RECEIVED: Net Mail-Art Fishes a Big TY to Red Head Love (Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA)

Mail-art by IUOMA member Red Head Love (RHL) (Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA)


September 5, 2011 - The enigmatic mail-artist Red Head Love lives in a community in New England where there is a rock. Hundreds of years ago, it is alleged, people from Britain (Pilgrims) stepped on this rock as they disembarked from a ship in order to "settle" North America. If only history were that simple! 


Yet the Plymouth Rock remains a tarnished icon, and Red Head Love's work consistently uses other U.S. icons such as Marilyn Munro. She has a distinctive Pop Art-derived style - charged with sexuality - grunged and tattered because it was further cycled through a Punk anti-art blender. At first, I thought the piece above was a golf ball. Now I am not so sure. The title is apparently "Fishnets." Here is the reverse side of the piece:



I greatly appreciate receiving this work. And to appreciate Red Head Love, you need to have some context, so I have done a grab from her IUOMA portfolio. Her is some representative RHL work:


"Shock" - I forgot to mention some R. Crumb influence?





"Explosive" - very Punk


Jane Mansfeild.

"Jane Mansfield" - definitely uses vintage pin-ups

one of us

"One of us" - has to be a still from the cult film Freaks


RHL knows her popcult references. She chooses selectively across many decades to create an image, a narrative, and a worldview. Interesting indeed. Grigori Antonin (Minnesota, USA) noted her work with some interest on his blog and had a link to a very interesting blog of her work that seems to have disappeared. Anyway, Rachel, thanks for your friendship!


Views: 422

Tags: Sloan


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Comment by Red Head Love on September 12, 2011 at 5:16pm

SF does stand for San Francisco-he just doesn't live there anymore.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on September 9, 2011 at 2:47pm

Here's a piece of Dope Sick SF handiwork he sent Snooker the Amazing Mail-Art Dog last October. Kind of genius - borrowed it from the portfolio just to show you I do know the work. He's not easy to find. I'll do my best. I always thought SF meant San Francisco, Anyway, thanks again.

dopesick sf oct 2010
Comment by Red Head Love on September 9, 2011 at 2:32pm
Oh he's out and about..give him a shout.
Comment by De Villo Sloan on September 9, 2011 at 11:09am
Yes, Dopesick - I've always had a deep respect for his work. But he hasn't been around for a while, what up?
Comment by Red Head Love on September 8, 2011 at 8:19pm
I'd also like to pay tribute to DopeSick SF-hes been real helpful in my artistic developement.
Comment by patricia eloy-veltin on September 8, 2011 at 8:14pm
I like
Comment by De Villo Sloan on September 8, 2011 at 6:29pm
RHL, I'm glad you like the blog! You give new meaning to net-work. Keep at it kid! You're a natural.
Comment by Red Head Love on September 8, 2011 at 6:08pm

I'm an honored & sorta speechless that DVS has taken time out to dedicate a blog to my mail art. You spoke about my patterns and style that I didn't even realize! I just let the creativity flow outta me with scissors and glue-if I like it I will use it. But after seeing this blog I realize that I make pieces that reflect off my personality. PSYCHED! Thank you DVS-I will be sure to keep you in my mail art loop!





Comment by De Villo Sloan on September 5, 2011 at 1:45pm

Thanks Snooks, I don't know much about RHL but am glad she's a friend. Right, golf balls aren't shaped like that. But I did think it was a golf ball, until I noticed there was a hole-in-one. Is she fishing for compliments? 


Let's just switch to the Beatles' "Lady Madonna": "Thursday stockings needed mending. See how they run."


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