Boo Celebrates The Satisfaction Of Success


Boo Cartledge, one of the Mailart 365 members, is now enjoying that satisfaction.  She met the goal of 365 pieces of Mailart - in 365 days!  I recently received this lovely card, from her, collaged with cloth, paper & photo.  It was so sweet of her to send this to me, as I remember admiring it and telling her so.


I congratulate Boo and all of the other members who actually made 365 pieces of Mailart, in 365 days.  The making is the easy part of it.

The documentation, scanning part isn't quite as much fun UNTIL your card floats by, as part of the Mailart 365 blog.  Then the real satisfaction sets in.


Thank you, Boo, for all of the lovely mailart you choose to send me.  I love every scrap of it and look forward to more!  Your continued encouragement is appreciated, as I continue my 365 journey.

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Comment by Mary Jo Cartledgehayes on December 10, 2011 at 2:04pm

You're welcome!  I agree with you about the documentation / scanning / posting.  It's incredibly time consuming.  So, for that matter, is the mailing.  Perhaps it would seem less so if I didn't work in bulk; I can't mail one a day; I tend toward mailing 20 one day and then not mailing any for weeks.  And then I'm surprised when I see my pieces posted, where they exist in your space, singularly, not as part of a group I've worked on.  I'm very fond of this one and glad you enjoy, too.


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