The Lost Londelozi - from Cheryl Penn

A colorful envelope... A lively and modern city? Zalop. The envelope is a prelude to a lost and ancient world...
Important findings that will shed light on centuries of questions around the Lost Londelozi.
Cheryl so kindly sent her L chapter to me even though I didn't participate in the 26 Book. Lucky me! I was thrilled to get this piece because I met some of the Bhubesi Women not long ago, and this complements the story so nicely.


The beautiful Scryer, was she possibly one of them? Was she the First One? The Women that hold up the world. How did it start? Where did it it all go wrong?
Thwarted Love...

Him. The valiant and gracious Prince. A bit too much of a Dreamer? Too absorbed in his Love to see that something was going on in the City. He didn't want to be a Prince anyway, he wasn't interested. Only Her...


How did the far seeing Scryer not see it coming? Were her hands tied? The Scribe.... He knew for sure. Scribes know everything. He was the Key to the City. And he would have his Revenge, after all these years.


He was the one who organized the celebrations, three days and three nights of wild partying, all around the Main Pantheon. But that Night was the last time anyone saw his Woefilled eyes. It was also the last time anyone saw the Fairy Prince. Those who survived the fiery swords of the Warriors dreamed the same dreadful Dream every night for years after...


Remains of the Red Tortoise were found all along the cost of the Bay of Londelozi. Archaeologists are examining the precious vestiges, eagerly awaiting new Secrets to be revealed.
The One with the Far Seeing Eyes... well, some say the Women who Hold up the World are still living among us. Maybe there is One right beside you and you don't know it.


I think I could write on for pages with this story, that's how powerful this booklet is. Cheryl, your imaginary world is an enchanting one. I love how you bring on elements of a story with each new page, but leave it to the readers to build their own tale around them. Absolument FAB! Thank you HS for sending it to that lazy SP-CB!

Views: 33

Tags: 26, Chery Penn, booklet, received


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Comment by cheryl penn on April 22, 2011 at 11:09am
All ANIMALS bite when cornered :-))))
Comment by Marie Wintzer on April 21, 2011 at 1:23am

I think our tanukis are cuter

Comment by De Villo Sloan on April 21, 2011 at 12:56am
Comment by cheryl penn on April 20, 2011 at 4:36pm
Racoons?? I've NEVER seen one :-( they look cute too in pics I have to say :-) The monkey swop - best think about that one Austin :-)))
Comment by Austin Wills James on April 20, 2011 at 1:24pm
I'll trade you our racoons for your monkeys.
Comment by cheryl penn on April 20, 2011 at 12:41pm
Truth be told - I willingly feed them - I'm the neighborhood scourge!!! BUT I feel so bad for them - humans, they're taking over the world - the blighters!!!
Comment by Marie Wintzer on April 20, 2011 at 11:47am
Was that YOUR lunch??
Comment by cheryl penn on April 20, 2011 at 11:38am

For your info, these are all my helpers :-))) They stole lunch and then gathered on the veranda to enjoy it!  But the babies - they're SO CUTE!!!!

Comment by Jen Staggs on April 19, 2011 at 1:37am
Beautiful work, Cheryl.  I love getting lost in this work.  And then!  String to lead me back!  Maybe she has monkey interns that work for free.
Comment by cheryl penn on April 18, 2011 at 3:10pm
BIFIDUS (here I take a bow) - thank you :-) - no, no elves, they run too fast and think I'm a slave driver and now they want pensions - its easier to do it myself!


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