WOOOWWWWW (please add 10 Os and as many Ws as you like!). The good news: A special treat from Cheryl in my mailbox.The bad news: There is a ghost in her alphabet - as you will immediately see: …
ContinueAdded by Svenja Wahl on May 11, 2012 at 6:51am — 7 Comments
Added by Michalis Kotsaris on May 10, 2012 at 11:01pm — 1 Comment
Added by Michalis Kotsaris on May 10, 2012 at 10:56pm — No Comments
Added by Michalis Kotsaris on May 10, 2012 at 10:02pm — 1 Comment
Added by Svenja Wahl on May 10, 2012 at 8:09pm — 4 Comments
One of Jims wonderful photo collages, this one with a picture from the Syracuse, New York, Airport, Jim took it at 11 a.m. in the morning, he wrote. Thank you, I love it, the photo ands stamp combination is just…
ContinueAdded by Svenja Wahl on May 10, 2012 at 7:48pm — 9 Comments
Card sharper packaging with loose playing card inside. I count 3 aces by using the joker. And I'm sure that Vizma wants me to use the joker. Don't be fooled by this 6 card hand. These are down under rules, not that Texas Hold stuff. The squirrel looks worried that I'm going to beat the nuts off him. Fun piece Vizma, Thank you.
One never knows what's up my sleeve. …
ContinueAdded by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 6:00pm — 5 Comments
OK these stamps are pro. Real pro. I just spoke to Val and he told me about Arty stamps and the people who do them. I am far from an expert, but most of these could pass for the real Mc Dickau. I also enjoyed the bar code postcard. A real treat.
From the April 20, 2012 set of 21 / 24
Designs in connection with postage stamps may be…
ContinueAdded by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 4:39pm — 4 Comments
Erni the man comes up with a good find. The Beethoven Marathon is like standing on a tight rope. Only to know that it may be cut at any time while you are running. Actually the Beethoven Marathon is 32 Sonatas played back to back. When you buy the ticket for this concert, the ticket reads; "Bring you own coffee".
A person needs a little…
ContinueAdded by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments
Well the real phrase goes something like that. And here we have it, a bone from Prince of Crance or is it a Dean Marks artifact?
Here we are with the original bone with the original certificate. I don't know what you might do with this, but I'm keeping it in a save place.…
ContinueAdded by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 2:49pm — 7 Comments
In Wales they have tuna lunches everyday, and sewing lessons at the same time. This piece combines the two and adds a little sea fishing to boat boot. Then again a boot in Wales is a trunk unless you wear it on your feet. Just call Carl at sea fishing trips. He'll explain everything to you. Thank you Sarah, great fun.…
Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 2:04pm — No Comments
I received two pieces last week from Dame Mailarta & Snappy. Same person, but just from two different days. I sent Dame Mailarta a self portrait and was thrilled to be found on the same page as Ricky Gervais & Doris Day. However what was really rewarding was to be on the same page as Phyllis Diller. Now an outragious 94 year old that made me laugh as a child with her one liner and crazy laugh. This is a dream come true. Thank you Dame Mailarta…
ContinueAdded by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 1:00pm — 4 Comments
Another one of those mystery Mail Artist. Sent from the US, the painting looks like an "E" style. Refers to the rue Monde which was a music fest on the 5-6 May in Paris. Any guesses?
Too bad we did not meet up if this person was in Paris.…
ContinueAdded by Dean aka Artist in Seine on May 10, 2012 at 11:36am — 6 Comments
Just look at the bounty of mail! I was going to put everyones' names but you can guess them and I'll clean up the mess, it was only water but I think I'll start on wine now and admire this work.…
ContinueAdded by vizma bruns on May 10, 2012 at 8:19am — 18 Comments
Amy and I have been creating artwork for each other lately that incorporates little nits and scraps we've inluded or sent to one another in earlier mailings. Some yarn skein ends that she sent in a package were turned into a knit gift bag that I sent to her... and in the bag I included some scrap cloth ribbon ends, which she has brilliantly turned-around and sewn onto a fabric mail art piece I just got in the mail from her this weekend!…
ContinueAdded by Thom Courcelle on May 10, 2012 at 4:43am — 4 Comments
Wow--I feel blessed to have received this artwork from M. Nidham of the Sultinate of Oman...
After admiring this artist's work for some time on this site, what a joy to hold a sample in my hands. The ink writing from the hand of M. Nidham can be called nothing less than the markings of a master calligrapher. Mesmerizing and beautiful.
I took a second…
ContinueAdded by Thom Courcelle on May 10, 2012 at 4:29am — 1 Comment
Often Nancy sends me things in pairs. Maybe she thinks of additional treats she meant to send in the first envelope, so she sends a second. Or maybe she sends things separately so the weight doesn't coast her an arm and a leg to mail the stuff. I don't complain; it means more presents in my mailbox to open!
Mailing number one came in this envelope:
ContinueAdded by Thom Courcelle on May 10, 2012 at 4:11am — 9 Comments
I don't really know how to start this blog, because no blog can say enough to do justice to this work. Cheryl's Book about Books is an absolute beauty. It won't reveal all its secrets at first glance. You will have to dig in and explore to find out more about it.…
ContinueAdded by Marie Wintzer on May 10, 2012 at 1:30am — 24 Comments
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