What are your thoughts about this project? Would be interesting to know what you think. Do you participate. Since when, How much times. Do you know the concept? Will also try to publish a few samples here (or others can help me with that)

Tags: Brain, Cell, Cohen, Japan, Mail-Art, Project, Ryosuke

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Yes, my is "MAIL ART EAST" yellow stamp near the down left corner. Thank You for placing it here, I did not received it (yet?)
I am sure you will receive it Gik Juri. It took mine about 7 weeks to arrive (since I mailed it on the 1 of august )...he must have busy times or the post doesn't travel direct. Anyways I noticed that on the addresses page he sent, the stamp is from the 20 august..
all the best
Yes, I received it, probably, month ago!
Brain Cell # 750 arrived today.
Ryosuke creates each Brain Cell in an edition of 150.
750 x 150 = 112,500

Next to KOBB LABORATORIES on the participant sheet, there is the number ~109/150
This means they submitted 109 stickers as their contribution.
So... 41 of this edition do not have the KOBB LABS stickers.
Oh, found my name in the doc, but can not find my image in Brain Cell sheet... 8-(

I see that Brain Cell #750 has already been sent to some, but I just got #749, here it is!And it has my
"feMAIL ARTist" stamp on it. I have been listed on 5 doc. sheets, but this is the first time my stamp
has been on the collective page. Of the 150 sheets per number that Ryosuke sends, they are not all the same and they don't have all the stamps or images of those on the mailing list. But what a grand collection they are!
Brain Cell #751 arrived.

Each edition is of 150 sheets.
751 x 150 = 112,650 sheets.

He mails out about 50 of each edition.
That is something like 37,550 Brain Cells sent.

Ryosuke is doing one of these every 10 days with or without you.
Are you going to be part of his next one?
Send an image or 150 stickers to:

Brain Cell #754 came in today's mail.
It is always a surprise to open the manila envelope and
see what is inside. A great collection of adresses of
other mail artists, too!

756 arrived!
Well, Brain Cell #755 arrived in my mail today, (and already #756 is ready! wow!)
So, posting a detail here of the "brain cell in-between" :-)
...just a corner of it.

Words of the proper Riosuke: It is not the whole exchange of works of one towards other in the network of Postal Art, the most important thing is to join with many more people of other countries.
To send of B to A, to C of B, to D or E of C; And he answers to A or D he answers to B or C. Like that it is as the network expands. The certain people believe that the art is the product of privileged classes called artists, and they frame the images or put unreasonable prices, believing that the art is material. I think that the art is informacioón. We use the stamps and the envelopes of others, feel happy to use them or to offer them. We do not have need to express our originality. It is a change of 180 grades with the past.
The network of Postal Art is the most wonderful movement that can solve the diverse problems of the art of the present and of the artists: authority, information exchange, too much nationalistic art, false idols and things for the style.
September, 1985

  Palabras del propio Riosuke: No es todo un intercambio de trabajos de uno hacia otro en la red de Arte Postal, lo más importante  es unirse con mucha más gente de otros paises.
Enviar de B a A, a C de B, a D o E de C; E responde a A o D responde a B o C. Así es como se expande la red. Cierta gente cree que el arte es el producto de clases privilegiadas llamadas artistas, y enmarcan las imágenes o les ponen precios irrazonables, creyendo que el arte es material. Yo pienso que el arte es informacioón. Nosotros utilizamos los sellos y los sobres de otros, nos sentimos felices de utilizarlos o de ofrecerlos. No tenemos necesidad de expresar nuestra originalidad. Es un cambio de 180 grados con el pasado. La red de Arte Postal es el movimiento más maravilloso que puede resolver los diversos problemas del arte del presente y de los artistas: autoridad, intercambio de información, demasiado arte nacionalista, falsos ídolos y cosas por el estilo.
Setiembre 1985

761 is out!



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