Show us your Artspace!!!


Show us your Artspace!!!

Whether you create in a studio, atelier, shed, kitchen or on a coffee table, the artists' workspace has always been an intriguing place of information and interest to people.

Please share photos of YOUR mail art creating area. I want to see Artspaces in action, so no tidying up!! Let's see your pens, tools, glues, stamps, dirty wine glass, rubbish bin, storage space, etc!

Let's have a snoop in this group!!

Location: Down Under-a pile of art materials.
Members: 209
Latest Activity: 7 hours ago

Discussion Forum

I just reorganized my artspace to make more room for more works in progress. 1 Reply

I work on many pieces simultaneously - not just mail art: paper, mixed media, collage, panels- and I had run out of space to place incomplete work as it dries. So I built a storage rack with many shelves, shown here in the back corner. Now my…Continue

Started by Michael French. Last reply by Carien van Hest Apr 10, 2021.

My artspace 15 Replies

Hi, I show you my artspace.Continue

Started by alessandro perini. Last reply by Carien van Hest Apr 10, 2021.

My two Artspaces 3 Replies

one space I make my mail art.Then I have a place to address outgoing and keep in coming ,mail art.

Started by April Jean Rocco. Last reply by Michael French Mar 2, 2021.

My Bitty Office March 8, 2016 3 Replies

Here's my artspace today, about like it usually looks. Semi-controlled chaos.

Started by Toni Hanner -- tonipoet. Last reply by Carien van Hest Jan 31, 2021.

Here's my little messy space 4 Replies

But I have a window, which I love.

Started by Toni Hanner -- tonipoet. Last reply by Carien van Hest Oct 7, 2020.

My space with my puppy!

I do everything when it comes to art... collage, paper, paint, jewelry, etc.

Started by Bonniediva Jan 6, 2017.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Christine Jones on November 24, 2013 at 6:13am

Hi Vizma - first snake of the season!  That's country living for you......... here we are having storms this afternoon  The cricket is being delayed but I guess it doesn't matter - the Poms are loosing!!!!!

Comment by Claire (aka Cleo) on November 23, 2013 at 10:06pm

Wooondeva!! Lucky me! Tanks beforehand!

Of course! (Your work simply sends me love....)

It took me hours to gather and put together all I sent to Viz, so i'll send you a smaller haul probably this week, and more after the holidays...

Comment by Svenja Wahl on November 23, 2013 at 9:38pm

Claire, just sent you something today! But now I am the greedy one: Would love to receive some samples!! And: Thanks for your kind comments on amtfuerpostkunst! XX

Comment by Claire (aka Cleo) on November 23, 2013 at 8:03pm

Great pic Viz!

Well, just have to send you some samps in my next package Svenja... %_^ (Sorry it's been so damned long! Have a frigging enoooormous backlog, deadlines, and I spend a lot of time in nyc w/ no studio... My chronological 'MA to do' list is slowly inching its way to your name though...)

Comment by Svenja Wahl on November 23, 2013 at 2:08pm

Claire, I'm soo jealous here!! The washis look spectacular!! 

Comment by vizma bruns on November 23, 2013 at 9:10am

The first snake of the season has been spotted in the garden. This is just a grub that came into my studio, very comical looking...

Comment by vizma bruns on November 22, 2013 at 12:05pm

That reminds me, I never showed the washi samples sent to me from Claire.

Wrapped up in those yummy papers underneath. You're obviously not a greedy wench, Claire, having gifted these!

Comment by Claire (aka Cleo) on November 22, 2013 at 7:45am

Kim just posted a pic of her washi tape collection to show me on FB. I'm taking the liberty of sharing: Since she's even more indulgent (addicted?...%)^) than I, I no longer feel like quite such a greedy wench, so I'll show you mine:

Comment by Silvia Inés on November 17, 2013 at 5:05pm

Hola esta es mi primera experiencia en Arte Correo. Esta es mi mesa de trabajo y es la misma donde comemos, recibimos amigos, cocinamos, miramos la Pc, tomamos mate, es la única. Mi departamento es pequeño y aquí vivo con mis hijos, asi que todo se comparte, hasta la pieza....... Pero, cuando el corazón es grande, todo se puede. Quien quiera ayudarme, porque aun no entiendo como contactarme para mandarles una postal, lo hacen por privado y yo agradecida. Un beso desde la magnífica Buenos Aires.

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on November 17, 2013 at 2:31pm

What a NEAT...and organized art space, Ruud,

even with the envelopes all around to dry. 

Mmmmm, what is that device? For warming silicone?



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