Luzia Sassen - Nepomuk Heinzon S1 - Foto

People coming and going. Trends showing up and are fading out. The rhythm of society is changing. While the average lifespan of people almost doubled between 1900 and 2000, the life expectancy of consumer goods has almost atomized. In the past, a bicycle was passed down to the next generation, an axe in the house sometimes reached the third generation, the grandmother's dishes were looked after and the mason's chain passed to the son. Artworks survived many generations. The knowledge of their autors sometimes... Nepomuk Heinzon is an artist who, in his photo montages, transformed a real and a fictional world into something surreal. When trying to find the author himself, the Internet becomes silent. He seems to have simply disappeared. What remains is his enigmatic work, and lucky is anyone who can call one of his works in the series for ARTSURPRISE their own. He was the pioneer on the path of the art genre of comics in the ARTSURPRISE project, also thanks to the fine feeling of his gallery owner Luzia Sassen. "Keep it safe" is also the order of the day for these works!

published by Juan Petry

#contemporaryart #gallery #artwork #socialart #artsurprise #artcollector #artcollection #artinvestment #artinvestor #artdealer #artagent #artmuseum #artlover #artgift #gift #birthday #surprise

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