Rachel Freeman


Lawrence, KS

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love sending art out into the universe and receiving unexpected creative work and ideas from other people.

Mail Art Blog

My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Rachel Freeman
454 Lincoln St.
Lawrence, KS 66044

Email Addresses:

Comment Wall:

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  • Thom Courcelle

    Hey Rachel! I received a lovely surprise in my mail box from you!  Your technique is fascinating and charming.  Thanks for sending me multiple works of art! And of course I would love to reciprocate... I will be sending something along very soon! Much happiness to you,

    Thom C

  • Laura Robertson

    Thanks so much for the collages-they're so much fun!  I'd be more than happy to trade art. Working on something now, and it'll go out to you. Later.


  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica


    Nadine thanks you so very much for the wonderful envelope of art. I sent you a card and also an evelope. Watch for the card as I'm experiencing some problems with cards being lost. I'm new in this so perhaps that's par.

    Your work made my day! Your collages are stunning!


  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    I did indeed. I put both up on my site. I'm still trying to figure this out so I hope it's in the album of things I've recieved. I hope you get what I sent you!
  • PIRO

    Hi Rachel,

    I recieved today your beautiful collage postcard and ATC. The envelope is also so cool, liked the skulls a lot. Best wishes.

  • Amy Irwen

    Rachel, your work is really awesome...received your Postcard and ATC...I love flowers; but the top coat you put on them is totally cool...



  • James Chester

    Just posted pics of the wonderful artwork you sent me.  My scanner does not do you justice.  I've hung one of the blackbirds over my studio workbench.  Thanks again.
  • Eduardo Cardoso

    Hello Rachel. I received yesterday your envelope. I always enjoy your pieces. They are simple, but very mystical at the same time. Thank you very much! :)
  • Cernjul Viviana María

    thank you for you beautiful card!
  • Fleur Helsingor

    Thank you for the beautiful envelope filled with artworks! Your work is wonderful, and I love the colors and designs. A nice surprise indeed!

    I'll get to work on some pieces for you. 

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Oh Rachel it was so good to hear from you and get those terrific lighthouse photos as well as the squirrel! What did you use for that? Is it a secret formula? What were the prints on the envelope done with? They were dragon flys and other bugs. They looked too good to be just stampings.
  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Well, I love the stamp. I know how tricky carving is and it's really very good. Will be sending you something. I hear (by way of Iowa friends) that the heat is awful. I spend time in the desert where it's 112 degrees (but it's dry). Time to work/see ya'.
  • Kerri Pullo

    Rachel...Thank you ever so much for the mail art! The pieces are fantastic! I will send asap!
  • Terry Reid

  • Terry Reid

    Rachel, let me know

  • Terry Reid

    Rachel, glad to have reminded, good to be having your presence in Korea

  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Hi Rachel, thank you very much for your Mail Art

    My mom loves their small flowers.

    Really wonderful.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Rachel, thanks for your excellent mail art. I am in catching-up mode and will send you MA this month. Technical question, if you don't mind: did you use tape or is it a coating, such as clear leveling gel? Very nice effect.

  • Susan McAllister

    I received your goodies today. Thanks. I especially like the envelope.
  • Emmy Verschoor

    Thanks for your mail art, Rachel.

    Beautiful envelope!

    I will send you something in return soon, I am way behind!!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Greetings Emmy

  • Tarah - Miss Thundercat

    hi rachel! thanks so much for your lovely mail art surprise!! love the collage art! and i'll send you something fun in the mail soon too :) xo Tarah

  • trick sensei

    Hi rachel, I just got your beautiful work yesterday and wanted to send some thanks!  It's a treat to get ma from folks I used to trade with, so many seem to be on hiatus like I was.  still contemplating what my next ma printing project shall be, but when i get it together I'll send you one.  take good care

  • Neil Gordon

    Thnx for the card Rachel!!! Nice card- what a great idea to use mandalas!!!!!!

  • Susan McAllister

    Hi Rachel, I received both of your cards. I love the mandala card. Thanks so much.
  • Cuan Miles

    Hello Rachel

    I am so embarrassed. My mandala postcard obviously couldn't stand the rigours of the SA Post Office and literally fell apart.What you posted on your site was about 50% of the original. Here's a scan of the original Mandela Mandala.



  • Susan McAllister

    Your latest mandala card arrived yesterday. Thanks so much.
  • trick sensei

    hi rachel, got your sweet card today. many thanks, haven't made much time for mail art, hopefully get some things finished during my next round of free time coming up soon. take care
  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Thanks for the card and new year wishes. I like the Tao symbol in the hand symbol.

  • Arac

    Thanks for the mail and the mandala invite, you have been blogged http://iuoma-network.ning.com/profiles/blogs/10-for-10

  • Donald Kolberg

    Thanks so much for the mandala invite and the wonderful mail art card

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    I received a piece of your ever refreshing mail art. Thank you!  

  • Thom Courcelle

    Hey Rachel--

    I just came across this photo and IMMEDIATELY thought of you and your Mandala project... I may try to get to the lecture at the University of WA (though it's a much different program that is advertised at Meany Hall on that date--the Percussion Ensemble.  Perhaps they are having a special visual element during their performance?)

  • Neil Gordon

    Rachel! I saw the Hamsa postcard w/ the yin/yang in the middle blogged by Cernjul! Beautiful! Did you design it?????

  • Suus in Mokum

    Thank you for the doodle-mandala and nice compliment! Like the silhouettes of the bunnies. Suus

  • Kerri Pullo

    HI Rachel! Received your mail art today! LOVE the mandala! Thank you!

  • Amy Morton

    Rachel, Thanks for the mail art and the Mandala art call notice. I've sent something your way! -Amy

  • Parys St. Martin

    Thank you Rachel for the ab fab piece of MA......Love the colors

    Take care



  • Nicole Cottam

    Received your mail-art just then! Thank you so much, it's beautiful! =D

  • Susan McAllister

    Rachel, Your mandalas are really lovely. Thank you.
  • Helga Deb

    Rachel, thanks for the postcards! I love the Rhino! I have a few Hefalumps but this is my first rhino. I just started in mail art. I don't have art set aside for mailing but I have a couple of things in progress! I'll be sending you mail soon.
    I'm happy you found me on iuoma. I'm excited to make some new friends... Arty friends..
    ? The second postcard... About mandalas... Is that an exhibition you are putting together? When will it be open?
  • Susan McAllister

    Hey Rachek, I'm behind as usual, but I'll send you something soon.
  • Caly DePalma

    Rachel, I have been meaning to thank you for that amazing and special piece of art you sent me. It touched me deeply that you would take the time to make it so personal and recognize how important my upcoming wedding is to me.  Thanks again and will definitely be sending more art in the future. Your the best!  Caly

  • Jenn Miltenberger

    Got your card, sending something your way. 

  • Amy Irwen

    Rachel, what a NICE surprise arrived on the 9th! WOW!!!!! Great idea....I am honored to have received this one....should I add to it and return? ...or we could send it out to the "add and Pass" world and see it will be returned to you....

    I was also hoping that you would add something else to the piece I added to and see where that goes, if you are interested...

    Great Piece...I will be blogging soon...also a new piece is in the mail for you...

    Hugs *!*
  • katie shaw

    Rachel, I absolutely love the rhinoceros you sent me!!! Thank you so very much! What a treat.

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    "I love sending art out into the universe and receiving unexpected creative work and ideas from other people" Me too!  I received an unexpected and creative work from Lawrence today. Thanks for your mail art and the rest...

  • Carlos I. Botana


    Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
    Size: Free
    Technique: Free
    Deadline: August 15, 2016
    Exhibition: September, 2016
    No sales. No jury. No return
    The work is publisehed in the "blog": mailartlasmeninasdecanido.blogspot.com
    Send your work to:
    Carlos I. Botana
    C/. Javier López López
    Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
    15009 - A Coruña - Spain
  • Vel Crowe

    sat 03/18/2017


    Hello, i'm Velcrow! would you like to swap some mail art? would you like one of my peculiar postcards? send me a surface-mail address, and i'll send you one.

     Velcrow Psittacino

  • Lisa Ricchio

    Hi Rachel!
    I would love to swap ATCs with you, if you're interested! My address is:
    Lisa Ricchio
    84 Condor st
    East Boston, MA 02128
    United States
  • Bruno Chiarlone