Portuguese - At least I know one word. Pelo menos conheço uma palavra em Português.


Portuguese - At least I know one word. Pelo menos conheço uma palavra em Português.

Portuguese is the 5th most spoken language in the world, the 3rd most spoken in the western hemisphere and the most spoken in the southern hemisphere of the planet.
In Portuguese, we embrace the world. We have words from ancient languages, such as Aramaic. Akkadian, spoken in Assyria and Babylon. We say words like Semites, Syrians and Palestinians, Greeks and Romans. We say words as Africans from so many nations say. As the Arabs say. As they say in Southern America Tupi and Guarani. As they say in India and China, Malaysia and Japan... and in so many other places.

The International Day of the Portuguese Language is celebrated on May 5th.

O Português é a 5ª língua mais falada no Mundo, a 3ª mais falada no hemisfério ocidental e a mais falada no hemisfério sul do planeta.

Em Português, abraçamos o Mundo. Temos palavras de línguas antigas, como o Aramaico, o Acadiano, falado na Assíria e na Babilônia. Dizemos palavras como as disseram Semitas, Sírios e Palestinos, Gregos e Romanos. Dizemos palavras como as dizem Africanos de tantas nações. Como as dizem Árabes. Como as dizem no Hemisfério Sul Tupis e Guaranis. Como as dizem na Índia e na China, na Malásia e no Japão... e em tantos outros lugares.

O Dia Internacional da Língua Portuguesa é comemorado no dia 5 de Maio.

Members: 16
Latest Activity: Aug 27, 2024

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You need to be a member of Portuguese - At least I know one word. Pelo menos conheço uma palavra em Português. to add comments!

Comment by Ilya Semenenko-Basin on November 18, 2022 at 11:40am

Thank you for the 'Jardim', the amazing thing is that I heard the word once and then tried to remember what language it came from, in what context I came across it... And now, I see your post in the group!

Comment by Heleen de Vaan on October 21, 2022 at 9:14am

Outono - autumn

Castanha - chestnut

(sweet chestnut in this picture)

Comment by Heleen de Vaan on October 21, 2022 at 9:09am

How nice to see you have spotted these! In my country they have become rare.

I think it is an Açafrão-do-prado (Colchicum autumnale) - autumn crocus (crocus do outono)

(Thanks to a stamp I learned that this autumn-blooming ‘naked lady’ is not a real crocus, it’s a species from an other family (colchicacea) than the real crocus (iridacea) :-) )

Comment by Mim Golub Scalin on May 5, 2022 at 7:03pm

Love learning that the aceituna/azetones Spanish and Portugués words derive from arabe. And I do love olives. 
one of my favorite painters from the1960s is Nathan Olivera. Perhaps of Portuguese ancestry. 

Comment by Bradford on April 4, 2022 at 1:05am

I wouldn't want to get stuffed on olives although they are often stuffed.  Jalapeño-stuffed olives in beer are popular among my friends here in Deadwood.

Comment by Mail Art Martha on April 4, 2022 at 12:53am

Interesting! Olives are azeitonas in Portuguese ( my new word) and aceitunas in Spanish. In Arabic they are zaytun, so I infer the Spanish and Portuguese names come from Arabic, from when Spain was a Caliphate, because in Latin they are olivae and in Italian olive. Also in French and very similar in Germany, oliven, and northern European countries.

In Basque and in Catalan, two cultures that sit astride the frontier between France and Spain they are olibak and olive.

I could play with Google Translate all day! I only knew olives in Spanish, French and Arabic a few minutes ago. Now I could travel around Europe and would not starve, but my diet would be a little limited.

Comment by Thea Hollister on February 12, 2022 at 6:52pm

ola e boas novas

Comment by Mail Art Martha on December 15, 2021 at 8:04am

Comment by Mail Art Martha on December 15, 2021 at 7:58am

Io sei saudades, obrigado, mina louca, o benteveo amarelo, sasi, minhas histórias favoritas, gato onça, menina and others long forgotten. I read lots of brazilian stories as a child, but in Spanish. Some words were left in the original. I love Brazilian music.

Comment by Heleen de Vaan on December 4, 2021 at 12:27pm


Thank you!

Thank you for your kind words about my drawing. And I love your bird drawings!

In the 'Pássaro preto' mail art project (which lasted until 2015), the host accepted all kinds of black birds. So it is not only the Pássaro preto - Gnorimopsar chopi - but also other kinds of pássaros pretos. See his website, there are many beautiful, original - não melro ou pássaro preto - birds:


Members (16)



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