Kate Murphy


Charlotte, IA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love snail mail!! Nothing makes me happier than sending and receiving "fun mail". I enjoy sending beautiful, fun, wild and happy things to my friend and family via the postal service.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
232 1st Street
Charlotte, IA

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  • Zois

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Kate, this is a friendly welcome to The Eternal Network from a celestial mail artist born and raised in a heavenly corner of the faraway universe called Republik van Patland.  A perfect start here is mail-art exchange. I would love to be the other end when you decide it’s the right time for you to start trading art. If it’s the case at the time your envelope should read as follows:

    The Celestial Scribe
    Caixa Postal 24827

    II look forward to see your piece in my terrene mailbox.  Yes! I will do my homework after receiving yours.  This is nothing less than a celestial promise.  I’m Patricio, Celestial Scribe & Envelope Provider.

  • Jean-François Aillet

    Hi, Kate

    The artist Jean-Francois Aillet invites you to collect your sample of sand from a moraine, from next to a waterfall or beside a river, along the shore of a lake or a stream, in a desert or on the border of an ocean. One should not, however, send him sand from a construction site. You are asked to document your collection of the material with a photo, taken as you are pouring the sand into a container. For an example, kindly visit his home page at www.aillet.com . English : http://www.aillet.com/traductions/anglais.htm

    See you to take part in this international project.

    Jean-François Aillet
    Sculpteur / Designer
    10, Allée des Tilleuls
    14860 Amfréville
    Normandie / France