All Blog Posts Tagged 'Trashpo' (333)

From Zack in France, Julian in Austria, SHMUEL in the USA

Mellow yellow card from Zack arrived on Tuesday,

Very DADA...'luv it!

Julian sent a postage issue and some Trashpo:…


Added by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on March 9, 2023 at 2:12pm — No Comments

"Folk Heroes" : An Explosive New Trashbook by Lisa Iversen (Indiana, USA)

Lisa 8.7.2019 - 1

Folk Heroes – a Trashbook by (x-IUOMA member) Lisa Iversen (Indiana, USA)


August 8, 2019 - Lisa Iversen (aka Skybridge Studios, aka Lisa Lisa, aka “The Quiet One”) was an Eternal Network veteran well  before she achieved the status of mail art  “Legend” via Trashpo & DKult. She has also produced notable vispo & asemics of lasting consequence.

Lisa Iversen is more humble & less…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 8, 2019 at 3:00am — 1 Comment

Can Trashpo Endure in a Green World? Cor Reijn (Zaandam, Netherlands)

Cor 7.10.2019 - good

Mail art by Cor Reijn (Zaandam, Netherlands)


July 10, 2019 - I was elated to receive this wonderful card from good mail art friend – Cor Reijn – in the Netherlands. With this elegant and highly conceptual piece, Cor Reijn expresses an issue that I am confident many are pondering at this moment. (Yet no one before has been able to express it so perfectly!) Thank you Cor Reijn.

I believe the question is…


Added by De Villo Sloan on July 11, 2019 at 4:00am — 1 Comment

"Like A Leper Messiah": dsfcult responds (Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA)


Mail art by IUOMA  member DSF (Dopesick San Francisco) (Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA)


May 21, 2019 - I am proud to be the first blogger to report on the rise of #dsfcult in the wake of DKult and other strange quasi-spiritual entities that arise in the Eternal Network as part of some mysterious cycle we…


Added by De Villo Sloan on May 22, 2019 at 5:01am — No Comments

Retrospective-In-A-Bag by Jayne Lyons (Lakeville, Minnesota, USA)

Jayne 4.18.2019 - 5

Mail art by IUOMA member Jayne Lyons (Lakeville, Minnesota, USA)


April 18, 2019 - Recently Jayne Lyons celebrated her first year in the Eternal Network. This was, in my estimation, a cause for celebration indeed because Jayne Lyons (along with a group of new artists) is emerging as an engaging “mail art persona” & sharing art that crosses a wide spectrum & appeals to many friends.

The significance of one year in the network…


Added by De Villo Sloan on April 19, 2019 at 2:43am — 4 Comments

Lost Legend Found: Meta-Trashpo by Thom Courcelle (Rutland, Vermont, USA)


Thom C - 4.9.2019 - 1

Mail art by IUOMA member Thom Courcelle (Rutland, Vermont, USA)


April 9, 2019 - I am thrilled to see art by Thom Courcelle circulating in the Eternal Network again after a lengthy absence. I am even more thrilled that some of his wonderful work found its way to me.

I believe Thom Courcelle is a wonderfully inventive & talented artist generally. He is also one who has…


Added by De Villo Sloan on April 10, 2019 at 2:50am — 1 Comment

Roots Trashpo by Klaus Pinter (Vienna, Austria)

klaus pinter 4.1.2019 - 1

Mail art by Klaus Pinter (Vienna, Austria)


April 2, 2019 - Klaus Pinter in Austria sent me – by chance or design I know not which – an incredible example of “Old School” Trashpo that has been such an Eternal Network fave for approaching a decade.

I do not know Klaus Pinter from anywhere along “the long & dusty trail” that I can recollect. It is a great pleasure to make his acquaintance now. And as I…


Added by De Villo Sloan on April 3, 2019 at 3:00am — No Comments

Not Your Average Jonestown: The Rise of #dsfcult (Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA)

DSF 3.27.2019 - 1

Mail art by IUOMA member DSF (Dopesick San Francisco) (aka Michael Kelly) (Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA)


March 27, 2019 - I could begin this entry with a pithy, allusive statement such as: “By 2020 every mail artist will have their own cult.”

But anyone who has grazed even casually in the Elysian Fields of the Mink Ranch (my other blog) knows I am a longtime DSF fan & can thus cut to…


Added by De Villo Sloan on March 28, 2019 at 2:00am — No Comments

"Trash Without the Po" by Vikki Johnson (Morrison, Colorado, USA)

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Mail art by IUOMA member Vikki Johnson (Morrison, Colorado, USA)

March 12, 2019 - It’s always gratifying to see a newer mail artist – like a glorious butterfly emerging from a cocoon – begin to explore the forms, traditions & innovations unique to the Eternal Network.

So I am thrilled to share this m-a by Vikki Johnson that makes a foray into the realm of Trashpo. While Vikki demures & claims to extend only a toe into the…


Added by De Villo Sloan on March 13, 2019 at 2:03am — 8 Comments

Trashpo by Cor Reijn (Zaandam, Netherlands)

cor reijn 11.20.2018 - 1

Mail art by Cor Reijn (Zaandam, Netherlands)


November 20, 2018 - Cor Reijn kindly sent me a scrap of a yogurt box all the way from the Netherlands. Does he just work with “found” material or does he know of my proud association with Trashpo and DKult? I do not believe he is an IUOMA member, but he does appear to be an active mail artist. I am sure he will understand I claim this work as Trashpo primarily for thematic reasons at the M-L…


Added by De Villo Sloan on November 21, 2018 at 2:30am — No Comments

"Minkus" Collages by Jayne B. Lyons (Lakeville, Minnesota, USA)

Jayne - 9.14.2018 - 1

Mail art by IUOMA member Jayne Lyons (Lakeville, Minnesota, USA)


September 16, 2018 - Jayne B. Lyons is raising eyebrows in the Eternal Network with her spectacular collages, and she is nothing less than a raving sensation among the Trashpoets and DKulters.

She sent me these three strong, new beautiful collages I am thrilled to share. Even though Jayne has renamed the venerable MinXus movement “Minkus,” I see her as a kindred spirit…


Added by De Villo Sloan on September 17, 2018 at 1:26am — 2 Comments

Trashbook & Ephemera by Jean-Philippe Gilliot (Saint Ghislain, Belgium)

Gilliot - 8.27.2018 - 1

Mail art by Jean-Philippe Gilliot (Saint Ghislain, Belgium)


August 27, 2018 - I am not familiar with Jean-Philippe Gilliott, and I do not believe he is an IUOMA member. But a quick search indicates he is well-known in the network and has done much work of note. I am thrilled to learn about and receive his work because I am a huge fan of the great Belgian collage artists, poets and correspondence artists, among them Little Shiva, Thierry…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 28, 2018 at 3:50am — 1 Comment

Mail Art Mystery Bag

Bark trash 8.25.2018 - 5

Disintegrated bark fragment (with my address) rescued by the US Postal Service. Who sent it?


August 25, 2018 - Postcards are endlessly wonderful, but it is also nice to receive physical objects via the mail. These “objects poems,” “found material,” “cryptic totems” – whatever you prefer to call them – are also a unique genre of mail art. I believe this propensity for sending objects is rooted in Fluxus but also not necessarily exclusive to…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 26, 2018 at 2:30am — 2 Comments

Mail Art by "Legend of Trashpo" Neil Gordon (Torrington, Connecticut, USA)

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Mail art by IUOMA member DharmaDaDa Neil Gordon (Torrington, Connecticut, USA)


July 10, 2018 - Trashpo (and the accompanying DKult of trashpoets) has been a network activity for about a decade. (Opinions differ – of course – about where and when Trashpo started.)

The popular consensus is that Trashpo began with postings by visual poet Jim Leftwich (Virginia, USA) on Fluxlist in 2007. Diane Keys (Illinois, USA) brought Trashpo to…


Added by De Villo Sloan on July 11, 2018 at 4:01am — 15 Comments

Age of Print Artifacts for Mail Art Recycling by Annette Kesterson (San Francisco, California, USA)

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Mail art by Annette Kesterson (San Francisco, California, USA)


October 28, 2017 - Have you ever noticed how many members of the current Eternal Network are professionally engaged in library work? I see this as something very positive…


Added by De Villo Sloan on October 28, 2017 at 11:34pm — No Comments

Trashponcho & Hurricane D-Kit by Lucky Pierre (Charleston, South Carolina, USA)

Lucky Pierre - 10.18.2017 - 1 Mail art by IUOMA member Lucky Pierre (Charleston, South Carolina, USA)


October 18, 2017 - Lucky Pierre is officially recognized as a Legend of Trashpo and is also known as one of the more fervent disciples of Richard Canard. In recent times…


Added by De Villo Sloan on October 20, 2017 at 3:29am — No Comments

Asemics & Letter-Essay by Dave Araki (New York City USA)

Mail art by IUOMA member Dave Araki (New York City)


September 25, 2017 - This is the second missive by Dave Araki I have received. I am thrilled to be able to share this wonderful work as well as his thoughtful writing. I plan to send…


Added by De Villo Sloan on September 25, 2017 at 3:07pm — 1 Comment

Michael Orr: Trashpo All-Star (Clarkston, Georgia, USA)

Official Michael Orr “Legends of Trashpo” collector card by DKULTNY


September 16, 2017 - Michael Orr, as most networkers know, is a tremendously…


Added by De Villo Sloan on September 17, 2017 at 2:47am — 2 Comments

Trashpo ATCs by Diane Keys (Elgin, Illinois, USA)

Mail art by IUOMA member Diane Keys (Elgin, Illinois, USA)

September 8, 2017 - By now, most participants in the Eternal Network are familiar with the art associated with Trashpo and DKult. Trashbooks are particularly well known and…


Added by De Villo Sloan on September 9, 2017 at 4:59pm — No Comments

Mother of All Trashbooks by Neil Gordon (Connecticut, USA) & Diane Keys (Illinois, USA)

Trashbook by IUOMA members Neil Gordon (Connecticut, USA) & Diane Keys (Illinois, USA)


August 27, 2017 - I have long-maintained that the Trashbook…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 28, 2017 at 5:03am — No Comments

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