Whether you create in a studio, atelier, shed, kitchen or on a coffee table, the artists' workspace has always been an intriguing place of information and interest to people.
Please share photos of YOUR mail art creating area. I want to see Artspaces in action, so no tidying up!! Let's see your pens, tools, glues, stamps, dirty wine glass, rubbish bin, storage space, etc!
Let's have a snoop in this group!!
Location: Down Under-a pile of art materials.
Members: 209
Latest Activity: yesterday
I work on many pieces simultaneously - not just mail art: paper, mixed media, collage, panels- and I had run out of space to place incomplete work as it dries. So I built a storage rack with many shelves, shown here in the back corner. Now my…Continue
Started by Michael French. Last reply by Carien van Hest Apr 10, 2021.
Hi, I show you my artspace.Continue
Started by alessandro perini. Last reply by Carien van Hest Apr 10, 2021.
one space I make my mail art.Then I have a place to address outgoing and keep in coming ,mail art.
Started by April Jean Rocco. Last reply by Michael French Mar 2, 2021.
Here's my artspace today, about like it usually looks. Semi-controlled chaos.
Started by Toni Hanner -- tonipoet. Last reply by Carien van Hest Jan 31, 2021.
But I have a window, which I love.
Started by Toni Hanner -- tonipoet. Last reply by Carien van Hest Oct 7, 2020.
I do everything when it comes to art... collage, paper, paint, jewelry, etc.
Started by Bonniediva Jan 6, 2017.
Interesting piece, Vizma! Will the work be placed in a frame, I see a glass frame next to a table?
Yes, beautiful room!
Luckily I missed "rain on artist's studios week"! Great comments and photos, thank you guys.
Gin, I'm so glad you decided to return to show us your space because it's just lovely! It's like a shot from a magazine, so elegant! I like your comment too, about forgetting to eat, etc, I'm the same, but I've never fallen asleep at my table! Thanks for joining us here!
Anete, your comment on the show "Buried Alive" made me chuckle, I sometimes watch it too. Maybe so I can say, "At least I'm not THAT bad!" ....yet.
Linda, I'm constantly taking things out of the bin to reuse them! I don't think I've needed to empty my paper bin for a year!!
I love the fairy lights in your summer studio, Jan, it looks so homey and inviting. I wonder why we are all being rained on???
It must be "rain on artist's studios week" because my "summer studio" (it's a summer only room, no insulation) started to drip drip drip two days ago during a storm. Sigh. Fortunately the rain was only dripping onto some unused, wrapped canvases so none of my paper goodies got damaged. The joys of living in a 91 year old home! :)
An.U., it is my wish too to have only useful stuff at hand, and to get rid of useless things, but today I realized with sorrow I had thrown in the garbage a ring mini giftbox with rounded lid that would have be perfect for a certain artwork!
I realized this when I was watching show on TV "Buried alive". This show always remind me of mailartist studios. With little free space and with many things that others consider as a trash. Yes, in show it is a trash. But in our studios? ...
And then I realised, not everything that I have gathered I will really use. Less IS more. I need one box for supplies, second box for different papers/materials/scraps and a stack of magazines. That's all. My studio can be everythere with these tree boxes and I love this. Especially doing mailart in the open air. But I love to look at or to be in these studios with many stuff because there can be seen the spirit of art which is very inspiring.
!.... And especially I love look at studios like MomKat or Vizma - under olive tree or next to kangaroos. Fantastic!
Yes, I've often wondered why I need so much stuff and why I say yes to every calendar, map, paper sample book, catalogue, etc. that friends and familiy offer me as potential collage material. This "mini-disaster" will help me to go with less. Less space, less stuff. It's a good challenge. I've been lucky to have a room of my own since our daughter graduated from college and said, take my room, I'll only be back as a guest. Make a studio of your own. Sweet. And I did. This temp space of mine is nice, lots of windows, feels airy and light. Everything is at hand, but the everything is very minimal. A bit more than An.Us' balcony, though.
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