Mail-art by Rebecca Guyver (Suffolk, UK)
February 11, 2014 - Friend and brilliant correspondent Rebecca Guyver sent a care package to Dark wall, Mink Rancher and me that contains an eclectic mix of DKult (Trashpo) and MinXus mail-art. Dark wall is involved in both efforts and helps prepare the DKULTNY Trashpo Fanzine.
Included in the last issue was a Trash-&-Pass, which Rebecca has returned with marvelous embellishments. You can see the entire piece above. Other than the pics of DK and Dark wall, the work is almost completely composed of her additions. Material was also stapled to the Trash & Pass, which I carefully removed and scanned separately. I find the green panel with asemic symbols particularly attractive:
The next scan shows materials that were stapled to or included with the Trash & Pass:
The piece on the left is the “dyed lintpo” mentioned in the top scan. “Lintpo” might require some explanation. For a time, the revered visual poet John M. Bennett (JMB) seemed caught in a loop concerning lint. He consistently posted the words “fork lint” in discussions, and lint appeared in his work.
JMB is vastly influential – this is an absolute truth – and soon fans, copycats and vispoets seeking new territory were producing lintpo: lint poetry inspired by JMB. The Fork Lint Society was organized. Nowhere is the creation of lintpo more energetic and innovative than among Trashpoets, and Rebecca Guyver has added to the canon with this lint object poem. Sadly, Rancher’s first remark to Dark wall upon seeing the lintpo was: “Dw, why’n Miss Becca send you one of them cat fur balls all stitched up? We got no room fer cats in the Bunk House.”
As seems customary these days – and much appreciated – Rebecca included a (British?) cowboy song book (1930s?!). Some might not realize the Mink Ranch/cowboy concept is derived from Edward Dorn’s long poem Gunslinger aka Slinger (also see Tom Clark’s excellent biography of Dorn: A World of Difference.) Marvelous text awaiting appropriation:
The package came in a large, wonderfully decorated envelope:
Incredible! The reverse:
Many thanks to correspondent and friend Rebecca Guyver!
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