The Embassy of Utopia and "E" started this group … We would like to reconstitute the totality of sheets "brain cell" since N°1. For the archives of the embassy, thank you for sending to us "brain cell" of Ryosuke Cohen.
In december 2017 the 1000th brain cell was produced. The production continues....... We collect all traces here.
Members: 340
Latest Activity: Mar 11
L’Ambassade d’Utopia et « E » ont besoin de votre aide… Nous voudrions reconstituer la totalité des feuilles « brain cell » depuis la N°1. Pour les archives de l’ambassade, merci de nous envoyer des « brain cell » de Ryosuke Cohen. Originaux ou bons scans avec la liste des participants. La totalité des feuilles « brain cell » recensées sera affichée sur ce blog
The Embassy of Utopia and "E" need your help … We would like to reconstitute the totality of sheets "brain cell" since N°1. For the archives of the embassy, thank you for sending to us "brain cell" of Ryosuke Cohen. Original or good scans with the list of the participants. The totality of sheets "brain cell" listed will be posted on this blog
Hello from Osaka, Japan!I am wondering who in this group have met Mr. Ryosuke Cohen in person ? Tomoe-san, a fellow IUOMA member, has met him in person. I have never met him in person yet. I live…Continue
Started by Kiki. Last reply by Kiki Feb 18, 2024.
Hello, greetings from Japan!Some of you may already know me through Mr. Cohen's Brain Cell participations from several months ago, but I am actually a very new member on IUOMA site. I now am wanting…Continue
Started by Kiki. Last reply by Kiki Apr 17, 2023.
Started by Oh Boy. Last reply by Ruud Janssen Apr 23, 2018.
I can see where Joey is coming from in terms of the similiarities between Brain Cells, but I think this has to do with using the same technique for 30 years! Otherwise, each issue is a snapshot of the network at that moment. So I see the variety, too.
I just found a stash of Brain Cells from the 90s, and looking at them brings me joy. I love the colors and all the details. Each time I look at one I see something different. There's a surprise (or ten) in each issue.
@ Joey, I think each Brain Cell form unique in its own, by both then combination of images and the combination of artists. Personally spoken, I love to see cartoons and well-drawn animals, so if there are fun cartoons or ‘wow’-causing drawings, my smile large.
For this reason I keep the received Brain Cell forms untouched. One day I was annoyed by again and again seeing the same image of a nude woman, so I drew my comment to it (a breastfeeding woman - as nursing a one year old in public still is taboo (also in my country) while magazines with nude women are easy available).
So one idea, if you get bored, is to create a reply to the received Brain Cell form.
An other idea is to recycle it, into an envelope or cut out parts to use in your own mail art, zines, etcetera
And one idea is to stick 4 or more together and paint something over it: this way Ryosuke Cohen creates ‘portraits of artists’, see for instance
To be short, I think you are right when saying the forms look similar, but for me that is only at first sight; when looking more close there is so much more to see. And to do, if one is not afraid to cut or stick the forms (I am, though :-) )
Brain Cell always two are ever alike!
Grazie, Bandini, thanks for posting.
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