AKA Anna Banana Appreciation Band (ABAB)

The theme is Bananas & Anna Banana.  Many of our members are « bananas » themselves, others are »fruity », a few are « nutty », and one is completely « ape ».
If you are none of these, don’t worry we can help you with specially designed projects and exams for your progress to the banana status you deserve.
We will also explore the many works of Anna Banana as we give appreciation for involvement in Mail Art & "Art".
PS I you are « crackers » or « loony », this group may not be for you.
Also: see link and fill in the form and return it to Anna Banana!
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  • Suus in Mokum

    Nope... Banana Mouskouri. (That's a Greek, female singer).

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Welcome Suus to the banana bunch.  Yes, I just knew you would fit right in here along with Mouskouri, who I think lives in Paris, or at least has a place here.

       Looking forward to seeing how you might put a bit of banana in your mail art.

    Right now there is a deadline for Monday.  Look down the list.  I just might have to time to pump one more out to you.  You can send something to anyone on the list if you want.  Glad to see you here.

  • Suus in Mokum

    Is the list in Angie & Snooky's comment (sunday) the list of the Banana-naaas?

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    yes, that's the one. For Banana Lover's day on Monday, 27 August.  The idea was to send cards to people on this list.  As many people as you want.

      No pressure in the banana bunch.  Don't worry if you do not have the time for this one.  There will be another call in September, and another one after that.  We can't have people bananas all the time!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    I went to the beach yetsreday to find some more Sea Monsters. One of them found my secret trove of Bananas and ate them, alas.



  • Mail Art Martha

    In the sixties I was told frequently I looked (had the same glasses and I am dark and we latinos all look the same of course) and spoke with he same accent as la Mouskuri. Odd, nobody said I sung like her.

    Well now I am off to post my bananacards to catch the early post tomorrow.

    Then to La France to meet the Great Val. Oh, la,la!

  • Lynn Radford

    Whilst preparing Banana Mail I stumbled across last year's Banana Bingo... Oh, how I wish I'd known you all then... I think you'll get my reasoning when your mail arrives....

  • Lynn Radford

    P.S. The Banana Splits used to be one of my favorite Saturday morning shows when I was a kid. Anyone else remember them?

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hmmmm, yummy banana splits!

    Do I remember them? the "Drugstore" and at the "Drive-in"!

    Now I make them here in Greece with bananas from Ecuador! Yummy

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Banana Day everyone :-)

    Hey, Mr. Tallyman, tally me come the banana boats :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Lynn Radford





  • Valentine Mark Herman

    With the help of some of my Sea Monsters I posted my Banana Day stuff this morning.

    And then I took the Monsters to the beach.


  • prettylily

    Today I stopped by the PO to pick up my held mail (I was up at my new home last week) and what a great surprise to find a Banana Lover Day card!  And on the correct day too, August 27th.  Thank you Dean.  I've been missing my mail since I closed my POBox, so it was a double surprise.  A Banana card and received on the correct day; August 27th.  Not that I would have known any difference though.....


    Next week, I will be up at my new home - most of the time, and have my scanner back up and maing mail art by October.  I hope.  I miss you guys!


    Thanks for the card Dean.  You know how to make a girl smile.  :-)

  • Lynn Radford

    Did my best to post my BANANA-GRAMS today, but the universe went BANANAS! Will post tomorrow. Sorry for the delay! :/

  • Carina

    "A juicy scandal" - Cool Banana Day mail art from Angie! Love it!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Did not get Dean Mark's Banana card yet, but he is off hiking in the mountains, so maybe it is hard to find a La Poste box? Although he was wise to send in advance, like Angie, have have some cards arrive on Aug. 27 Banana Day. Yay!

    However, Banana Band Europe cards have arrived in Greece today...and post marked August 27! Perfect!

    From Valentine...the Sea Monster Bananas:

    From Carina..."How to draw a banana" 46 of them...all hand painted! Great:

    From Janine...LOVE  and nice poetry, and information. Beautiful boekie!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    What a "banana" treat in my mail box, thank you everyone!

    And the postmarks, which are very mportant, of course:




  • Valentine Mark Herman

    I, too, got a Greek banana -- thanks Katerina! Val

  • Louise Kiner

    From yesterday's trip to the EX (an end of the summer fair in T.O.)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    'Got a BLUE banana smile from Mail Art Martha today! Yay!

    What fun...and her royal the postage, but the postmark is off :-(

    Great happy card! Thank you , Martha!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Janine!

    Bonjour Louise!

    Many thanks for the bananaday stuff.

    Keep it flowing...


  • Louise Kiner

    You're welcome, Val. Hope your day was...well... Bananas!
  • Carina

    Great BaNNana mails! Here are some more

    Thank you all!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Thanks for my Banana Day card, Dean! I'll make sure that they all have the right sort of suntan cream on, and that they don't go to the nudist beach. Mercy Buckets, Val

    PS Is it OK for the lady Bananas to sunbathe topless?

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Louise..that's a Zombie Banana!

    And another drawing has Zombie Kitty eating a banana! too funny!

    IF other Banana Day cards have arrived, I won't know until next week.

    I am finally spending some time out at the seaside shack WITHOUT

    a sun rash! Yay! 

    I am "eating up" these banana cards that are here! Great stuff!

  • Louise Kiner

    I received these 4 banana cards in the mail this afternoon:

    From Janine, Mail Art Martha, Katerina, and Angie. Thanks to all you Banana girls for these wonderful cards. So clever and very bananas.

    Erni (and anyone else who doesn't want to cut "Andy"): you could always photocopy "Andy" and then cut him out if you want to make him do a "banana dance". I would have made "Andy" dance for you all, but like Katerina, I will be spending some time at a Lake side shack, and will be out of touch for a few days, so it will have to wait until next week.

    Have a great weekend.

  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    On Monday I did manage to find a post office .  And what a beautiful post office it was in this small village which a huge church for St. Bernard.  But no bananas to be found in the village square.

         Happy to see all the great Banana work being posted.  I was amazed.  And my guest is there is more to come.

    A box full of Banana fun.  What did they ever think hit them in this small village.

    Now off on the Robert Lewis Stevenson trail in the search for more Banana ideas.  Hope to be on line again in a week or so.  Have a great Banana week to you all.  Thanks for blogging.

  • Carina

    Hope you had a great time in St Bernard, Dean! Great photo, looks really like a charming place and lovely summer.

    I got a Banana Boat from Katerina and trashpo Banana mail from Martha, thank you both of you!










  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Dean IS the St Bernard! That explains the bottle of brandy around his neck.

  • Carina

    Superb work of Lynn and Lisa, Erni!

  • Suus in Mokum

    First Banana Group Banana-card received ever! From Martha. Thank you!

  • Lynn Radford

    My first piece of Banana Mail came from Lisa Iverson... Half of the monkey's tail fell off in transit... Poor Monkey.

    As I was leaving home for a weekend at camp, Val's piece arrived. Sadly, no scanner at camp to upload a pic of the "Monster."

  • Carina

    Banana graffiti from Augustinestrasse, Berlin. I took the photo one week ago..

  • Carina

    Sweet baby Dolphin -

    What a celebration, what a great Banana day/week!

    Thank you all!

    (Borrowed this picture from Marie's work)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    "Love that (Greek :-) Banana Dolphin!

    Nice to see all the bananas...maybe there will be some in my 

    ail box tomorrow when I go to the city? Have all the banana boats

    reached their destinations yet???

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Thanks for the card LisaBanana!

    Mine got here safely, Katerina.


  • Valentine Mark Herman


    Anna Banana and Mail Art Martha are TWINS!

    They look the same.

    They behave the same.

    They are both incredibly creative.

    They are both great & very original Mail Artists.

    They are -- how can I best put this? -- crazy (in the nicest possible way, of course!)

    Well that give y'all something to think about.

    The evolution of this IUOMA-shattering theory is this, and I would appreciate your assistance in answering the questions:

    Given the recent discovery of the twins Anna B and M A Martha, what other sets of undiscovered twins are there? Specifically, who are the twins of Erni and Dean? (They are not twinned together)


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Monkey business and banana art waiting for me in my mail box

    as I returned to the city today. Thank you , Louise ad Lisa xxx

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Lisa's monkey arrived in Greece  in good shape,

    and with a great banana on the flip side, wow!

    Along with Andy Warhol, Louise hand colored a big banana!

    And Zombie Kitty showed off her "banana hat":

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)



    Valentine Mark Herman


    Valentin N. Dolgoy 


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Twins (Val you really should start another group for this topic:)

    Oh, Erni


    Bruce Willis? (Oh, Bruce!)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)


    maybe that should be

    Dean Marks


    Bruce Willis?

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Speaking about Dean Marks, who took-a-hike and is not around to see this :-)

    His Banana Olympics arrived in Greece!

    Fantastic athletes...banana lovers all!

    (must blog details :-) Thank you, Dean!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Katerina...OK I'l start a Twins Group but if, and only if, after I run it for a week you agree to take it over (cf Cats?!).

    I thought that would put an end to that idea.

    But if anyone else would like to pick up the Twins Ball and run (or dance with it) then go for it!


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    NO, no group leading for me...too slow a internet service to keep up with group posting. And you are such a GOOD leader, Val! xxx

    Getting back on track at this BANANA group:

    Here is the blog for the Banana Olympics  :-)

    Dean Marks sends Banana Love and Banana Olympics!

  • Lynn Radford

    Here is the link to my blog post in celebration of all the Banana Mail I received! 

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Das ist sehr gut, Herr Haptic Erni! 

    'Got a "banana" card from the ol' Banana Man, Wolfgang Skodd.

    Unfortunately he doesn't get to his IUOMA pages :-(

    But he's all BANANAS and more! ...and in Germany, too!

  • Louise Kiner

    I received 2 great Banana Day cards in yesterdays mail. One from Lisa Iversen:

    I love how the monkey is painting the crown on the "Bannana"; very funny.

    And one from the "Banana King" himself, Dean:

    Anyway, I hope you can read it. Both Pete and I got quite a chuckle out of it. Thank you both and I hope you had a Happy Banana Day!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    xxx thank you, Lynn...lots of banana stickers now in Greece!