Narratives. They carry their own beauty and sing  their own meaning. And each artist has their own rhythm.

Lesley Magwood Fraser tells the tale of Cailleach, the stranger that hides within.   She’s that girl that was, now she is the wise crone wearing a suit of wrinkled skin.  

Her joy? To ride in winter on the backs of creatures - the blue faced daughter of the winter sun. A walk through life. FAB LMF :-)!

Trashbooks - non-linear stories seem to be doing the rounds – I’m CHUFFED to get my own all the way from Greece.  No words, but MAN! , the story this boekie tells...

The sandpaper divulges  Katarina’s sandpo history, and ZALOP – well Kat joined at the very beginning of its promotion.  Asemics – her timely entrance to Asemics 16 # 3. There's paper from the grocer, tickets to somewhere, collage and watercolor paper -  O yes,  no words but for sure a full length novel – FAB # 2 MomKat :-) X

From Edward Schaeffer:  Marcel Proust lost his cane while writing In Search of Lost Time. It’s the enigma of memory you know.  With the necessity of reflection though, the cane was found. Pity, I would have liked to have been the Madame Proust visited. What a great Tall Tale. 

From Judith Heartsong – Grow Green Things.  There is a lyrical song in Judiths heart. She loves to grow things in the mountain terrace outside her studio.  With earth beneath her bare feet she waters and tends, whilst watching butterflies, bugs and lizards that have found their way to her Green Place.  Its quiet and peaceful there, a color soaked place. Judith – I SEE what you see – thank you for the Heart Song.

Thank you to you all for your wonderful descriptions - not fanciful plottings these :-) XX 



Views: 127


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Comment by David Stafford on September 13, 2011 at 3:14pm
Oh, that cailleach....yes, exactly...the creature within. Lesley, you don't know how much time I spend telescoping strangers I see back and forth in time to see what they were and what they might become...A little pasttime of mine. I see a  trio of grey-haired old ladies in the back of a car and I project them back to their giggling teens.
Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on September 13, 2011 at 2:32pm

Snickering quite loudly and good-naturedly over here, Magwood!

And looking forward to the transformation myself, I hope you'll post photos so we each can decide whether or not to go that route.

Comment by Lesley Magwood Fraser on September 13, 2011 at 9:55am
Cailleach is a figure found in ancient Celtic mythology, she is an old crone, the wise woman, the goddess of winter and sometimes a kind of witch. I am feeling more and more like and old crone, especially  in winter, although Spring has sprung now which makes me happy. And I dont ride on the backs of creatures normally, only after several glasses of wine, which I did this weekend, I rode my daughter's bicycle and fell off. The one BIG plus about being a cailleach is that she is born old and ugly and ends her time young and beautiful as Spring, not sure when my transformation takes place but i am ever hopeful..
Comment by cheryl penn on September 13, 2011 at 5:48am
Judith - thank you for those words - for sure, IUOMA IS a place of gentle spirit :-) AND make no mistake - your work is FAB! Great things are achieved with collaboration and generosity - I PREFER the collaborative visual voice to the solo - its richer for the active participation of The Many  :-) XX
Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on September 12, 2011 at 11:36pm
That's a lovely thing to express, Judith, and it's (good) news that you're a friend of Theresa's. Very recently a new member myself, I have to thank you for saying what you did here; I feel much the same--very grateful for the spirit and generosity of this place--but you put it exceptionally well.
Comment by cheryl penn on September 12, 2011 at 8:47pm
Semiasemic?Phenom :-))) - Good ones - we're on a roll... As a trashpo  fringer - I'm still making up my mind - but MomKats book IS a FAB!  Think  I have to make one or two to understand this stuff! Its dark here and you're all in the afternoon - so bye bye :-) X
Comment by De Villo Sloan on September 12, 2011 at 7:39pm
Earlier I didn't offer kudos for Kat's trash book. Definitely a phenom!
Comment by cheryl penn on September 12, 2011 at 4:26pm
Have to rush now - but will be back later - FOR SURE - lets see :-) X -
Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on September 12, 2011 at 4:23pm

Wow, even a semiasemic thank-you note gets a pic--never expected that, Boss! TY, and I haven't done one for De Villo but I will. You're answering the questions, so I blew it. (How about that "semiasemic" that came out just now; no doubt you all have beaten that one to death but I like it.)

Didn't think of posting the plagiarist pages, but will do if you don't mind.

Comment by cheryl penn on September 12, 2011 at 4:11pm

Hey Nancy - thank you for your thank you!!! I'm sure you sent DVS one too - so while I'm 'bulking' I think I'll piggy back my blog with your work - FAB!!  The blogs - yes they get drowned SO FAST!!! :-( - I confess I did not see your blog on Kats work - glad you caught mine - thanks for commenting - AND have you posted your plagiarist pages?????

Fondly,  Boss! :-) X


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