Mim Golub Scalin


Richmond, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
It's about communicating, connecting, sharing, and making. It's about not having to deal with galleries or juries or framing or sales. It's about having one's bliss and sharing it. To see my first MailArt365 project, check out my Fllickr set.
My second year long Mail Art project 365.2 is here: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjBk42PY
and my third year long 365.3 is here: http://flic.kr/s/aHsjDHoNwp

PLEASE NO ADD AND PASS. I need to catch up on what I already have.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
2422 Floyd Ave.
Richmond, VA 23220-4410
United States


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  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Mim, a very nice bundle of goodies arrived in Greece...from Bilbao and Paris. I am just today getting around to blogging things. I really hope I can arrive tomorrow...If so, it will be late evening, let's see how it goes! xxx

    (this collection of goodies is blogged on:

    "Valentine from Valentine and other Valentines!)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    YAY! I am so glad that you got the "Clouds" before you left Paris. I was hoping that the mail to Paris would go very fast..and it got there faster tan me :-(

    Have a great Open Studio tonight!!! Post photos here, lots and lots!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Kalimera Mim...who is online at the crack of dawn after a night of partying in Paris?

    Hope you all are having a great time..we "did not get there ers" are waiting to see lots of photos!

    Luv xxx

  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi, I have added photos of the Shopping Trolley with the new show on in which features your artwork. You can see it at the begining of the slide show on my page.I was lucky with the weather and with certain photo of a very appreciative art lover.

  • Louise Kiner

    Hi Mim!

    You are now an "official" Zombie Kitty Kawaii! correspondent. Certificate in the mail.

    Thanks for joining the fun.


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Mail art from Paris arrived today! xxx thank you!

    it is blogged and at "365", too

    More from Paris today... thank you Mim and Chuck Scalin!

    And you must be busy packing...

    how sad to have to leave Paris! Have a good journey home : KALO TAXIDI!


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Welcome back to your home in Richmond!

    Rest up from jet lag and enjoy the memories of Paris!

    Mail art coming your way to VA soon :-)


  • Uncustomary

    I posted an image of one of the pieces of mail art you sent me on my blog. <3

  • David Stafford

    You're welcome, Mim. And thanks for your card as well which I blogged on the photo page a while back. The image was the front cover of a chapbook of poems I made eons ago. Visions of incidental violence stay with us forever. see you in the mailbox....

  • suzun hughes

    Yes we arrived Friday. Still working on jet lag but have phone, metro card, wifi and food! There were some nice additions to the room, like the little trash can. Yesterday John found a drying rack which will be a nice addition. Paris is still as grey as when we left last year. Send me your home address and I'll send you an invite to my Open Studio.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Look at this! I received a Mim-Original , number 21A, via mail art recycling,enhancing, using-it-again from Pierpaolo and friend, Maurizio Follin in Italty. It was a great surprise to open an envelope from Italy, and a "Mim" pops out! Fun with Marilyn...:-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Oh, where oh where is a Mim-CD? We will be patient, maybe on Monday? 

    I am interested to see if the US Post Office will put it in a "We Care" ENVELOPE! HaHaHa...I don't want to make a comment to Dean  :-) (like, "I told ya  so"!)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Mim, you asked on your blog about old typewriters...and I got a great vintage image from Alicia Starr of an old "Olympia" and also I posted my old portables!

    'Vintage mail art and memories of my youth, from Alicia Starr'

    My Olympia types Greek:

    My Royal types English:

    My White Leopard purrs :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Mim! The beautiful "FLY" bird CD arrived in today's mail, and no envelope and no problem! It is fantastic, Mim. I want to blog it with the other mail art that came in my mail box, but I have no "image" and link menu for my posts. ..something is "slooooow" with my internet connection perhaps.
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Ok, things are working again...so you are blogged here:

    GOTIJ Mail Art on a sunny Spring Day

    and many thanks for this great CD!...it has a rainbow on the back, see?

    And #868...getting close to 1000, too!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Kalimera Mim, greetings from Athens! Thank you for the fun mail art that arrived on Monday...(but first getting internet here today).'Love the Monas, 'will definitely use them for collage! Yay! And 'Love this "red" that photographed "yellow-orange"????

    Well, I liked ALL the goodies that you sent, envelope too! xxx

  • Cernjul Viviana María

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hi Mim! Glad you received #950...now I have to work on the last 50 :-)

    I had my goal #1001 set for April 1st....but I am not sure if I will mail out these last 50+1 this coming week. We shall see! I just returned from a week in Athens  visiting son, Peter, and having SUMMER weather! Who wants to do art work indoors?  :-0 

  • David Stafford

    Excellent...Coincidentally I'm sending round mail to Val Herman for his show...Not exactly round but roundish....

  • Sarah Churchill

    Thank you so much for the lovely card. It's lovely to get a congratulations! :)

    I think it lost some pieces on the way over...? http://iuoma-network.ning.com/photo/from-mim-1

  • Jen Staggs

    I received the coolest postcard from you- Thank you!!  I LOVE the vintage stamp/mailboxes.  And I think that Hindenburg stamp is the coolest rubber stamp ever- a great mix of mail history you must have found at the National Postal Museum.  So cool!  Thank you for thinking of me!

  • Lindsay Stewart

    Can`t wait to see what you send. I`m a sucker for anything ROUND! I`ll fire something off for you soon too!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour mim! Long time no hear... William Shakespeare helped me make a Hamlet, 'Alas poor yorick!' piece for the 2nd Skull Appreciation Day. I'm not at all sure what it is that skulls appreciate, but I hope they enjoy my postcard; Hope you and Chuch and all are well. Bestest, Val

  • Corrine Gilman

    Thanks Mim, I am familiar with the union, have friends who have been members forever, decided to finally join.  Looking forward to sending good mail and getting good mail in return. Corrine

  • Sharon Renick

    Thank you Mim!  I will definitely get back with you if I have any questions.  I spent hours on Stamp Francisco's website last night.  They are indeed great. 

  • cheryl penn

    Sounds intreating already - thank you! :-O X

  • Lynn Radford

    Thanks for the offer of assistance, Mim. I like that the site is fairly self-explanatory and easy to navigate. Enjoying my time here. :D


  • Terrie Purkey

    I received a p/c from someone that I think is a member - found him and want to leave a comment but when I click Comment on his profile, it says I must be friends. How do I leave a comment to someone.  And, can I only send cards to 'friends'?  I'm actually struggling a bit on how to get started.

  • Terrie Purkey

    Great - I left him a message.  Now, I've joined a couple of groups.  How do I find addresses for members of that group so that I can send appropriately designed mail?

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks for the gorgeous postcard.
  • Tomo

    Hi Mim

    Thank you very much for the welcome, it seems to be a very interesting network. You might be amused to hear I was once again securing my studio last night, big show coming up and lots of night shifts at the moment.

    This mentor system, does it mean you are my mentor throughout or just for April then?

    I'll let you know If I need any help, much thanks.


  • Loud Apple

    Hi! Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I forgot to check that particular email for a few days. And thank-you very much for the kind welcome, this looks like an amazing network:) I do have a few questions. One questions is if someone adds you as a friend do you send them mail-art, or are they just network friends? A few people have added me, and I'm not sure if I should be sending them art or not:)Thank-you again, and bye for now!

  • Loud Apple

    Thanks for the help! I'll be mailing your piece today, but I think it may take quite a while to arrive. Canada->Brazil seems to be a pretty lengthy mail trip:)

  • Stephen Boyling

    Thanks for the welcome ... enjoying everyone and everything.

  • Harry Lock

    Thank you for the welcome. I look forward to a rewarding time.

  • ro miller

    hi.  i was asking for some help with a project on fb and somebody picked me up and hurled me into this group.  i haven't had fun with mail for some time now.  this could be just the ticket!

    my search involves finding a stamp -- premade or custom -- like the ones used by the post office to cancel stamps.  i want it for artsy craftsy type stuff.  i'd really like something that looks old.

    if any body in this group can point me towards this i'd be grateful.

    now i think i'll wander around on your site for a while.

    ro miller

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    "Fire and Ice" has arrived in Greece, thank you, Mim! You picked that up when you were in D.C.? Very interesting history...post and tragedy. Will blog xxx

  • Sarah Churchill

    Hi Mim. Just wondering if you received the postcard I sent to you almost a month ago? Hope it's not MIA!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Dear Mim;

    I have at last managed to improve my STG display so I could take photos as I promised to explain its 'construction'.  I used to have a display inside a plastic envelope the sort that goes in a display book for art school. Too big so I had to cut it and stick it again with tape and also the plastic crumpled with time and all in all it was a mess and I was ashamed to take photos of that awfulness to show you. So, inspired by you, I thought hard and this is the result in pictures:

     Pic 1- I covered a piece of black card with thin acetate to stick the artwork on it with blue tack and not damage the card. I made holes where necessary to attach it to the structure of the trolley. I used eyelets to tidy up.
     Pic 2 – this is the back of the card with a strip of self adhesive Velcro. The front of the trolley has it own Velcro but if not, it can be added of course.

     Pic 3 and 4 - I got a piece of Perspex a few millimetres thick so it is stiff but light. I made the necessary holes to coincide with those on the card.
     Pic 5 - this is the trolley on its own. I had to make also two holes in the canvas to attach the top of the display. They do not show in the photo.

     Pic 6 – top of trolley; there is a wire frame inside the canvas front to which the panel is attached but you have to adapt the method to the particular trolley you use.

     Pic 7 – the bottom part has

  • Mail Art Martha

    It looks pretty much like mine, but less firm on the front. I am thinking you could attach a display to the handle which then could be hooked to the frame down below. It would have to be something easy to open and close because this arrangement would effectively close the trolley. Or attached firmly to the frame below and over the handle with an elastic? I am sure  you will think of something, there is always a solution. I am also sure my mind will not give up on this and keep trying to get there. Will report any crazy ideas. 

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    #910 of 1000 arrived in Greece! Thank you, Mim. Very elegant and very oriental...I like it very much. I blogged it with the mail art that came to my NEW mailbox ;-)

    New MAIL Box full of MAIL Art from the MAIL Man :-)

  • vizma bruns

    Thanks for posting the other side, and for friending!! I actually thought we did this friend thing weeks ago!?

  • vizma bruns

    Doubly friendly is a good start, yes, we'll be doubly friendly!!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    You are pretty close to #1000 by now, yes? go, girl!

    And again, thank you for the ol' floppy :-) xxx

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Mim! Alas I haven't received ANY mail from you for the last 3 or so weeks. Where's it gone, i wonder? Come on La Poste, do your stuff!

    Hope you are all well.

    Regards, Val

  • Sarah Churchill

    Hi Mim. This is the card I sent to you a couple of months ago. Seems like it might have taken a little longer than '10'! Did it arrive?

  • Sarah Churchill

    Oh no, what a shame! I hope someone somewhere is enjoying it, and it's not just squashed at the bottom of a bag somewhere. I'll send something else to you soon to make up for it.
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Mim! I've just posted a series of 9 very experimental floppy disk photos that might interest you. (If the photos don't then perhaps some of my comments will).

    Regards, Val

  • Marie Wintzer

    Mim, thank you for your great card!!!

  • Suus in Mokum

    Thank you for the MailArt!