Plans appear to be copywritten by Texas Taco Cabana. It sure does look cozy and already lived in--by grungy mechanics and fast food workers. David has uncovered a dirty little DKult secret-that it evolved from a Taco Cabana Turquoise cup, and NOT the beautiful gemstone as told. It was a discussion had over hot sauce and sour cream, long before we realized DKult had to be a vegetarian institution. The trashpo clubhouse was hotly contested, yet gained acceptance after a ping pong champion was discovered here and went on to found a local scholarship. David, your architectural design is stellar.
wow...that's some trashpalace...
Ultimately, Mail art will continue to be our salvation. DKult is hoarding all of the received mail art in an underground bunker. Once the Dec. 21st 2012 Trashpocalypse hits, we will emerge from the wreckage to build homes from multiple layers of postcards and home-=made glue (the flour is being stored in a climate controlled room). David is stockpiling grease from Taco Cabana to use for trade. We are also storing road kill pelts to make clothes A.T. (After Trashpocalypse). I've learned so much about taxidermy over the past year. The end of days might be near, but luckily trashtopia will soon be here!
D-Kardboard homes were never meant to be anything more than a temporary solution to life in the "old world," before the attainment of Trashtopia. The boxes were a perfect cover to avoid capture by TOXIS agents.
I am SO glad some of the greatest minds of our mail-art generation have turned to designing Trashpo architecture, with all this further thought about aesthetics, ecology, utility, etc. A whole new Trashpo discipline.
It looks the old DKult promise of "a chicken in every pot (DK rations) and a cardboard box to squat" has been expanded. All those of us who signed over all our material possessions to DKult (via KDJ) accepted that vow of poverty thing, that DKult would take care of our needs with the rations, healthcare plans, cardboard shelters - and we would be free to "Dumpster Dive for DK" - that's been discontinued?
I much prefer the turquoise to this greenish hue. It must be the rigorous process it goes through to become Trashpocalypse-proof. I'm glad this has replaced the trashhut idea, as the big bad wolf was easily able to blow those down. DVS, I'm picturing double decker 'pod' type box rowhouses. Perhaps David knows someone who could design those for the DKult yogis.
Frank Gehry designed the cup's surface based on actual paper cups from Taco Cabana which he had his minions run over numerous times with enormous earthmoving equipment. Said Gehry, "Sunlight slides off the cup's surface due to the oily residue and is collected in large solar barrels which are stored underground until they are needed after the Trashpocalypse."
Certainly mail-art shows!
Fascinating blog - as a faithful DKulter, I always assumed that after the Trashpocalypse, when we are all living in Trashtopia, a large cardboard box would be the dwelling of choice for most of us. It has many advantages. But perhaps the elites of DKult will live in some kind of trash structures & we will join together for activities - like mail-art shows - in communal buildings of some kind. Again, very thought-provoking. Here was my sort of vision of life in Trashtopia:
Good question Rebecca! Only David knows and he said something about them being buried in the landfill for security purposes.
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