RECEIVED: "But is it Trashpo?" from Neil Gordon (Connecticut, USA) & Karen Champlin (Illinois, USA)

Mail-art by IUOMA member Neil Gordon (Wethersfield, Connecticut, USA)

January 25, 2012 - Neil Gordon is a relatively new IUOMA member and friend who is always very interested to learning about and discussing different aspects of mail-art. He participated in the Asemics 16 collaborative books but has found his voice in the more DaDa-related practices: Trashpo, DharmaDaDa Erni Baer, and the DKULT

Neil recently sent me a wonderful envelope of Trashpo, much of which was created from collage scraps and pieces of trash I sent him. You can see in the scan at the top (with a cereal box background) the "Prayer Flag"  and there is a piece of a Triscuit box or something, not sure about the monster. Here's Neil's note:

Also included is a an A-4 size collage (below). Much of the material used is provided by Neil. I recognize some things I sent, but he took the lead on theme. The important thing is that he, to some degree, seems to have put together Investigative Mail-Art about the Dali Lama. Yet the overlay and inlay of trash certainly provides the chance language elements that make Trashpo Trashpo:

Many thanks, Neil! This was great fun, and I look forward to doing it again.

Before the holidays I was thrilled to continue trading with dear friend Karen Champlin (Highland Park, Illinois, USA). She sent me a terrific response to our blue tape dialog that includes some of her work incorporating Trashpo elements.

Karen often takes the lead among many of the visual poets at the IUOMA when it comes to entering new territory.  She has always been a great personal inspiration. For example, when I began experimenting with asemic writing, I always watched what Karen was doing for guidance, which also strengthened our bond of mutual support. Karen has always used found material, but recently she has done work that can be traced directly to the dumpster.

But first, here are two exquisite pieces included in the recent mailing:

KC fans will recognize the distinctive work right away. They use found materials, but I don't believe the Trashpo influence is pronounced. These two pieces are each approximately 3 x 5 inches and done in Karen's assemblage style with asemic symbols and intricate vispo overlaying.

In previous blogs, I have called these pieces talismans. The interpretation still holds, but as I learn more about Object Poetry, I realize Karen is also creating object poems, especially since they are three-dimensional - poetry and material are unified. Here is the long-awaited material that more clearly fits the Trashpo definition:

Karen Champlin definitely makes use of found material with text in these pieces, specifically junk mail from banks and insurance companies. It's interesting to see how she uses it - she just integrates it into her style and method of composition flawlessly.

So many Trash poets seem reverent about their materials: They do not alter it. I think it's great Karen filled in my name and then did stamp overlaying. For her, I gather experimenting with trash was just a matter of integrating a different kind of material into her vision. She definitely brings an aesthetic to it.

In a previous blog, I wrote that I believe Karen is a "confessional" visual poet. That is, her work is highly autobiographical. I also believe this is unusual in the genre. By experimenting with trashpo, Karen has been able to enlarge the personal narrative that her work - all of it brought together - represents. It's an amazing journey, and I look forward to sharing much more work with Karen.



Fire up the wood chipper. He's going ice fishing again.

Moose relative

Pajamas with feet - footsies

Moon magic has you overthinking a personal matter.

Ray says: "John Dos Passout on the Manhattan Transfer."

Doctor_____. Tractor beam.

Warren Commission or hutch for rabbits/

______ showers bring______ flowers

Views: 680

Tags: Champlin, Chicago-School, Sloan, Trashpo, asemic-writing, vispo


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Comment by De Villo Sloan on January 27, 2012 at 3:39pm

NE1 have a D-Kongestant? - sniffles

Comment by De Villo Sloan on January 27, 2012 at 3:35pm

Somewhere else Marie already pronounced Cobain "Anti-MinXus" and I think the translation approximates: "a moron." The Minx Music label was nothing but trouble and is DisKontinued.

Comment by DKeys on January 27, 2012 at 3:17pm

DVS, please keep your mind on the meditation.  Clear your mind of all cookies. Bondage is a state of mind. Oddly, this is tying in with the Prison without Dark Walls.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on January 27, 2012 at 3:08pm

Comment by DKeys on January 27, 2012 at 2:20pm

morning meditation at DKult

Comment by DKeys on January 26, 2012 at 7:01pm

Dearest Miss Spell Chick,

You will notice that i have already submitted the sample--just look in your coffee cup.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on January 26, 2012 at 6:56pm

Spell Chick (online now!)

Miss Keys, Miss Dr. Benway has requested a urine sample from you immediately. Do you have a cam on your computer so I can monitor the sample collection? 

Comment by DKeys on January 26, 2012 at 6:46pm

Comment by De Villo Sloan on January 26, 2012 at 5:30pm

very rare item:

send discrete inquiries:


PO Box 1314

Auburn, NY 13021 USA

Comment by Austin Wills James on January 26, 2012 at 5:18pm

DVS, suffering from PTSD? OH! Peeing Top Side Down?


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