ik ben benieuwd naar jouw ideeën en projecten! Groetjes, Sarah

  • Edna Toffoli

    HI guido her contribution arrived. I'll put on the blog. thank you

  • Cindy Moser

    thanks for the great mail it.
  • Christine Coppa


    I am honored that you would write a poem about my mail art!  Oh course, being a lover of poetry, I will search for the English translation on the computer!  I visited your beautiful country when I was an exchange student many moons ago.  I remember delicious chocolate, gorgeous windmills and outdoor ice skating in Brugge.  I wish you good health and Happy Thanksgiving.  Perhaps someday you will tell me what a dispatcher of signs and stones is all about. Peace!

  • Susanna Lakner

    Dear Guido,

    congratulation to your great book! I linked the video on my blog:Susannia Bildschneiderei

  • Rebecca Guyver

    What an amazing package from you today.  Now I can keep track of everything in 2012! Thank you. Citadel Doomsday is beautiful  And your 'Time Released in the Noosphere, a treasure.  I will document tomorrow.  Thank you for you perpetual generosity.

  • Jaspals

    Dear brother, I posted two my work in my IUOMA account, tomorrow the same works I am sending to you by post, if you got little one late even then keep in your project Birthday Mania, I prepared these works in my birthday feelings with Self portrait with Bull and Self portrait with Red line, Mix media Collages, 2012... my regards to you... 

  • Penn O'Gara

    Thank you, Guido - invitation duly accepted.

  • Hugo Navarro


  • DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind

    Thank you so much for the envelope, Guido. I'll blog about soon. Expect something in the post, my friend!!

  • DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind

  • PIRO

    Hi Guido

    I ordered you book, The Dress Rehearsel & Other Collages, and got it today. It's wonderful. Enjoying each collage one by one. Congratulations!!!!!   :)

  • Melissa Hughes

    Thank you.  Yes I would like to participate and will get something mailed or posted here soon.

  • Christine Coppa


    Thank you for my lovely mail art.  Your work is wonderful and I love the Funny Light envelope especially.  The poem had both sad and beautiful images.  Thank you for sending it.  Hope you are doing well.

  • Karin Greenwood

    Greetings to you for a " Happy 2013 ". Take care. Karin


  • taidgh

    Thanks Guido for your package. I got it today. I'm loving the excellent calendar and art. You're very generous! Here's to many more letters sent in 2013. I'll definitely be participating in the birthday celebrations - 25 years!

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Hey Guido, a card I sent you a few weeks back was returned to me :( It seems to be the correct address, so I'm not sure what happened...?

    So, please know of my intended well-wishes for a Merry!

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Yes I did! :( Will slip it in an env. and re-post..

    Happy Holidays!

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Hi Guido--Received your envelope containing collages and other exuberant materials. Thank you for this  surprise! Mail art will be coming your way soon.

  • Makarova Tatiana (MATATA)

    Hello Guido!

  • Judith Kalina

    Hi, Guido,

    Thanks for the invite. 


  • Michael Wilson

    Thanks getting supplies and coordinating.
  • Susan McAllister

    Guide, I am delighted to have a copy of your collage book. They are beautiful. Thanks so much.
  • Melaina Todd

    I received your mail Guido! Thank You!!!
  • Yulia-Fruit-Ananas

    Hello!!Привет!Thank you))))

  • Lauren Jean-Marie Nocheck

    Hello! Thanks for the welcome!

  • Imelda Wubben

    Thank you Guido for the Hugo Claus mailart envie

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Hi Guido, I got your Simone De Beauvoir envelope! Great.  Here are a couple of links where you can find your mail:


    Thank you!

  • Donald Kolberg

    thank you 

  • Laura Bucci

    Thanks for the welcome Guido!

  • Mizael Contreras

    Thank's Guido, how nice you leave a comment...!

  • Zois

    Neem een buitenshuisvriend uit voor de lunch en een boek.

    Dear Guido,This article is in "Flanders for the rest of us," Flanders  Are you familiar with this bokman? sending love, Elizabeth
    The independent mind...In a digital age, the art of publishing and bookselling is thriving at Antwerp’s Demian...

    On the high ceiling is a round plaque of visual poetry by the experimental Adriaan De Roover, who inspired Franken’s foray into publishing. “When I met Adriaan, his works had not been published,” he says. “In 1998, I published his first anthology of poems, which were from 1953 to 1958.”

    De vriend buitenshuis:


  • Laura Bucci

    A proper thank you for the welcome!

  • Patricia Milanes

    Thank you for the warm welcome! :)