Well, it's the end of the month, and I don't wish to keep anyone in suspense any longer.  So as the esteemed judge for this month's MOBMA award, I have the duty of crowning this IUOMA Group's best submission.  The task was arduous, rife with hair-pulling (literally--see Vizma's submission), and tortured. Tactics of bribery were ignored.  I was so overwhelmed by the pressure, that I eventually broke the contest down into several categories, for which prizes are being awarded and sent in the mail.  Seven categories were eventually determined:

Category 1 was the "Wildly Inappropriate" category.  Although her entry seemed to cross the threshold of several of the other categories (see following, particularly categories 4 and 7), no entry fit the category title better than this piece from Vizma Bruns who sent a glob of tangled hair from the sink drain as her piece of mail art:

Please keep in mind that "wildly inappropriate" may also translate as "brilliant."  It's all in the eye of the beholder.  Although this holder hopes that none of that hair will get stuck in my eye, because I'm sure it would hurt. Vizma will be receiving this ribbon for her artistic efforts:


Category 2 was the "Self-Abnegation" category.  This is one of those awards for damn'dest good effort, even though the artist is her own worst critic.  Jiminy Crickets--this award has to go to Rebecca Guyver for a piece that everyone thought was charming, but which Rebecca herself almost threw in the toilet before submitting it to the MOBMA Group:

Rebecca will be receiving this ribbon for her artistic entry:

Category 3 was the "Mildly Racist" category.  I am happy to report that there were no entries for this category.  Meaning that IUOMA is free of anyone who is unknowingly ignoramorific.  Hooray!!!!  We're all winners.


Category 4 was the "Gross-Icky-Cucka-Poo-Poo" category.  Diane Keys was a shoe-in for her piece that included DEAD ANTS.  (As always, I am grateful to Ms. Keys for the use of barrier-protectant cello-tape and/or laminate in her entries):

Diane will be receiving this ribbon for her entomological species submission... (this award is also known as the "Brown Rose" award):

Category 5 was the "Deformed Anatomy" category.  This was an extremely creative submission, resembling a death mask of one of the Mario Brothers:



The entrant (submitted under the artist name "Cardboard Lamborghini") also used the artwork in a piece of performance art involving a full-body leotard suit:

Cardboard Lamborghini will receive this ribbon for his unique artistic entry (if we can figure out an address for Mr. Lamborghini):

Category 6 was the "Disqualified MOBMA Nominee [for Making Mail Art that was Too Damned Good]" category.  This award goes to Monsieur Dean Marks for his much ribbingly-maligned, yet delicious piece of paint on wood board mail art, Parisian Still-Life:

One can hardly expect to win top prize in a Museum of Bad Mail Art Competition if the piece literally turns everyone's heads, only to exclaim, "Wait... this is Good!"  So Dean is perhaps the only loser in this competition; which precisely means that he is a winner... for losing a bad mail art competition... don't get confused!!!  Dean will be receiving this ribbon for having his piece under nomination:

Category 7 was the "So... So... Wrong" category.  Unfortunately, this category also goes unfilled this month for lack of sufficient submissions.  Maybe some other month!!


As a footnote the Museum of Bad Mail Art Group was formed as a giggle-inducing gathering of mail artists who have a GREAT SENSE OF HUMOUR.  The group is a place to post pictures of art with "something-a-little-askew" that we find in second-hand shops or the tolerant café wall.  It is a place where we can laugh at ourselves and our own valiant amateur efforts at creating Mail Art that might not make it into the Louvre, but which anyone would be pleased--or amazed--to receive in one's mailbox.  If you haven't visited the MOBMA Group, you should check it out!


Views: 387

Tags: Cardboard Lamborghini, Dean Marks, Diane Keys, MOBMA, Rebecca Guyver, Vizma Bruns



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Comment by DKeys on June 10, 2013 at 9:48pm

so glad you are judge Rebecca--I hear those bribes can really add up. Thom's awards are fantastic. Mine is on my fridge!!

Comment by Rebecca Guyver on June 10, 2013 at 8:59pm

What a great blog! I happily consent to being next month's judge because Thom is about as earnest as I am and if he can do it, so can I. I am sufficiently honored and delighted to have been selected! Besides, now that I have won something, I can concentrate again and am beginning to feel qualified to nuance all the wonderful things that appear here at Mobma. 

Do I actually GET one of those ribbons? If so, I am psyched.

Thank you Thom!

Comment by Thom Courcelle on June 3, 2013 at 6:39pm

Hello everyone--I was away at the family farm this past weekend, and came back to a lovely slew of comments for this blog.  So glad that everyone is pleased with the results of the competition!  Ribbons were sent out in the mail this morning. 

Vizma--your cut hairbrush art sounds like a brilliant new technique.  I think you should perfect the medium and possibly give lessons at the community center in Waitpinga.  You should probably only do the workshop every six months or so, however, so that people don't get over-enthusiastic and start walking around town bald just in order to send their hair through the mail.

Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on June 3, 2013 at 3:11am

Nah, you're ok, Vizma, and everyone knows it.

Comment by vizma bruns on June 2, 2013 at 5:28am

Let me just clear my name, my piece wasn't actually pulled out of the plughole, I'm gross but not that gross! I cut it off my round-brush and unpeeled it and it was a perfect square so I sent it to Thom as mail art. Not that I think he's a perfect square... I just, oh, am I making things worse?

Comment by WA Rodgers on June 2, 2013 at 4:02am

I heart this blog!

Comment by DKeys on June 1, 2013 at 7:24pm

i do remember that--I made him a dryer lint postcard

Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 1, 2013 at 6:48pm

I meant:

Drano Max Build-Up Remover, 64 fl oz
Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 1, 2013 at 6:40pm

Fantastic Thom - and all the participants!

@ FURK - remember when JMB went through that phase when everything was "fork lint"? Furk lint is almost as scary as Vizma's drainpo (or is it Drain-o?).

Comment by DKeys on June 1, 2013 at 2:50pm

Cardboard Lamborghini says, he is honored to have won the deformed anatomy award. He liked the gross icky caca poo poo category, so I think Rebecca might want to begin preparing herself now. Thom, he really loves the awards and he is squatting at my house.


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