FREE! DKULT TRASHPO FANZINE - JUNE 2012 - Stuffed with DK, KDJ, Richard Canard, Janine Weiss, RayJo, DharmaDaDa, John M. Bennett + more! & more!!

Dkult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - cover


DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 2


Dkult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 3


DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 4

DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 5


DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 6



DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 7



DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 8


DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 9

DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 10

DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 11

DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 12

DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 13

DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 14

DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - page 15

DKult Trashpo Fanzine - June 2012 - Back cover



MAY 2012:


APRIL 2012:


MARCH 2012:




"No! I prefer MinXus!"


Views: 683

Tags: Sloan, Trashpo


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Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 30, 2012 at 4:56am

Dear Ana Carina (or Anna Karenina as you are known elsewhere). I am tickled you enjoy the tale of the Druidic Ramayana Yage Oak aka The Tree of Elgin. FYI, Yage is a real plant said to have mystical/mysterious properties. The late William S. Burroughs once took a harrowing journey into the rainforests of the Amazon to obtain Yage samples, and his adventures are documented in several of his books.


Several have mentioned printing hard copies of the zine. These scans are all made from master sheets that could be printed as hard copies and assembled. Other than maybe a few copies I had planned to make, I bawk at the idea of doing a larger printing.

Comment by Ana Karina on June 30, 2012 at 4:08am

another great issue, my favorite part is all the info about DK and her fancy tree. We should print these real tiny- barbie or rat sized to save money. I'd try but it'd be complicated figuring out how to print it properly -backs and fronts- because i'm lazy. then you add water and they grow to full size (or disintegrate and become unreadable, i forget)

Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 29, 2012 at 6:14pm

Glad to hear from you, KDJ. Your regular column did not run in this issue, as you were on hiatus. I hope you are well & ready to put the rash back in T-po, or something.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 29, 2012 at 3:27pm

Here's a strange thing in the Skybridge incense ad. Right near the D-tat in the middle of the page, the word is cut off so that it says "Ling Incense."

I wonder if Skybridge is familiar with the work of mail-artist Blaster Al Ackerman. He calls himself "Ling Master" and has done endless stuff about it. Probably a coincidence.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 29, 2012 at 3:20pm

This issue was also supposed to include an excerpt from Mr. Subbs' "Splattered: My Life on the Road with DK," which will have to wait until another issue. It tells the whole story of "Chunk-O-Skunk" or a version of it anyway.


Richard Canard is faithful contributor too, in that I put his work in the zine & he doesn't protest. I wish I could be there when he receives his D-Vining Rod. He also sent a postcard pick of Ray Johnson walking down the street with a kitchen sink. I posted it at MinXus-Lynxus, but maybe it works better in a Trashpo context. Ray is a contributor to ever issue in some form or other too:


Comment by DKeys on June 29, 2012 at 2:41pm

Agreed Lynn-these need to be made into actual zines. DKult needs to raise money so DKollectibles can start printing. The Chunk O Skunk didn't fetch high enough price::(

Comment by Lynn Radford on June 29, 2012 at 2:36pm

Glad to know I'm not alone in my adoration of the cover!

If I'm not mistaken, the back cover is "Black Soul-Ar Disk!" Having received the same in the this week's mail, I was tickled to see this photo composition of it once again! Each side compliments the other perfectly. My favorite pages (everyone has favorites, fess up!) were Skybridge's incense ad and DK's fold-up book, unfolded. :D 

This is one issue that I'd really like to hold in my hands! Kudos to a job well done, DVS!

Comment by DKeys on June 29, 2012 at 1:53pm

I see Snooky now!  His inner pit bull ferociously defending DKult. Lisa has moved up the ranks quickly at DKult--not only is she the resident graphic designer, she is also the social coordinator for the wed night scrapbooking night. Trash albums are a big hit in which family photos of trashpo hauls are documented with cutesy little captions in thought bubbles. The cover is my fave as well. Major score on the Mickey Mouse Club. Everyone looks great

Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 29, 2012 at 1:46pm

By design or coincidence, people mailed me many things that fit in the issue perfectly. The Skybridge incense ad is a gem, for instance. A lot of the promo material is by DK. So thanks to everyone for sending, and I still have things that will carry over to the next.


So people really like Hamburg Tr-Ashram.  Good to know.


DK - DKULTNY used this to launch the D-Vining Rod/Trashpo Dowsers.  People will be receiving D-owsers.


Lynn - thanks on the cover. When I saw the destroyed album in the junk store I knew it would be perfect. I used part of the Skybridge "Trashpo Eden" to get the pic of Mr. Stubbs, the performing pig of legend, who is at Attitude Girl's feet. The dog a little further back is supposed to be Snooky the Amazing Mail-Art Dog. (The shadowy figure of the missing Mick Ronson is also there.)


Skybridge - thanks for all the material you contributed to the issue.

Comment by DKeys on June 29, 2012 at 1:31pm

It would be nice if Erni was in charge of subscriptions and circulation=-a free dowsing rod when they sign up for a year subscription. There could be a digital option as well as hard copy. Collect the whole set!


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