Kathy Barnett
  • Female
  • O Fallon, MO
  • United States
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Kathy Barnett's Friends

  • Mary Vogel Lozinak
  • Barret L
  • Juan Petry
  • Coco Muchmore
  • Vlada
  • Kimberly Carpenter
  • Tanushree V
  • Mah Nu
  • Tania Di Berardino
  • Edamameg
  • Carien van Hest
  • Amy Kiessling
  • Motherbrando
  • marlies wilding
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Richard BAUDET liked Kathy Barnett's photo
Feb 24
Richard BAUDET liked Kathy Barnett's photo
Feb 24
Valentine Mark Herman commented on Kathy Barnett's photo

From Honoria Starbuck, Ph.D.

"The Ph.D. makes all the difference!"
Feb 24
Kathy Barnett posted photos
Feb 23
Kathy Barnett is now friends with Barret L and Mary Vogel Lozinak
Feb 23
Kathy Barnett posted photos
Feb 21
Helen Amyes liked Kathy Barnett's photo
Feb 12
Kathy Barnett posted photos
Feb 9
Kathy Barnett posted photos
Feb 7
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) commented on Kathy Barnett's photo

Going out 10-24 'Frogs'

"Liking the movable birdies so much! Tweet, tweet! Thank you, Kathy, it has arrived in Athens"
Jan 11
trent harris liked Kathy Barnett's photo
Dec 13, 2024
Mary Vogel Lozinak liked Kathy Barnett's photo
Dec 8, 2024
Mary Vogel Lozinak liked Kathy Barnett's photo
Dec 8, 2024
Ilya Semenenko-Basin commented on Kathy Barnett's photo

From Jimmy Connors

"Hi Kathy,  A good thing.  I'll probably send my collage to You by mail too. No one will be able to answer me from the USA right now, but it doesn't matter, we are still in communication. "
Dec 5, 2024
Zorica Obradović liked Kathy Barnett's photo
Dec 5, 2024
Kathy Barnett posted a photo
Dec 5, 2024

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
As a child living in Africa in the 60's, I would decorate envelopes to my Babu.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love to send and receive art through the mail. As an art teacher for many years, I truly believe everyone is an artist; there are no mistakes in art. As Ken Robinson said. “Human talent is very diverse, but it’s also often buried. You don’t know what you’re capable of unless you get the opportunity to find out.”
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Kathy Barnett
504 Woodlawn Ave.
O'fallon, MO


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Comment Wall (76 comments)

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At 5:03pm on September 16, 2024, Charlotte Geister said…

Dear Kathy,

I’m writing to you today to tell you that I am going on a trip to southern France to have a look at art and the beautiful landscape there. So I will not send Mail art until we are home again,- about the beginning of November. But then I will  be aback and of course enjoy to send you Mail art again and exchange cards and ideas. Have a good time!
Stay healthy and take care of yourself!
Lots of hugs!

At 8:55am on July 12, 2024, Juan Petry said…

hello kathy,

not to late, just right in time, and amazing. we received already more than 1000 pieces and there are around 4000 works of art around the globe linked to this project and YOURs are outstanding! i like a look simple things with humor. so great. thank you. hope we meet in MoMA !

At 7:52pm on March 23, 2023, Ana Kawajiri said…
At 4:20pm on December 9, 2022, Charlotte Geister said…

Dear Kathy, Surprise, surprise! Yesterday I got your incredible fat pink envelope containing 2 brilliant ladies (one has been a lady!) of your unbelievable creative hands!! Thanks so much, and thanks for telling the story of your cat Nora with the broken leg! I hope she is better now and can walk and run again. I am just organizing my new studio beneath the roof and have pinned the amazing Halloween lady at the door. It's always so inspiring to get mail from you, dear Kathy! I have sent a Christmas Card and hope that it will arrive in time.

Have a real good time and a happy feast with a fit cat! Fat hugs and smiles Charlotte

At 4:29pm on April 25, 2022, Charlotte Geister said…

hallo Kathy, Yesterday your wonderful little boys-band arrived! I love their delicate movable legs and they are playing a nice tune in front of my desk! THANKS A LOT!!!

I will make a card for your as soon as I am back from Frankfurt visiting my granddaughter there for about one week! So fat hugs and best wishes from Göttingen! Charlotte

At 3:38pm on February 28, 2022, Charlotte Geister said…

Hi Kathy, thanks so much for your four delicate beauties with their wonderful hats! Really great! At the moment they are enlivening our breakfast table! Now look out, yesterday I gave a card for you into the mail box and I hope that it will not take too long to arrive at your home. Weather is getting better, but the reality of a war, taking place in front of our doorstep is absolutely frightful an not to understand.

Wish you all the best! Stay healthy and creative!


At 8:53am on December 31, 2021, Charlotte Geister said…

Hi Kathy! Yesterday your wonderful snow man with butterfly wings arrived! So inspiring and very fitting, because at the moment it is much too warm, about 10-12 degree, and no snow is to be seen! At the moment the covid situation is about to get worse and I will be vaccinated for the third time in a week. So I hope that then I am fit for the New Year! I will send you something soon if I am not too sick after the vaccination. So I wish you a real fine happy New Year and I look forward to exchange more Mail art with you! You're a real artist! Fat hugs


At 5:29pm on September 12, 2021, Charlotte Geister said…

Hi Kathy; I fell in love with your photographer cat immediately, when it arrived yesterday ! And the other 4 smaller manipulated photos are so cool too! specially the two women, one with the plate of eggs on the head and the other wearing a lot of lizards instead of hair, really stunning! The photographer cat will get a fine place on the kitchen wall (my wall of fame!) beside the catapus. School has started again and everyone must test himself three times a week to make sure he is alright. But otherwise the situation is getting easier: days have been warm still, so everyone is sitting outside drinking coffee or having lunch. And the shopping is easier too; I hope the situation will stay like this! Pay attention, dear Kathy, and stay well and healthy! I will take part at an art fairy in two weeks, but afterwards I will send you something fine! Best wishes and a lot of hugs! Cuddle the cosy cat! charlotte

At 4:06pm on May 30, 2021, Charlotte Geister said…

Hi Kathy, now your fantastic fish heads have arrived and felt completely enthusiastic! All the different and so specialised feet! I just had do stop and think whose feet you have adopted for you artwork! I love every inch of it!

Everywhere it is getting better with Covid-19 in Germany, and so I could hug my best friend for the first time since a real long time! And bistros and restaurants are allowed to open outdoors. That is really fine, even if the weather is the most ghastly for weeks: much too cold with a lot of rain, no strawberries yet!

I will send you something fine soon, dear Kathy! lots of hugs, for the cat too!


At 5:36pm on March 31, 2021, emily louise said…

Love your the envelope and mermaid "riding koi"!   I love the cleverness of your creations.  Weirdly, I also got the envelope I sent you awhile back sent back to me because part of your address had fallen off so they couldn't deliver it.  So I put that back in the mail to you today and will work on getting you something in response to your latest....hope it gets to you this time!

Kathy Barnett's Blog

Happy Valentine's Day my friends! I hope you find lots of mail in your boxes today!

Posted on February 14, 2019 at 5:52pm 0 Comments

Happy Valentine's Day my friends! I hope you find lots of mail in your boxes today!



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