Mail Art Martha's Comments

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At 3:36pm on February 18, 2013, stripygoose said…

Your lovely origami bird is happy in our magnolia tree : > )

At 1:59pm on February 15, 2013, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Glad to see that the banana card arrived so fast!

You deserve a Banana Day mailing because you sent me

BLUE bananas :-) 'Love 'em! xxx

At 4:29pm on January 31, 2013, Suus in Mokum said…
No worries Martha, delighted to bookie arrived and that you like it.
At 5:25am on January 29, 2013, Valentine Mark Herman said…

Thankyou, Dear Martha, for 'clouding' me. Glad to hear that your foot is OK. Mine is, slowly recovering, and I am getting ready for my 'Nelson Moment' eye, one foot, and one (well, ask John). Looking forward to receiving your exhibition card. Regards, Val

At 6:05pm on January 28, 2013, stripygoose said…
Thank you Martha : > )
At 5:35am on January 23, 2013, Valentine Mark Herman said…

Valentine Titchmarch writes: Cardboard Vizma cut outs need liquid at frequent intervals, ideally every 2 hours. The liquid should be at least 12° alcohol, and preferably bubbly.

At 1:36am on January 23, 2013, vizma bruns said…

Martha! Of course you can keep her/me! (although Kat made it, but I'm sure she'd rather we stick together!!)  I'd be honoured to be a Cardboard Head in Residence at your place! In your studio, I hope? As long as there's a photo to come at Artspace !!! ;-))

At 5:15pm on January 5, 2013, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Did you take-Kate-to-the-Tate, Martha?

And Vizma, too?

Waiting to see pics...with Andy, and Scot, and Stripygoose.

Hope you had a great time! xxx

At 2:34pm on January 5, 2013, Zois said…

  Hurray for your hopping to the Tate gathering!   I'm so pleased for you that you get to be there.

  About he squirrel darlings, first an ailing one showed up on my 2nd floor windowsill desperately eating the birdseed.  (european-wise, the 1st floor, we live on the american 2nd and 3rd floors).  That was Miss Wisp.  She got well and lived about 3 more years while others learned to come over and I learned squirrelly things. I photograph them for about 6 years now and my spousie does also.

At 5:27am on January 5, 2013, Valentine Mark Herman said…

Bonjour! Glad to hear that your paw is getting better. Mine is healing slowly. It will probably be more or less OK on the 3rd February, just in time for the operation on the other one on the 4th of February: what great timing! And I will have to change my stair hobbling technique. Looking forward to getting some Mail Art from you and hope that your Tate trip goes well -- photos are expected, of course.

Bon weekend, Val

At 10:00pm on January 4, 2013, Zois said…

Greetings Martha,  Thank you and welcome to you, too, in the "friends" thing.   Looks as if we'll all be waltzing into spring.

Watching for Spring:

Hang on til then!

At 12:27am on January 4, 2013, andytgeezer said…

Definitely I'll be there Martha and Scott tells me that he and his daughters will be along. I believe that Stripygoose will be there too. Can't wait!

At 3:50am on January 3, 2013, Zois said…

How is your foot?  My own Dear Foot was rearranged on 3 Dec then the pain pills made me more ill than the main pain which passed by about the 5th day.  A little titanium plate now anchors my Great toe and the long pin through my littlest piggy will come out 9 January.

Do you also find that the hobbling around gets tiresome?

this makes quite a group with you, Val, Nancy Bell Scott and me, all in December.cheers, hope you're hopping hastily,ElizabethHere's the Pota-Toe:

At 11:37am on December 28, 2012, Valentine Mark Herman said…

Choose one, Dear Martha:

i) Let's hop together into 2013

ii) We could do a Two-Legged Race

iii) Or we could train for the Triple Jump in the next Olympics

iv) Or we could exchange some more Mail Art next year.

Best wishes to you and him too, Val

At 6:29pm on December 20, 2012, TIZIANA BARACCHI said…

At 11:58am on December 16, 2012, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

PERASTIKA, Martha! Do take care, and stay off your foot...

you can always email like Val and Nancy bell Scott. 

Is this an epidemic??? Heal soon ! xxx Katerina

At 7:18am on December 15, 2012, Valentine Mark Herman said…

Bonjour Martha!

Sorry to hear about your leg, and hope that you will be OK for the next Olympics. (I have just spent 5 days in hospital having two operations on my foot).

You should have got Vizma's photo by now. I couldn't put one of mine in because I was in the horsepickle.

Hope the rest of you is well.


At 5:23pm on December 11, 2012, Rebecca Guyver said…

What a fabulous invite I received for the Steps of Tate Britain! I am V V sad that I won't be with you all and will treasure my balsa!

At 10:55am on December 10, 2012, Valentine Mark Herman said…


Vizma is coming your way, and will be attending the Earthworm Awards at the Tate.

Please look after her well.

Regards, Erni/Val

At 11:07am on December 3, 2012, Valentine Mark Herman said…


Well, there was I opening that HM Liz 11 would give me a New Year Honour (I was hoping for a Dukedom at the very least), but you beat her to it and very kindly awarded me the title of 'Mail Artrist of the Year of the Earthworm'.

I am deeply honoured.

I am preparing my speech.

When do I have to deliver it? And where? And will there be dis-simultaneous translation for the Earthworms,

May you all in Retailia have a blissful shopping spree in the next few weeks.



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