Dan Mouer

Richmond, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Spouse gave me a copy of Good Mail Day book a few years ago and I just like the concept and the fun factor.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Dan Mouer
600 West 30th St
Richmond, Va 23225


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  • Rebecca Guyver

    Dan! received your FINE ART! Am I right in thinking they are for my Monochrome, Semitone, Kodachrome event?  They are PERFECT! I'm pretty certain - shape, colour, black and white Miley… but let me know so I can blog them on the appropriate blog!  In the meantime I will put photos in my area. Thanks so much! 

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Hi Dan, hope you saw that I blogged your Fine Art at the postal ledger:


  • vizma bruns

    Dan, thanks for the mail art, it arrived but I wasn't sure if it was a burlesque entry so I sent you return mail with a bit of a burlesque theme as a prize anyway!!! Thanks for the art!

  • vizma bruns

    Phew, glad I didn't post it as an entry then, that could've been enough to make you want to file for a divorce!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    I won't agree to you divorcing me, Vizma. How could you ever think of leaving me for someone else after all that we have been through toherther over all these years?

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks for another envelope of gorgeous art. I appreciate your generosity.
  • Rebecca Guyver

    Hooray, I have blogged your piece around.  You can find it here:


    and then take the link to the MSK and you may see it on FB too.  Brilliant, thanks!

  • Sue Brantley

    You absolutely have my permission to use my card in your show. I plan on attending it, as well!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Mail Art Martha

    Dan, thanks! what a magnificent picture, it is here in the Clouds. 

  • Dimitra Papatheodorou

  • Mail Art Martha

    What luck to be so near horses, I have to go miles into the countryside to see one. Horses and cats are the most beautiful animals there are, so full of grace.

  • Marya Dawn

    Thank you!!  :-)

  • Rosa Gravino

    It has been a pleasure to participate in your call. Have a much success!

  • jon foster

    Oh thank you so much for posting an image of the card. See you in the mail.

  • Mail Art Martha

    I agree Dan, just handling Mail Art is thrilling and I feel it is a duty to display it. My recent experience showing it to neighbours tells me it is very welcome. Now I am trying to rethink my way of displaying it. In the good old times I had the walls of a small bistro near by but it was sold and the new owners did not play ball. I want to do more than just showing it to my friends, which of course I shall keep doing. We will see. I have a, I think, very good idea. (This has been translated from Marthian by Google)

  • Jan Hodgman

    Dan, finally got your orange hibiscusy postcard up, many thanks. A whiff of Hawaii there!

  • Thanks Dan! Glad you like.

  • Amy Morton

    Hi Dan! Thanks for the lovely photo and fabric photo (what a cool media to print on!). As always, it is delightful to get mail from you! Thank you so much!

  • Richard Canard

    26.11.14 Dare Dan M.,  Yes , I did receive both of your equine related messages....Thank you. ...a detailed & insightful response... thank you. As a child while visiting my grandfather's farm, I once had a rather short but mildly dramatic galloping ride ( a hundred yards or so) on a pony as the pony had decided that it wanted to return to the pasture from whence it just came.... & a coupla(?) years later,  I was actually pulled out of the audience by some clown (along with two other random lads) as  totally unaware voluntary performers to ride a trained circus pony in the center ring of  small traveling circus. Presented as a competition by the ring master (& the remaining members of the  audience serving as judge) we( one by one) took turns riding the pony around the center ring while harnessed  ourselves (for so-called" safety purposes")  & connected via wire or rope to the top of a large pole at the center of the ring.  I was the last &  third rider  of the  group. Clearly, we had become victims of a joke performance as the child  safety harness  was used to pull us off the pony in harmless fashion (while said pony dutifully trotted around his circular path ) & we were  suspended in air as we circulated around the ring & were somehow manipulated on & off again the pony & much to the amusement  & laughter of the audience. When my turn came,  I understood of course that I was in for further humiliation but saw no way out...At some point while  I was above the pony's head I managed  to grab the pony's ears with each hand & was flying parallel--- outside & to the right of the pony's head as we circled. Needless to say, I got plenty of laughs....As a winning  award for my performance I was given a  very surprising "Big  Official Kiss" (right in front of everybody) by the largest,  big lady  ( in whiteface crusty makeup & wearing a tutu) that I had ever seen  before or since.....  A scene right out of a Fellini movie now that I recall it.    That, plus, later on  being thrown from a horse( a result of my country cousin  throwing dirtclods at the horse's back side)  ends my experience & knowledge of horses.... Certainly don't know anything about it but I can easily imagine that being a jockey must be one of the most exhilarating things on  this earth. I mean... to be riding a very fast horse & to be surrounded by  & in the midst of  other thundering hoofed fast horses is beyond belief. ... Well, something I do know  nonetheless... (upon rare occasion) & that's just watching from afar while horses graze & move about in an idyllic countryside is  one of the best possible ways that I like to spend time.Thanks again. Happy trails. Richard C

  • David Stafford

    C'EST MOI...in maine on vacation

  • Mail Art Martha

    Oh! Such bad luck I am sorry and hope you get (your) back home soon. I really feel for you.

  • Richard BAUDET

    Happy Birthday  DAN !!!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Birthday, Dan!


  • borderlinegrafix

    Happy Birthday!

  • Rachel Carter


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Have a star-filled 2015, Dan,

    thanks for posting, you have a very nice blog!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Very nice of you to spend precious energy blogging my stuff, Dan, but remember, health first, Mail Art second!

  • Linda French

    Find a place on your studio table? That's what "large sweeping motions" are for.  --Linda

  • Mail Art Martha

    Dan thank you thank you thank you for the postal surprise, I did not expect such effort from you yet. It surely means you are getting better,  hurray!

  • Brooke Cooks

    Dan thanks for the MA.  Looking forward to more exchanges in the future!

  • Lynn Radford

    Thanks much for blogging so sweetly, my latest piece to you! I can feel my head expanding exponentially with every word I read. :D

  • Amy Irwen

    Thank you Dan for the great blog on my recent package.... Go wild young man!
  • Tamara C

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Dan, for the very nice post on your blog!

    Glad to see that Spring has arrived in Virginia :-)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Mail Art Martha

    i am unable to bet too, far too mean for that, I only went into my local betting shop in search of trash, feeling very sinful.It turned out to be a most friendly and lovely place. I was hoping to find discarded tickets or something but far, far too clean. So I explained to the girl at the till what I was doing and she helped me with all the stuff I sent you, I cannot understand it either.

    Thanks for publishing all my trash!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Dan i have seen the label in Fleur's blog and have a bone to pick with you. Bridgitte was not dirty, can't you see she is taking a bath right there? I love Tinker although I don't know if it bathes as frequently as Bridgitte.

  • Dee Rodrigues

    Thank you for the warm welcome  Dan

  • Keith S. Chambers

    Hey Dan, glad you're enjoying submarine hippopotamus. This was a fun series to create and share.

  • Mizael Contreras


  • Keith S. Chambers

    Hey Dan, glad to see the card made the journey. Sent mid-July . . . I've sent a few cards of this ilk out over the past few months and yours is the only one to date to be confirmed received . . .

  • Thanks for sharing on your blog Dan! 

  • Amy Irwen

    Happy early birthday Dan...

  • borderlinegrafix

    Happy Birthday!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Carlos I. Botana


    Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
    Size: Free
    Technique: Free
    Deadline: August 15, 2016
    Exhibition: September, 2016
    No sales. No jury. No return
    The work is publisehed in the "blog": mailartlasmeninasdecanido.blogspot.com
    Send your work to:
    Carlos I. Botana
    C/. Javier López López
    Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
    15009 - A Coruña - Spain
  • Petrolpetal

    great to hear! Mail is on its way to you soon!
  • Lynn Radford

    Just popped into IUOMA for the first time in many months to find this!

    "No, Thank Your!"

    What a sweet shout out, Dan!

    Was thinking of you this week as I tried to figure out whether I could make the BIG "Craftical" event in Troy Hill. Turns out, I can! Will be thinking of you... hoping Jessica Manack will be able to make it, so I have a partner in crime! :D

    Thanks again!


  • Bruno Cassaglia