


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Hello i will be happy to exchange Art Work in size 10x15 cm 4" x 6" inches Format unframed with any one interested. No jury No Price NO Fee Just a good and fare exchange of art.

Salve Vorrei scambiare dei Lavori in Formato 10 x 15 cm senza cornice con Chiunque lo desidera 1 Per 1. niente soldi niente giuria niente premi solo della sano scambio d'arte.

I like to express my self in any way and this is one of them
not just create the mail but also the full process , send and receive it .
Je suis né en 1994 dans une boutique d'art dans le Chaenomeles le bord de l'enceinte fortifiée de la ville Aronte, dans le creuset des âmes perdues savoura l'amour de l'art.
d'abord comme poète et artiste peintre, sculpteur et cinéaste, je l'ai toujours essayé d'exprimer ma pensée Naife.
Autodidacte, je ne méprisait comprendre l'art et ses limites que les excès, maintenant décidé de faire connaître ma flamme faible ici, je suis à vous.
I was born in 1994 in an art shop in the Chaenomeles the edge of the walled enclosure of the Aronte City, in the crucible of lost souls savored the love of art.
first as poet and artist painter, sculptor and filmmaker I have always tried to express my Naife thought.
Self-taught, I never despised understand art and its limits as the excesses, now decided to make known my feeble flame here I am to you.
Mi naskiĝis en 1994 en arta butiko en la Chaenomeles la rando de la areo amurallado de la Aronte Urbo, en la fandujo de perditaj animoj gustumita la amo de arto.
unue kiel poeto kaj artisto pentristo, skulptisto kaj produktoro mi ĉiam klopodis esprimi mian Naife pensis.
Memlernanto, mi neniam malestimis kompreni arton kaj liaj limoj kiel la ekscesoj, nun decidis sciigi mian malforta flamo jen mi al vi.
נולדתי בשנת 1994 בחנות אמנות Chaenomeles בקצה המתחם המגודר של העיר Aronte, בכור ההיתוך של נשמות אבודות התענג על אהבת האמנות.
הראשון בתור משורר וצייר אמן, פסל קולנוען תמיד ניסיתי להביע Naife שלי חשב.
אוטודידקט, אני לא בזתי להבין אמנות וגבולותיה כמו הקיצוניות, עכשיו החליט לפרסם את הלהבה הרפה כאן אני אלייך.привет,
Я родился в 1994 году в художественной мастерской в ​​Chaenomeles край стеной корпус из Aronte города, в тигле потерянных душ смаковал любовь к искусству.
сначала как поэт и художник живописец, скульптор и режиссер я всегда старался выразить мысль моя Naife.
Самоучка, я никогда не презирал понимать искусство и свои пределы, как излишества, теперь решил явить свое слабое пламя вот я к вам.
لقد ولدت في عام 1994 في متجر الفن في كانوميلس حافة العلبة المسورة مدينة Aronte، في بوتقة من النفوس الضائعة يستمتع به محبة للفن.
أولا كما قال الشاعر والرسام الفنان، النحات والمخرج لقد حاولت دائما للتعبير عن فكرتي Naife.
العصاميين، وأنا لا يحتقر فهم الفن وحدوده كما تجاوزات، قررت الآن أن تعلن بلدي لهب ضعيف أنا هنا لك
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Menconi tiziano
via Venezia 2 Scala A

Comment Wall:

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Certo Caro Amico!  Ti invio qualcosa anche io al più presto!  un fraterno abbraccio . b 

  • Mathom-House

    Purtroppo abitando in una piccola stanza, al momento son lontano dal mio "laboratorio"... ma ogni tanto torno a casa! Appena arrivato (oppure poco dopo...) mi metterò a far dell'arte postale!

  • William M

    thanks for the comment. if you send me something(my address is on my iuoma profile page) i'll send you something back.

  • Bonniediva

    Hey Sweetie! I will send you some art. I live near Chicago in USA! xxoo Bonniediva

  • kelly o'neill

    Great! Thanks for asking.  yes, let's do it! kelly 

  • Charlotte Geister

    Hi Morice, Thanks for writing! I like your comic drawings! I work a lot with collage and I will send you a card soon! So long!


  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Caro Amico... nessun miracolo  doveva accadere ... semplicemente che se lo guardi in controluce si evidenziano le macchie!  Visto che l'olio rende un po' trasparente la carta bianca... io oggi lavoro sul concettuale e sull'arte povera o wabi-sabi... forse non siamo in sintonia... mi dispiace ma accade in Mail Art... un fraterno abbraccio , b 

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Se guardi il mio blog capisci meglio la mia poetica... e puoi anche contestarla ... ti abbraccio , b 

  • Charlotte Geister

    Hi Morice,

    thanks so much for your mail art! There was a problem with the address, and therefore it took a real long time to reach me! Very fine collage ; I will send you a new collage in an envelope this time, so that nothing gets lost! Best wishes and creativity! Charlotte

  • Dorina Harangus

    Morice Marcuse. Please tell me which is your contribution to the project Postcard to a Stranger so I can change your name. Thank you.
  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Earthling, this may be the last but certainly it´s not the least welcome message to IUOMA you are going to receive. I’m a celestial mail artist living in a heavenly corner of the faraway universe called Republik van Patland. I´d love to be the other end if you wish to trade mail art with a celestial mail artist. If this is the case at the time your envelope should read as follows:

    The Celestial Scribe
    Terrene Embassy
    Republik van Patland
    Caixa Postal 24827

    I look forward to see a piece of yours in my terrene mailbox. I´ll do my homework after receiving your artwork. This is nothing less than a Celestial Promise. I’m Patricio, Celestial Scribe & Republik van Patland Official Envelope Provider.

  • Bonniediva

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the art and the Manifesto! Bravo! Love the beautiful envelope, too. You are so wonderful! XXOO Bonniediva

  • Irina Kivela

    Ciao MoriceMarcus :)

    Bella Carrara...ti scrivo, pero non so quando! :)

    Mi piace il tuo lavoro, e molto interesante!

  • Sabela Baña

    Hello my adress. Sabela Baña

                               C/ Ramon y Cajal 30-3Dr

                                   15006 A Coruña(España)

    I Hope some seeds. When I received the seeds I plant them in my garden.Thanks

  • Sabela Baña

    Thanks, when I received you mail art. I send e-mail

  • Sabela Baña

    Thanks by you friend. The best wished

  • Sabela Baña

    I received you mail art. I really liked your book, I´m a geometric artist .I go to my farm in the field a few days, there I will plant them where I return I send you the e-mail  with the photos.Very thanks

  • Sabela Baña

    Hello I planted the seeds on my farm . I send photography.

  • Sabela Baña

    I send you mail art. Pleasen when you received send me e-mail. Thanks

  • Sabela Baña

    Hello, the seeds if melon already have leaves.

  • Maia Leda

    great work! I´ll send mine to 

    Menconi tiziano

    via Venezia 2 Scala A

    would you send a poscard to me?


    san juan 678 6p c

    Rosario Santa Fe CP 2000


  • John Gayer

    Thanks for the invite.

  • Maia Leda

    ok. thanks I´ll send you mine

  • anamerari

    I would like to send a mail art

  • Norma Soulet

    Hi Morice,

    I sent something out for you today.


  • Ruud Janssen

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    DADA is immortal. He is almost immortal!

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    thank you Morice Marcuse

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Grazie Caro Amico!  ti invio una mail art... un abbraccio e Buon Natale . b

  • Sabela Baña

    Yes, I like very much the book of Paco  Perez Belda.

  • Cherub Ayers

    Sending you mail art today!!!