Originally the IUOMA is a conceptual idea. Everybody who wants to become a member automatically becomes a member. Also people can claim their function inside the Union. As the conceptual owner of the name IUOMA I claimed the name General-President. Keith Bates from England became the Threasurer. Dobrica Kamperelic from Yougoslavia (now Serbia) became the Lawyer of the union. These first functions were all documented in the first (and only) documentation of the starting period. A new documentation might follow in the future.

This time I ask again: what function insode the IUOMA would you like to claim.
And please explain why.

Tags: Functions, General-President, IUOMA, roles

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The original IUOMA-magazine that was published in an edition and was distributed in 1991. It contained a full memberlist that also indicated the functions the members claimed.

There is already one Nobody. No-one can replace her
a very clear role. Thank you.
It's surprising that you've existed all this time without a Shop Stewart. I could be the Shop Stewart. That's the person that handles grievances about health benefits, long hours, and such. Since I was an actual card carrying member of the AFL-CIO ( Hoffa's Teamsters Union, specifically) at one time, that should give me the qualifications. Yep, the things we do when younger to finance school- I walked around with an oil can and a grease gun and kept the machines humming at a fruit cannery.
The Shop Stewart's role will only work if nobody actually has any grievances. Because if that person comes to me with grievances, I'll tell them to express it in art. Go to the studio and work it out there. The same goes for somebody, anybody, or anything.
Sounds like a solid job. We need a printer who makes businesscards for functions like these....
Cecil Touchon wrote at the IUOMA Embessay at Open Fluxus: "I actually am the Royal Ambassador at Large to Mexico and Central America for the Principality of New Utopia (an emergent city state in the Carribean) see my embassy website at http://p-n-u.org "

I would like to be the joker or court jester. I have already created my calling card without even realizing it! :)

The IUOMA could do with a good Joker.
Cool! I'm ready to poke fun, play the fool, and make faces at children. I can also wear funny clothes, do a prat fall when things get too serious, or belch the star spangled banner! :)
Yep, that sounds real good. I'm glad we have a joker inside the IUOMA!
I'd like to be the Mededeler. I noticed after some deep research there's not yet one Mededeler among the IUOMA-members. It's a Dutch term, somewhere between existent and not, which is difficult to translate into English. It contains some parts of somebody who both Announces and Shares.



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