Mail art by IUOMA member Vikki Johnson (Morrison, Colorado, USA)
March 12, 2019 - It’s always gratifying to see a newer mail artist – like a glorious butterfly emerging from a cocoon – begin to explore the forms, traditions & innovations unique to the Eternal Network.
So I am thrilled to share this m-a by Vikki Johnson that makes a foray into the realm of Trashpo. While Vikki demures & claims to extend only a toe into the landfill, I find much to admire here.
This is a large postcard-size piece apparently constructed of found materials. The interwoven hairs (?), fur (?), lint (?) add to the textural quality. Additionally, the work is sprinkled with glitter! Vikki Johnson is probably not aware of the Great Glam Glitter Revival being led by Legend of Trashpo DharmaDaDa Neil Gordon and my humble self.
I fancy that this mail art smells like banana bubble gum, but I am prone to curious neurological abnormalities that are the result of my participation as a human test subject in scientific research projects long ago. These distortions can come upon me at any time, triggered by some random stimulus (perhaps hair or fur?). Thus, Vikki Johnson’s piece functions on several sensory levels (I assume for others too), including touch. The Trashpoets know this as Haptic Poetry.
Vikki Johnson’s kind message, unfortunately, raises only questions for me. Here is the precise quote that inspired the title: “This glue-y postcard may be Trash, but it’s definitely not po(etry).” Humility is a winning quality among Trashpoets & DKulters. But I can assure Vikki this piece qualifies as Trashpo. I must add that it lacks the organic “DKhaos” that has inspired so many Trashpoets; however, this kind of formal composition used by Vikki is used to great benefit in much Trashpo. Trashpo by Claire aka Cleo is a FAB example.
Vikki’s comments about opting “to take off the questionably successful stamps” and the reference to the “pizza circle” being lost in the mail are completely baffling to me. But overall, this is a marvelously successful venture into Trashpo (imho).
14.03.19 Dare Mister De Villo Sloan, In regard to your statement/question: "Was Ray Johnson"serious"? we take him seriously but...." I can only guess & suggest that Ray Johnson was serious about Correspondence Art" but did not take "Mail Artists" too seriously. SinCelery, Richard Canard
Great read, DVS - and fabulous art, Vikki! Vikki - It has taken me some time to understand the various terms, but having De Villo as a mentor has helped me along the way. Always so kind to answer questions. He is a walking / talking encyclopedia, I swear! A wealth of knowledge! (Did I make you blush, DVS? I hope so!!) Anyway...Vikki, I’ll send some mail to you soon.
Richard's comments got under my skin. Let me add a few more facts to explain:
Jim Leftwich coined the term "Trashpo" in 2008
"Trashpo" was applied by me to work done by Diane Keys in Rain Rien's Iiuoma Recycling Mailart group
Trashpo caught on and other IUOMA members started making it. DKult grew from the more hardcore Trashpoets.
Trashpo and Dkult are modeled on Neoism and especially the Church of the Subgenius which was essentially a fake religion that got its start in the network. Neoism is based on pranks, fakes and false identities. Trashpo was meant to be a fake artistic movement. But it does have rules, manifestos, etc. It's probably similar to Pataphysics as well.
Jim Leftwich writes about Post-Neo Absurdism - which explains Trashpo too.
This explanation is for the head bangers. You can also just enjoy it. Trashpo was designed - forgive my bluntness - so any anyone can do it and succeed. It's for everyone!
Richard, I saw your Storage Shed episode with Jon Foster and the elusive Lucy Pierre. I too am a hoarder. Every piece of m-a received since my re-entry into the network in 2010 is preserved in plastic cases (and much from earlier times as well). No need for a Storage Shed yet. Additionally, I've managed to scan a large number of these items. These can be stored on a device roughly the size of a pen. Those might have the best chance of archival survival. So yes, I have the greasy pizza plates. As you can see, I have gotten behind on documentation, though.
Richard, you are one of the few networkers to physically meet Diane Keys. You are better equipped to determine if Trashpo and the cult that has grown around Diane is "serious." I have conferred w DK recently about "the future of Trashpo." Nothing was resolved other than the fact that Trashpo has been an activity in the network for nearly a decade! Jim Leftwich and Diane have been working on a "Trashpo Bible." Maybe we'll learn something from that.
Was Ray Johnson "serious"? We take him seriously but....
Trashpo gives one the courage to admit, "I don't know" (IDK)
13.03.19 Dare Mister De Villo Sloan, You haven't tossed our that old pizza cardboard trash yet??? You must take this "mail art trash po" thing seriously.... but isn't this taking " Dkhaos Scholarship" above & beyond all human expectation???... I do admire how you manage to direct your attentions to the newbies without forgetting the "old folks". SinCelery, Richard Canard
Thank you for the clarifications, Vikki.
And Kudos on remembering the Moan Lisa pizza mailing! Clearly you have embarked upon the path that will lead you to attainment of the Trashmind and perfect Slack.
Yes, you can mail a pizza plate. Here is the piece I received from Moan; the date of the scan is December 27, 2016. I believe this was for the Karnival of Trash mail art call. Moan Lisa's reason for asemic warfare is unknown to me:
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