Hola gente hermosa,me gustaría invitarlos en este proyecto de arte postal ,que trata de visibilizar la violencia de las mujeres en el mundo,formando a ser partes de la concientización y el quiebre de…Continue
Started Jul 28, 2012
Hola gente hermosa,me gustaría invitarlos en este proyecto de arte postal ,que trata de visibilizar la violencia de las mujeres en el mundo,formando a ser partes de la concientización y el quiebre de…Continue
Started Jul 28, 2012
Posted on July 28, 2012 at 3:05pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Hola gente hermosa,me gustaría invitarlos en este proyecto de arte postal ,que trata de visibilizar la violencia de las mujeres en el mundo,formando a ser partes de la concientización y el quiebre de la censura política y medíatica.
Las postales serán mostradas en el encuentro de artistas y agrupaciones por la no violencia hacia las mujeres que organizo para noviembre,donde estarán montadas en una instalación artística.
Este proyecto tendra una muestra itinerante por 10 paises ,…
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No hablo espanol.
Convocatória: Um sopro de vida!
Mail art call: One breath of life!
A arte para compreender,
o sofrimento para aprender...
The art for understanding,
the suffering for learning…
Envie uma arte postal para as pessoas com câncer, os trabalhos recebidos serão distribuídos para os pacientes em tratamento do Hospital Hélio Angotti da cidade de Uberaba – MG – Brasil.
Send a mail art for people with cancer, the jobs received will be distributed to the patients in treatment Hélio Angotti Hospital of Uberaba - MG - Brazil.
Enviar para: Edna Toffoli
Rua. Hiago Reis Leite, 31
B. Jd. São Bento
Uberaba - MG
Tamanho, técnica e quantidade: livre
Data: Julho de 2014 - 07/2014
Os trabalhos serão publicados no blog:
Certificado de participação via e-mail.
Size, technical and quantity: Free
Date: July 2014/07/2014
The work will be published in the blog:
Certificate of participation via email.
I wish to see your creative Camera photography work in our forthcoming Guild Photography art show in India in the month of Feb/ March 2014... if you are interested then send me four to five of your high resolution photography work in my name... along with your CV n personal photograph... through email in my name, I will prepare those prints of your photography work, mount n frame and exhibit in our show in India... this is an International Photography Show, 2014 in India...If any other your creative photo artist friend is interested tell him... Free entry... open subject... it is a Catalog based show... in a Gallery... I am eagerly waiting for your positive reply... my email address is jaspals09@gmail.com www.jaspalsarts.com
Obrigado Olga Corrales,somos 11 algum de nós irá por certo participar neste IV Encuentro... em Novembro 2013 ! (Sucesso).
Bien, participo, muchas gracias,
Thank you for leaving me the mail art call on my page, I may be sending something to it.
Hôla Olga d'acuerdo.. yo voy pensar de tu proyecto entonces yo te envio l'arte postal.
cheryl h
Hello Olga,
Wonderfull things you have done!!!! Like them a lot !
Proxecto Cárcere calls artists to participate in the open, international project
The works will take part in an exhibition this year.
A picture of each work will be uploaded in jailartproxectocarcere.wordpress.com
For further information please visit our blog: proxectocarcere.blogaliza.org
Subject: Jail
Deadline: 1st June 2013
No measurement limits
Free technique
The works will not be returned and will become part of the archives of Proxecto Cárcere.
Send your works to:
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