I am flat broke at the moment so I have a whole sack of unstamped mail waiting to go out...so for those I've promised mail to - pls be patient: it is ready and will be sent on payday. The mail will of course take priority over school fees and electricity bills, no question of that! ...Of course this is all assuming the post office has enough stamps for me - i'll definitely be depleting their stock significantly!

Views: 70


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Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on November 21, 2014 at 1:49pm

You've memorized the interview already! Nice work. That will take me another day or two.

Comment by Petrolpetal on November 21, 2014 at 8:18am

*sigh* you have persuaded me to pay the school fees...but i'll still be sending the mail - I'll just have to cut back on the champagne and caviar! Don't you find its much more satisfying to send out huge batches of mail rather than one or two?? I love watching eyes boggle as I stamp 100 envelopes in the post office!!

@NBS - no apparently you can't use foreign stamps - I gleaned that from Dk and DVS's interview with Madame X postal worker!


Comment by De Villo Sloan on November 21, 2014 at 2:20am

Gosh BG, where were you when MinXus-Lynxus conducted the David Zack investigation? I couldn't get anyone to even venture an opinion. (Where did you find a death certificate?)

Anyway, my point to Petrolpetal is that there were "professional" mail-artists (like Zack & Blaster) meaning they were constantly broke and contemptuous of "hobbyists," which most of us are and the majority always were.

Comment by borderlinegrafix on November 21, 2014 at 12:42am

Take your time with your mailings.  Zack would have been extradited if they had caught him.  I think what really happened is that he showed up on Blaster's doorstep half dead and the rest is history.  No way to prove my theory.  The death certificate is, after all, registered in Bexar County, Texas.  He was a serious diabetic who took acid all the time.

Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on November 20, 2014 at 11:15pm

If you are sent U.S. stamps, Petrol, can you use them to mail from where you are? I've always wondered this. 

Comment by Alicia Starr on November 20, 2014 at 10:06pm

tHanks for your prints Petro. I owe you big time. 

Comment by Petrolpetal on November 20, 2014 at 8:03pm

now you've gone and given me a good idea....

Comment by De Villo Sloan on November 20, 2014 at 8:00pm

Petrolpet, I am concerned you're putting mail-art above school fees and electricity bills. Try to make a realistic list of costs that need to be covered when you get your paycheck.

You want to be a David Zack dying in a Mexican jail because you stole your parents' government checks to fund your art? (allegedly that happened)


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