  • Female
  • Topeka, Kansas
  • United States
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Ashazart's Friends

  • G. Diaz
  • Lulu Flanagan
  • Veronica Rosazza Prin
  • Yasmina Mobarek
  • Peggy John Pachtass
  • The Artful Writer
  • Julie Dennehy
  • Ella B.
  • Gerda Osteneck
  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet
  • Roberto Bergamo
  • Maks Dannecker
  • Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR)

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Ashazart's Discussions

Original or Reproduction?
21 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Richard F. Yates Apr 16, 2011.

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Recalcitrant Artist

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jimmyconnors commented on Ashazart's group ADD & PASS
"send them to me if you like"
Mar 17
Willemien Visser commented on Ashazart's group ADD & PASS
"And to whom can I send two Add&Pass-es initiated by Victor, added by Christine McGee -and me ;)"
Mar 17
Amy Irwen commented on Ashazart's group ADD & PASS
Mar 17
Willemien Visser commented on Ashazart's group ADD & PASS
"...and do you accept also an Add&Pass to honour (Homenaje  a) Clemente Padín? and also an ATC -or a Duo that you would add to / complete ;)"
Mar 17
Willemien Visser commented on Ashazart's group ADD & PASS
"Amy, you are going to get it :)"
Mar 17
Amy Irwen commented on Ashazart's group ADD & PASS
"Willamein, I will take the booklet from Fleur, if I haven't worked in it yet..."
Mar 14
Fleur Helsingor commented on Ashazart's group ADD & PASS
"Great, and I would be glad to receive an ATC as well. I've got some new ATCs ready to trade."
Mar 14
Willemien Visser commented on Ashazart's group ADD & PASS
"Fine, Fleur, I will send it to you -probably together with an ATC ;) And indeed your booklet can continue the rounds: if I don't receive a reaction one of these days of someone interested, I will send it to a person "of confidence" ;)"
Mar 14

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
Art since childhood, Mail art since 2005
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I enjoy receiving and sending artful mail.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
1420 SW 3rd Street
Topeka, Kansas 66606

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Ashazart's Blog

incoming mail-art

Posted on April 9, 2011 at 5:41pm 0 Comments

Over the past week or so my mailbox has been pouring forth some very cool items from near and distant locations.


From Amazon59, who lives nearby, I received this cool collaged postcard explaining to me the term "psychomachy." Now I understand why my head shakes like it does.

From Annabell, I received a collaged postcard with sage advice:…


Mail from a nearby city

Posted on March 18, 2011 at 10:48am 1 Comment


I received this very cool collaged postcard from Amazon59. Apparently, we live in the same state. I don't usually run into folks who live nearby in the mail art world. Kathleen also used a bunch of old stamps, which added to the fun look of the…


Aska's Imaginary Exhibition

Posted on March 18, 2011 at 10:30am 1 Comment












I received this postcard a while back from Super Aska in Australia as a part of her "Imaginary Exhibition." She wrote that it is a partial image of one of her paintings. I'd love to see the entire piece and I am delighted to be a part of the…


H.A.V.M. arrives in Kansas

Posted on March 17, 2011 at 11:36am 0 Comments

A collection of wonderful art pieces arrived yesterday from Brent, a/k/a Human Artist Vending Machine. What a fantastic surprise! Thanks Brent!

Dogs in common

Posted on March 11, 2011 at 12:56pm 0 Comments












I received this mail art postcard from Angie & Snooky. Isn't it great?

Comment Wall (56 comments)

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At 1:06pm on December 31, 2019, Petrolpetal said…


I've sent you some mail!



At 4:00pm on June 27, 2019, Cherub Ayers said…

Sending mail art your way today!!!

At 8:13pm on February 5, 2019, The Artful Writer said…

Goody Goody! Thanks TAW

At 9:21am on December 14, 2017, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Ciao Cara Amica ti invio un ADD & PASS da far girare... un fraterno abbraccio , b 

At 6:18pm on February 18, 2016, Toni Hanner -- tonipoet said…
At 3:17pm on April 30, 2015, Bruno Cassaglia said…

At 5:10pm on May 4, 2014, El Taller de Zenon said…


To see details and some of our works visit the new blog:

At birth, stamps live all together in a sheet and they come away from it when they become adults...
Create one or more than one stamps sheet. Any theme, any medium.
The "Taller de Zenon" will send you some of his own sheets recently done and all the received stamps sheets will be exhibited in our web-gallery (
Size: A4 or A5. Any medium. Deadline: *THE DATE LIMIT IS ENLARGED UNTIL THE END OF  THE EDITIONS. Any theme (See some suggestions)

Send to:
Miguel Jimenez - El Taller de Zenón
C/ Santa Maria de Guia 1 - 4C ES-41008 Sevilla, España

Eroticism always had been one of the motors of human being ¿Is it still a motor at the present time? ¿Was it affected by the actual global crisis? Consider the option to work about eroticism as a theme in all the possible ways, the requiered size is suitable to develop it, and it will be interesting to prove how the actual crisis is affecting eroticism in connection with Postal Art.



At 11:44pm on July 23, 2013, olgacorrales said…

Mail Art - CONTRA LA TRATA DE MUJERES- Se agradece la difusión

   Hola como estan ? . Les envío la convocatoria de Miradas y Postales para presentarse en el IV Encuentro de Artistas por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres en noviembre de este año en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca-Argentina  ,por si estan interesad@s , este proyecto en particular  va a trabajar el tema de la trata de mujeres ,concientizar a traves del Arte , el envío es solo por correo postal ,este proyecto se va a mostrar en varios países sea por medio de proyecciones de videos,diapositivas, como por envío postal para muestras en galerías,museos espacios públicos y/o salones  ,la idea es crear una red de información a través del arte .
El proyecto anterior de Miradas y Postales -Por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres -recibío una convocatoria de 152 personas de 25 países y un total de 256 postales artísticas.

Muchas Gracias Saludos Cordiales Olga Corrales

Se agradece la participación y difusión del proyectoMAIL ART-ARTE POSTAL --CONVOCATORIA 2013 - MIRADAS Y POSTALES- Contra la trata de Mujeres -Against trafficking in Women para el IV Encuentro de Artistas por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres en Noviembre-Bahía Blanca-Argentina .

Se Agradece difusión Se invita-convoca a Artistas-No Artistas a realizar Arte Postal . Reflejando la situación Sociocultural-Política-Económica sobre el Tráfico de mujeres en sus países ,para el ” Encuentro de Artistas por la No violencia hacia las mujeres” a realizarse en Bahía Blanca-Argentina,en Noviembre de 2013 en el marco del Día Internacional por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres.
 Técnicas ;Libre( fotografías, collage ,pinturas , grabados, escritos, poemas, etc.
Todos los escritos, poemas, versos, frases, deben ser pasados al ingles y al español.
 Tamaño: Libre Cantidad :Libre
Fecha de cierre de recepción: 10-11-2013
No jurado, , no devolución, no comercialización.

Todas las obras serán publicadas on-line en el blog -

Se seleccionaran todas las obras recibidas salvo las que no guarden el criterio de la temática propuesta,por q la intención es concientizar por medio del Arte.

 La participación en esta convocatoria es libre e implica el conocimiento y plena aceptación de las bases de la misma.

 Las Postales deberán ser enviadas en sobre cerrado junto con datos personales a esta dirección Argentina:
Olga Corrales
Dirección:Libertad nº3756-Ing White Bahia Blanca-Pcia de Bs As-Argentina
C.P. 8103
IMPORTANTE: Enviar las imágenes en formato JPG (preferiblemente no muy pesadas) a las siguientes direcciones mail:
Serán subidas al blog http://

At 6:03pm on September 27, 2012, olgacorrales said…

hola te dejo la invitacion para participar del proyecto arte postal-Por la no violencia hacia las mujeres,saludos cordiales olga

At 3:44pm on February 25, 2012, Afroditi Karamanli said…

good picture.....



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The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-september-2025. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.

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This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course










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