Oh, it's treasure actually...the Trashpo book I received via DKULT (circa 6/22/13)

Received sometime around 6/20 or 6/21 but discovered on 6/22...This book demonstrates that art and science are true companions....

This was the pack into which this book was placed - covers + spread:

Every bit of this is a wonder!


(back of outer envelope)

"...Vita brevis, ARS longa..." 

Views: 166

Tags: DKult, Diane, Keys


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Comment by WA Rodgers on June 26, 2013 at 1:40pm

This is all illuminating -- as DVS mentioned in an earlier discussion, I am new to the Trashpo scene, and I think I'm now more fully appreciating some of the directions it takes (what I've gathered from digging around and references to earlier pieces/discussions)....Ant-art vs (formal) aesthetic considerations are endlessly fascinating because they probe at the roots of artistic practice....We can enjoy the work on a shitload of levels -- including peeking behind the curtain to see where Oz, the Great and Powerful, is pulling his levers.

Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on June 26, 2013 at 2:35am

Thanks, it comes back now. (Why does 2011 seem about 4 months ago?) I participated in the pretzel-like discussion and was ultimately confused. But any TrashPo Litzer Prize is an honor, and the company was humbling, so the confusion doesn't matter a tincture. The certificate turned up just the other day in a special m.a. pile and will be framed. 

Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 25, 2013 at 11:44pm

NBS, what I meant, you were probably pinned with the "aesthetic" label due to Marie's blog.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 25, 2013 at 11:32pm

Nancy, the anti-art Trashbook vs. aesthetic Trashbook is an exercise in pretzel logic, but people were definitely engaged in the discussion.

The records of the TrashPo Litzer Prize say you (NBS) and Cheryl Penn were given separate awards for the invention of the Aesthetic Trashbook in 2011.

Along with it, Marie Wintzer was given an award for a blog she wrote about one of your trashbooks: "A Trashbook without Trash." All of it is a blur to me now, but there must have been a good bit of activity.

Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on June 25, 2013 at 10:42pm

Great blog, and another DK trashbook that has ultra-everything going for it. Really love this one. Actually I've always wanted to drop the "aesthetic" from my trashbooks, DVS, but won't be able to until I figure out what it is. :--}

Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 25, 2013 at 7:37pm

That original Trashbook was a shock to some. I think it's made of burnt wood & rusted metal. And of course "Ancient Text" seemed a provocation to some of the folks who were doing very beautiful artists books at the time - not anything angry, but it made people think. This was the whole Trashpo and anti-art thing.

So immediately people started making "Aesthetic Trashbooks" - that's a recognized category in the TrashPo Litzer Prizes. I think Cheryl Penn and Nancy Bell Scott blazed that trail.

Comment by Alicia Starr on June 25, 2013 at 5:48pm

Mother lode WA. 

Comment by DKeys on June 25, 2013 at 5:48pm

You are so sweet to scan the whole thing War!  I find making trashbooks therapeutic as there is no real thinking involved and I can sift through my trash pile and make SOME sense of it--nonsense that is. Glad you like it:)

Comment by WA Rodgers on June 25, 2013 at 5:39pm

Wow! That is amazing!  

Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 25, 2013 at 12:02pm

It's fascinating to watch the evolution of the Trashbook. Here is what is considered to be the first Trashbook made by DK in 2011:

2010_04140010 copy


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