KOZY's Comments

Comment Wall (77 comments)

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At 6:01pm on December 19, 2024, Re Schmi said…

HI Kozy, I'm glad that you received the mini-zines. Thank you for letting me know :)

Have a good time..

At 5:08pm on January 30, 2024, Willemien Visser said…

...Thanks for inviting me to be friends! I thought we were / are already ;)

At 1:46pm on December 24, 2023, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

At 10:20pm on November 5, 2023, Kiki said…

Hello from Japan!

Thank you for a friend request. Let us exchange mail art ! :-)

At 11:03am on November 5, 2023, Tomoe N said…


Thank you for your friend request. I hope to see you in a mail.

Nice to see you.


At 4:08pm on July 16, 2023, Bonniediva said…

Hey Kozy!

Welcome to the ABC Book! You have letter H.

To be clear: you create one page of anything starting with your letter. The size of your page doesn't matter. 

Then you send me your page and I add it to my ABC book.

Then I photograph/scan the page and post it online for all to enjoy. Thanks so much! Bonnie

At 9:39am on May 3, 2022, Ottmar Bergmann - Kunstwindhund- said…

Liebe Kozi,

Schön, du bist jetzt Freund zu mir auch in Juoma. Aber wir kennen uns schon länger  durch Mail Art direkt und ich mache Dir eine neue  und schicke sie an Dich ab in den nächsten Tagen.

Ich bin nun 85 Jahre alt und ein bisschen dumm in PC, Internet und Digital und  liebe mehr Mail Art-  auf dem  Wege der Post.  Ich freue mich, wieder mit Dir in Verbindung zu sein. Bitte informiere mich, wenn Du einen  Mail Art-Call  machst.  Herzliche Grüße  Ottmar - Kunstwindhund

At 8:42pm on August 7, 2020, PAM CHAVEZ said…

Glad you got the Feel Mail, and that you like it!  I was wondering if it would eventually get to you! Happy that it did!

At 9:25pm on January 23, 2020, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Grazie Caro Amico!  un abbraccio.  W LA PACE  W IUOMA!

At 9:15pm on May 22, 2019, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Ciao domani spedisco per il tuo progetto "ANACHRONISM MAILART"  un abbraccio .b

At 9:33pm on September 16, 2018, Maria Consuelo Guacuto Blanco said…

 Hi kozyurt

I invite you Nuevo%20Provecto%20ARTE%20CORREO.docx

I would love your participation


At 9:52pm on March 18, 2016, Bruno Cassaglia said…
At 12:28pm on February 14, 2016, Carlos I. Botana said…


Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
Size: Free
Technique: Free
Deadline: August 15, 2016
Exhibition: September, 2016
No sales. No jury. No return
The work is publisehed in the "blog": mailartlasmeninasdecanido.blogspot.com
Send your work to:
Carlos I. Botana
C/. Javier López López
Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
15009 - A Coruña - Spain
At 10:37pm on February 24, 2014, Jean Claude SARPI said…

Hi, for IUOMA members, we are the owners of an art gallery in Marseille, France, and organizing a Mail Art exhibit ''not for sale'' from June 3 to 30, 2014. The theme is: "Mermaids in the port, queens of the sea..." We invite you to participate and send an artist's letter. Free technique. On a postcard or any other object of your choice. Illustration, address and stamp on the same page. Deadline for hanging: May 10, 2014.   Send a work in mail format as original as possible. Send to: JC SARPI -  LE LAB 3 rue Bussy l'indien 13006    Marseille France
.We will answer each mail by sending Mail Art. Looking forward to presenting your works.  Thank you for giving the information to all the persons who may participate to the project. Look at http://lelab13006.blogspot.fr

At 8:24pm on December 2, 2012, Celestino Neto said…

Grupo Toca do Lobo - Call Mail Art



Convidamos Vozes Para participarem do Nosso Projeto de 
Arte Postal 
Mago UO Magi, plural da Palavra Persa Antiga magus, 
significando Tanto Imagem quanto "hum Homem Sábio", 
Que VEM DO verbo cuja Raiz é "meh", significando grande, e los sânscrito, 
" maha ". Mago usualmente denota AQUELE Que pratica a magia UO ocultismo; 
não entanto, PODE indicar alguem also Que possui conhecimentos e habilidades 
Superiores Como, POR Exemplo, QUANDO SE Diz Que hum hum E músico "mago dos teclados", 
POIs toca com perfeição . Instrumento musical o Tema: MagoTécnica: Livre Tamanho: A4 (sem Máximo) Inicio fazer Projeto: 2010Término do Projeto: 3/11/2013 QUALQUÉR Pessoa PODE Participar, Artistas e QUALQUÉR Pessoa AO Redor do Mundo, Enviando Trabalhos com o Tema "Mago". Nao Haverá Júri e OS Trabalhos recebidos Nao Serao devolvidos. Os Trabalhos Serao catalogados e estarão available no blog da Toca do Lobo SEM valor comercial. Exposição dos Trabalhos on-line no blog oficial da Toca do Lobo e Exposição los Espaço Público. Os Trabalhos PODEM Ser enviado par o endereco: Grupo Toca do Lobo Rua: Nossa Senhora Aparecida, novo N º 69 (Antigo 28) Apto 21 Vila Fátima - Guarulhos - São Paulo Brasil Cep: 07191-191 e-mail: tocadoloboartepostal@hotmail.com blog: www. tocadoloboartepostal.blogspot.com
At 2:39pm on December 1, 2012, Hélène LAGACHE said…

I have received!!Thanks!

At 10:03am on August 17, 2012, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Thank you, Kemal!

At 9:01pm on August 5, 2012, BarnArt said…

Thank you for the great card you sent us! I've been meaning to thank your for the mail art for a week now - so thank you. I will try and return the favor VERY soon. I love your stamps too. So nice to hear from you!

At 9:49pm on July 31, 2012, Susan McAllister said…
Thanks for the postcard. So nice to hear from you.
At 9:08pm on July 5, 2012, Jack Lattemann said…

Thank you for the card that arrived recently. I am working on a new project right now that you and others will see by the end of the summer.

Best wishes,



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