Cherub Ayers


Oxford, OH

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
If you mail to me, you will be sure to receive mail-art in return!

I love to create art and share art. I love all art and collect different kinds of art from all over the world. I started out trading ATCs and ATC coins, then joined a mail-art Facebook group, now I’m here too!

Let’s trade mail-Art!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Cherub Ayers
620 Erin Dr.
Oxford, OH 45056

Comment Wall:

  • Bonniediva

    Hey Cherub, Welcome! I'm sending you art! Hugs, Bonniediva

  • Kathy Barnett

    Hi Cherub! Welcome!

  • Richard BAUDET

    Hi  Cherub !  I prepare something for you ....I hope to trade with you ...thank you .  ................( my ad is on my page ) 

  • Amber Scribble


  • Oswaldo Pullen

    Hi, Cherub:

    My Address is:

    Oswaldo Pullen

    SQSW 301 Bl. H apto 408

    70673-108 Brasília DF


  • Heide Monster

    Something in the mail for you

  • amadeu escórcio

    Hi Cherub:

       I will send something by mail. 

                      Amadeu Escórcio

  • Jan Hodgman

    Sure Cherub, let's do it!


  • Jayne Barket Lyons

    Awesome, Cherub! Getting something out to you tomorrow!

  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Thank you! Waiting for news from you!

  • Amber Scribble

    Woot!!! Mail on its way to you !!!!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    OWL see you soon in the mail, Cherub,

    thanks for sending!

  • Tabatha

    Your welcome ! I'm looking forward to getting yours ! 

  • Judith Dagan

    I would love to exchange art / mail with you. 

  • Tammy Riggins

    Hi, Cherub! Thanks for adding me. I've been a member here before, but took a break from mail art for maybe 3-4 years. Soooooo I'm happy to be back!

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Earthling, this may be the last but certainly, it´s not the least welcome message to IUOMA you are going to receive. I’m a celestial mail artist living in a heavenly uncharted corner of the faraway universe called “Republik van Patland”. I would love to be the other end if you wish to trade mail art with a celestial mail artist.  If that is the case at the time your envelope should read as follows:

    The Celestial Scribe
    Terrene Embassy
    Republik van Patland
    Caixa Postal 461

    I look forward to seeing a piece of yours in my terrene mailbox. I´ll do my homework after receiving your artwork. This is nothing less than a celestial promise.  I’m Patricio, Celestial Scribe & Republik van Patland Official Envelope Provider.

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Cherub, to become your IUOMA friend seems to me much more celestial than this scribe.  Thnak you!

  • Jan Hodgman

    Yippee! I'm on the look-out!

  • Tabatha

    I got your Mail Art today Thank You ! I really like the stamps and the color palette especially the Mermaid watercolor! 

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Cherub...thank you for the mail art and welcome!

  • Amber Scribble

    got your mail! sorry, it took me a minute to post to awful at doing that... loved your art, and i did send you something on Thursday!

  • iWunder

    Don't know how you found me, but this certainly found my mailbox! Thank you!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Ciao Cara Amica! ricevuto!!!  W LA MAIL ART W IUOMA!!!

  • Kayenderes

    Can you write me to say if you want to swap 5 art envelopes?  thank you and Do you do Add & Pass Booklet?  I love to do them

  • Sabela Baña

    Thanks for you friend.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Your work looks fabulous, your drawings are fresh and refreshing!

  • Eileen McCaffery

    Hi Cherub!

    I'm very happy be your friend but I'm rather confused by all of this as a new 'kid' on the block.

    Eileen aka Emc2

  • mariano filippetta

    Thanks for add