Bonjour boys and girls!


Angie and Snooky told us yesterday that:

"This year July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This apparently happens once every 823 years."

I propose that we celebrate it with a Postal History Boutique Special Mailing in July.


The theme is FIVE (or vijf, viisi, cinq, funf, cinque, fem, piec, cinco, etc)


There are 5 rules to this Mailing:

1. You must mail on Tuesday 5th July

2. On a pentagram shaped card (or on a pentagram superimposed on the front of an envelope)

3. Your piece must have a 5-theme (see below). You have to tell the Mailing List Co-ordinator (Guess who? Yes, me) what your 5-theme) is going to be

4. It must include at least one 5-cent (or local currency equivalent) postage stamp. [If a 5-cent stamp is unavailable, then a 15, 25, 35 etc stamp is acceptable, as long as it has a 5 in it.]

5. Er, I don't have a 5th rule yet...any ideas, gang?


Possible 5-themes are:

* Renault 5

* Chanel No 5

* 5 senses

* Take 5

* 5 wounds of Jesus

* 5 Olympic Circles

* The Famous Five

* 5 books of Moses

* High 5

* etc, including of course any other(s) that you care to choose.


Please let me know -- with your full mailing address, and the 5-theme you have chosen -- if you would like to participate in this once-in-a -823-year-occasion mailing* .


Regards, Val


* Regretfully, the Postal History Boutique cannot commit at this moment in time (ie now) to organise another mailing on this theme in 2834


Views: 319

Replies to This Discussion

Your Oranje Deux Chevaux!

 (you have two little orange horses???)

I think it has 4 horses, but only a 625 cc engine. The original Deurch (as they are known) only had a 400cc engine, which probably equated to 2 horses, colour unspecificied).

I have a key ring that says 'My other car is a Porsche'. At one time it was, until the engine blew up.

Regards, Val

Someone who worked for BAe systems had a sticker that said "My other radar system system is a Ferranti"
I would like to join in as well. I'm just hoping our postal service doesn't go on strike:(

Welcome Louise! By my reckoning, we are now 8:

1; Skybridge, 2 Katerina Nikoltsou, 3. Jen Staggs, 4. Angie&Snooky, 5, Plush Possum, 6. Steve, 7, Louise Kiner, 8, Valentine Mark Herman.

More closer to the date.

Regards, Val

Oh great leader, Val: What is THAT in your photo? A wooden fortress? I wanna see the 2CV again ;-(

(Now having fun playing with those new "thumbs up" favorites tags...see them? But I am going to STOP...tis crazy "favoritisms"!)

'Glad to see our group is growing...and now we are 8!

Wotcha! The photo is the head of the Angel of the North, the UK's largest sculpture, made by nthony Gormely, and situated just outside Newcastle-on-Tyne. Look it up, because it's really impressive. I visited it (for the nth time) last week. I'm from the North, and this wek I'm being an Angel, but next week i think i will be Michael Jackson.

The 2CV is resting, pleased with itself because it passed its bi-annual road test, albeit at great expense, and I'm not sure i can afford to buy any stamps until 2018.

What's a 'Thumbs up' tag?

Au revoir, Val

ning put it on all the groups and blogs and is a "favorite" icon , showing a thumb up and you hit it and it adds a number for how many people like the group, or blog, etc.I started to do a few, however...too too, 'had to stop.

So the wood thang is a sculpture! An Angel! Will check it out. thanks


The Angel is made of metal, not wood.

I can't find Ning -- vanished like Angie&Snooky?

I think I can live without thumbs up, down or sidewards;

Regards, val

While I am away 'til mid June, will there be an update on details of "FIVE" mailing?

How about: how many are we, address list, postal deadline date? etc ;-)

Back in France...back to work ol'boy!


I was wondering this myself, I haven't forgotten about our Five Frenzy!
Still working on my five theme...and rounding up 5-cent stamps...must get this right the first time, I'm not sure I'll be here in 2834...



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