Charlotte Geister's Comments

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At 12:45pm on April 12, 2020, Petrolpetal said…

mail out!

At 3:40pm on March 23, 2020, Kathy Barnett said…

Thanks, I love your coral reef, so happy! We are staying well, you do too!! It is so strange, the streets are empty, little traffic on our street, which is usually very busy. The elementary school teachers send out a request to the kids in the area, to make signs and stand outside yesterday around 1 pm. The teachers got in their cars and drove around the neighborhood honking horns and waving at the kids standing in the front yards. I thought that was pretty cute! I don't have young kids anymore, but I stood on the porch, it was pretty fun for the kids!-Take care!!

At 2:36pm on March 12, 2020, Debra Mulnick said…

Hi Charlotte!  So nice to hear from you & know my mail reached you intact.  The window in the envelope is something I’ve seen others do, and once in a while, the right image shows up for the right “window”.  That’s how the cat came to be in your envelope!  The stamps I found on my recent trip to Arizona and New Mexico.  Roberto and I were driving across the desert wide open spaces, which are interrupted Every hour or so by a small dusty town.  We would stop to stretch our backs and legs, and I would hurry in to the thrift store to look for collage supplies.  There in the middle of the desert I found a big stack of old German stamps.  I bought a few pages of the ones I liked best.  Funny how things from around the world end up so far away in a dusty, musty shop.  Roberto said he had to leave the shop because it smelled so bad in there.  Please don’t rush to send something back.  I hope retirement I leaving you with LOTS of creative energy.  Hugs to you.  Take good care of yourself and your husband.   Xoxo, Debra

At 7:36pm on March 7, 2020, FromMNQ said…

Oh, ich liebe deine Karte mit dem Fördertum! Da passt einfach alles zusammen. Graue Industrie trifft Farbe und Blumen. Und die unterschiedlichen Texturen... Einfach klasse, danke!

At 10:53pm on February 27, 2020, Mary Anne said…

that arrived very quickly - two days - amazing . . .

At 6:47pm on February 21, 2020, FromMNQ said…

Naja, ich habe etwas geschummelt da ich etwas vorgearbeitet habe. Jetzt bin ich quasi schon durch damit. Lass dir Zeit, viel Spaß mit den Büchern!

At 3:30pm on February 12, 2020, Cascadia Artpost said…


I am glad you like the Moticos. I might start a new series later this year. As for Vostell, some years ago I purchased a book documenting his art, "Automobile", in German and English. Today (Wednesday) I shall send you some mail art inspired by Vostell that I am sure you will enjoy.

Best wishes for your exhibition!

~ Jack @ Cascadia Artpost

At 3:24pm on February 8, 2020, Cascadia Artpost said…


To answer your question about Olympia: Our city of about 60,000 residents is one of three cities (the others being Tumwater to the south and Lacey to the east) that comprise an urban area of about 120,000 people on the southern edge of the Seattle metropolitan area. Olympia is the capital of the state of Washington and has the State Capitol building and about half the state offices, the others being in the other two cities. State government and a state college are the biggest employers, we have little industry here so growth is slower than in the rest of the metropolitan area and less expensive to live, though housing prices have increased over the last 5 years. Farmland and forest are only 15 minutes away to the south and west of us. A large military base to the north separates us from the main metropolitan area. We are a 2-hour drive and 130 miles from Portland, Oregon to the south, but the travel time is the same or longer (in the afternoon/evening 3-4 hours) to Seattle north of us even though it is only 70 miles away from Olympia - the traffic is terrible on the only freeway I-5 and the public transportation options are inadequate. (I lived in Seattle for 35 years) However, we like living in Olympia as the cultural center and are only 9 minutes away by car or bus from the center of the city.

At 2:33pm on February 7, 2020, Cascadia Artpost said…


Sunny weather? Ha! Here in Cascadia we are nearing the end of Stormy Season. In January we had 28 consecutive days with rain, equaling a record. But this past Sunday and Monday were finally sunny and the days are a little longer now. Our spring is said to begin by the fourth week in February when the major storms are past. All this is compensation for the nearly complete lack of rain and long days from June through mid-September, sometimes into October. In case you are wondering, Cascadia is the name of our bioregion taken from the volcanic Cascade Mountain Range that is a north-south spine from Canada to California.

The moticos and Coffee Clutch are on their way to you. More in the mail soon.

~ Jack @ Cascadia Artpost

At 11:50pm on February 6, 2020, Cascadia Artpost said…

Thank you Charlotte for "Last Angel Leaving" which arrived today!

Jack @ Cascadia Artpost

At 2:45pm on February 6, 2020, Cascadia Artpost said…

Hi Charlotte,

I will send you some moticos in today's (Thursday's) outgoing mail, along with a copy of the Cascadia Coffee Clutch, a satirical parody of a free publication called "Coffee News" distributed at our local restaurants (and also doctors' waiting rooms!).

More in the mail this spring!

~ Jack @ Cascadia Artpost

At 7:19pm on February 4, 2020, FromMNQ said…

Das ist also die Krone der Schöpfung. Oder fast. Dein Schöpfungsversuch ist da sogar noch viel interessanter. Danke!

At 3:08pm on January 24, 2020, Cascadia Artpost said…

Hi Charlotte,

German was the language I took in high school and college classes. I was glad to be able to speak basic German on trips to eastern Europe (specifically, Hungary and Poland) where few people knew any English. However, I never was able to understand the German dialect spoken in southern Switzerland in spite of taking a class prior to a trip there in the 1980's!

Sometimes I prepare mail art in German for Torma Cauli in Hungary. My main interest is artistamps in addition to creating postcards, zines, occasional collages, and faux currency called moticos. Would you like a set of moticos?

I look forward to your mail!

~ Jack @ Cascadia Artpost

At 6:39pm on December 31, 2019, Kathy Barnett said…

I there!!! Happy New Year to you too! I am sorry you were so sick, but happy you are better. Take care, keep warm, and 'art your heart away'! (My kinders use to to tell me that when I taught art, "we are arting our hearts!"-Kathy

At 7:30pm on December 28, 2019, FromMNQ said…

Danke für deine tolle Hotzenplotz-Karte! Da hast du das Feuerwerk-Thema wirklich auf den Punkt getroffen. Toll! Komm gut ins neue Jahr. Dann gibts wieder neue Post von mir.

At 1:41pm on December 13, 2019, Petrolpetal said…


I'd love to exchange mail with you. I'll be sending you something soon!

Best regards


At 1:20pm on December 13, 2019, FromMNQ said…

Kein Stress! Ich habe auch gerade eine Erkältung hinter mir. Gute Besserung!

At 4:28pm on November 6, 2019, Mary Anne said…

Hello Charlotte.  The address booklet has come out much better than I thought it would partly because the envelopes themselves have proved good material to work with.  My box is also on the large side although I have come up with a second one, this morning, which is smaller and might be better.  Some people do prefer to keep the envelopes and their contents together; it is just another way of doing things. 

Everything is good.

At 11:23am on November 3, 2019, FromMNQ said…

Danke für deine s/w Zusammenstellung! Passend zum heutigen Regenwetter. Antwort folgt demnächst!

At 3:51pm on October 21, 2019, Steph Dodson said…

Hi Charlotte, thank you for the postcard collage of colorful leaves - it arrived last week. The leaves are just starting to fall here, too. We may see the season change after all. I've not been very active here lately, but am glad for your mail art, thanks again!


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