Groundbreaking!!!! Dean Marks Organizes the Biggest Fundraiser in Mail Art History!!!!

I hope you will support Dean Marks in his effort to raise money to save the USPS. He has an offer from the Louvre to DOUBLE any funds raised by IOUMA. He has come up with the genius idea of the Mail Artists of IOUMA Nude Calendar!!!  These would be tasteful photos of course, and there are some rather large stamps available no?

We will give a large portion to Ruud, of course, but think of your poor postal workers--worked half to death, trying to compete with robots, the constant brunt of 'going postal' jokes, trudging through all kinds of weather, wearing not so cool uniforms!

Do it for them, do it for IOUMA, Do it for real!!!

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Comment by DKeys on February 6, 2013 at 2:40pm

Dean, I have to admit when you first brought up the idea, that I was taken aback(side), but now I see the genius of it. So--sign ups are being taken for which Month you would like to be. Val, you have a great point--that's means ALL the pics taken can and will be used. I don't know who the photographer will be--any ideas?

Dark Wall--don't hurt yourself. it's still there

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on February 6, 2013 at 11:56am

Funny, I never heard about this idea before.  It's nudes to me!

Comment by DKult Chaplain Dustin de Wind on February 6, 2013 at 1:50am

Oh man!!!! This is exciting! Let's do it!

Comment by De Villo Sloan on February 5, 2013 at 11:21pm

geez I cant find my knees

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on February 5, 2013 at 10:39pm

"Do it for Real (Madrid?)"

This might be relevant, it's from Judith Kalina , but someone like the Moaning Lisa is probably better placed than I am to decide:


Hi Folks,

Does anyone have experience with using a hot glue gun to adhere a three dimensional piece to cardboard for collage?  Will this hold up?  last?

Also, what about oil paintings?  HOw can I glue something to a painting?  In the past I've used oil paint.  Do you have ay other suggestions?


Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on February 5, 2013 at 10:29pm

Diane, you might have overlooked the Bad Mail Art implications of this. The Good nude photos could gp in tha Calendar -- a 2014 Calender? -- and the Bad ones could go to MOBMA. Or the other way around. Or....

(And just in case you're thinking of asking whether I'm going to pose for this -- with one of my hats strategically placed over what, I think it was Monty Python, called my 'naughty bits', the answer is only if someone comes and takes a photo.)


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