Valentine Mark Herman




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
1952 (when I sent a "Thankyou for my Birthday Present' to my Grandma, and illustrated it with a little drawing). Since then my Mail Art history has been, well, interesting
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Well, it's like this, Doc. I've got this thing about the Postlady....
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine, F-11130 Sigean, France

Comment Wall:

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  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    My dear Valentine...

    have a happy day!

  • David Repunto

  • Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR)

    I’m back Val my hibernation is over.
  • Linda Rogers

    Nothing like orange on black!

  • Linda Rogers

    I like it! 

  • Ana Kawajiri

    Hi Valentine, I just posted some pictures of a card you've sent me a long time ago, check it out:

    Thanks again! (:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    For my dear Valentine:


  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    I draw mail-art and I wanted to see your works.

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Mes collages sont disponibles sur:

  • xx Jones

    HI Val, nice to hear from you! I never did anything about the bus stop idea - so many other things got in the way. I was developing this idea for a mail art exhibition in Vienna, which would have been a great venue, 25 meters of shop windows, and there is bus stop too coincidentally. I had contacted them with a proposal. Unfortunately, just today I got their response and the news that they are going to discontinue the project Wandzeitung. So unless they change their mind ... maybe I will contact some other venues, but I had my heart set on this one as it is right on the street corner, so I have to see how I feel. I guess the bus stop in the village is still a possibility.  These books about sovjet bus stops sound interesting! You had a mail art exhibition in a phone boy, I remember!

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Oh, woe is me! Sob! Sob! somehow I'll survive.

    Didn't see that one coming and good one, VMH!

    You do know that's Harpo, right?

    Y'r [appreciative] ol' Bud, Fike

  • Cody Whitby

    hi VMH, i saw your vinyl art group which i am interested in. it only seemed right (to me) to add you also as a friend. will have the $5000 fee in the mail shortly 

  • Suus in Mokum

    Nearly 3000 photo's. Are you still active in Sigean cultural live?

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    To my dear VALENTINE:

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    To answer your question, I friend those who I plan to send mail to ;)

  • Carmela Rizzuto


    Samantha was an IUOMA member who died April, 20th. Read her profile story

    A number of members corresponded with her. Her personal story and mail art creativity are inspiring.

  • Olena Spicer

    Wow, Val, sounds like you are really set on testing my linguistic abilities! Cannot wait to get the card. I can only hope I will accomplish the task. I will go find my old linguistics textbooks just in case :):):) Sounds like fun.

  • Richard Canard

    06.08.20 Dare Val M. H., ...but of course, Richard's ego is as sensitive as they come ----but still, who am I to stand in the way of Valentine Mark Herman???  (  I enjoy your commentary, insight and  your art.). SinCelery, Richard C.

  • Bradford

    Maintenant, deux baguettes?

  • Ifé Niklaus

    Hello Valentine
    Vous parlez français?
    Do you speak french?
    I'm Inspired by your art
    See you soon in your mail box !!!!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    My dear Valentine:

  • Tyler Hannigan

    Hello Valentine,

    OK, One "Flutterby' on it's way to France. Image in my Photo Albums "Black & Gold Flutterby"

    Regards, Ty   - Tyler Hannigan, 19 Nickell Rd., Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico 87557 USA

  • Carien van Hest

    EU End of Unity?

  • Carien van Hest

    Thank you Val, for your mail art. Is your portrait the answer to my C Post Project?

  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Se eu fui suspensa do Grupo 


    porque razão continuo a receber emails?

    Maria José Silva-Mizé

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Zack

    bonjour! i have only one name, but many electronic situations require a two-field name.

    in 2006, i rec'd a PhD in Theatre/Humanities, so Dr. is actually appropriate for one field.

    most folks just call me Zack. 

    are you a Dr. too? 

  • Zack

    don't ask why?, ask why NOT? ];-)

  • Zack

    oh yeah and then there's this --

  • Zack

    this just in: "I caught the crocodile by myself. I was asking for help from people here, but they were scared," said local resident Tili, 35, who like many Indonesians uses one name.

    perhaps i should move to Indonesia... ];-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Might the Valentines be arriving "on time" at least in Europe? Hope so, Val,

  • Jinny Pearce

    Oh she sings alright!  we caterwaul like coyotes!

  • Crystal Kayh

    Because I like your art and your scrabble tiles. :)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Halloween...

    and belated October Birthday:

  • Heleen de Vaan

    Thank you, Val! Loved your mail art!

    (there isn’t yet an IUOMA group about bicycles, is it?)

  • Carien van Hest

    Thanks for your card, Val.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Ana Kawajiri

  • Jean-Philippe Gilliot

    Hello Val,

    Dont worry. The modified card was for you. I love to include something I do myself  ;-)

  • Afritha Hasana

    Nice to meet you all
  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    In case You accept incoming mail, I could send You some boring postcards for Your collection; I found some in my possession.

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Valentin, I have learnt that it is now almost impossible to mail anything from Moscow to France because of the sanctions (resulting from the terrible war). Only the most ordinary letters and postcards can be exchanged, nothing more. For this reason, I will send You vintage postcards in small batches, it will look like a regular postal item in an envelope. I'll start with city views in winter - St Petersburg (still with a communist name), winter, boring postcards...

    Valentin, I checked Your address on Google Map, and saw that there is a different house next to Your house, with a plaque with Molière's name on it. Please tell me why the plaque is there.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Zorica Obradović

  • Zorica Obradović

  • Zorica Obradović

  • Zorica Obradović