Henning Mittendorf's Comments

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At 11:55am on September 6, 2021, Terry Reid said…

Hi Henning,
Apologies if I’ve sent this invitation twice.  You and your friends are invited to mail in your responses.  Slip an asterisk (*) somewhere into the return address.  Best to you from Terry Re*id 


At 7:21am on August 14, 2021, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

DANKE, Henning,

see the blog:

At 2:51pm on August 2, 2021, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Ciao Henning, come stai? un fraternonabbraccio , b

At 8:38am on September 14, 2020, Ilya Semenenko-Basin said…

Dear HeMi, can I send you a collage by mail?

At 1:10pm on July 9, 2020, Bruno Cassaglia said…
At 1:06pm on July 9, 2020, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Ciao Henning, ricevuto!  Grazie!!! io per il momento non faccio Mail Art... un abbraccio, b

At 1:05pm on July 9, 2020, Bruno Cassaglia said…

At 5:13pm on June 1, 2020, Ilya Semenenko-Basin said…

Thank you very much! In our city, all restrictions haven't been lifted yet, so I can't buy German UHU glue for collages. :-) :-)  I hope everything will be fine.

At 2:39pm on May 14, 2020, Carmen Kennedy said…

Schöne Grüße. Ich habe diese Postkarte in den frühen 80ern erhalten, als ich eine Galerie in Austin, Texas, betrieb. Bist du das?

At 12:53pm on May 2, 2020, Mail Art Martha said…

 Hemi! Nice to see you here, I love the picture . Keep well keep mailing

At 10:21pm on November 25, 2019, Sved Uwe Dressler said…

Lieber Henning,

Die Welt bringt uns auch alle auseinander. Die Mail-Art wird auch immer löchriger. Manchmal frag ich mich: Lebt der noch? Lieber Henning, ich frage mich, ob es Dir oder Euch noch gut geht? Schließlich hast Du Deine schöne Arbeit schon vor 10 Jahre hier eingestellt. Und mir ist nicht mal bewußt, ob ich sie je sah.

Und dieses Jahr ist auch schon wieder bald zu Ende.

Uwe Dressler, diesmal aus Berlin..... meine Odysee wird auch bald ein Ende haben.

At 9:10pm on October 28, 2019, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Ciao Henning, ti invio una mia mail art, fammi sapere se arriva per favore... un abbraccio fraterno , bruno

Hallo Henning, ich schicke dir meine Mail Art, lass es mich wissen, wenn es darum geht ... eine brüderliche Umarmung, braun

At 10:42pm on February 6, 2019, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Ricevuta oggi!!!  Grazie ti abbraccio fraternamente... b

At 10:41pm on February 6, 2019, Bruno Cassaglia said…

At 5:54pm on January 2, 2019, Jan Hodgman said…

I totally uderstand about all that goes into a move. I'm "Only" 67 and it still feels like a daunting task. Wishing you the best in 2019. Jan

At 10:38am on January 2, 2019, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Danke! Thank you for the nice card,

Happy 2019 to you!

see the blog:

At 5:17pm on February 23, 2018, Jan Hodgman said…

HI just got a piece of mailart returned that I sent on November 15. I sent it to your second address, the Allendorfer address. It was a postcard. Before I resend it I want to make sure of your address. I guess I'll try the first address you have listed:

Henning Mittendorf
Brieffach 500365
D-60393 Frankfurt am Main

Ist das gut? Hoping you are well. Jan


At 5:36am on July 26, 2017, Aleninskyi Kostiantyn said…
thank you friend!!
At 1:23pm on July 15, 2017, Bruno Cassaglia said…
At 1:22pm on July 15, 2017, Bruno Cassaglia said…


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