A s l ı, The Turkish Agent


San Francisco, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
To mail or not to mail: I send mail to share dispatches out in the field, Istanbul via San Francisco, collector of information, moments of thought, connect the dots from all my travels, follow trails, forge paths, inform, learn, fill mail boxes with worlds beyond reach. The reasons are endless and timeless.

Heartbeats: Journalism, writing, books, libraries, passports, air mail, aeroplanes, linguistics, ancient ruins, cryptography, history, vintage, old magazines, calligraphy, sea turtle conservancy, naval fleets, U.S. History, small country Americana towns, forest trees, photography, desert dunes, postcards, agents, intelligence, pin ups, spies, vamps, pulp fiction, cinema, genealogy, family trees, Turkey, Israel, Europe, Armenia, Greece, Slavs, Morocco, crusades, war history, empires, heraldry, obscure nobility, vinyl, ambassadors, diplomats.

Special attention paid to philately and vintage.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
A s l ı
The Turkish Agent*
California Bureau
P.O. Box 475007
San Francisco, California 94147

Follow on Twitter! https://twitter.com/theagentpost_x ♥︎

Comment Wall:

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Turkish Agent???   The CIA, Celestial Intelligence Agency, reported to me, in my capacity of Patlander Ambassador to Planet Earth, your true identity my dear agent.  At the time some obvious connections are easily available to an attentive celestial being.  Turkish ascendancy, journalism, "desoriented writing", San Francisco, travels, mail artist since 2008.....  All that stuff speaks loudly.  By the way: I just received your envelope.  The sender name has certainly changed, the style remains the same. 

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Welcome to iuoma, Turkish Agent. Thank you for your friend request. If you send me mail, I will respond. 

  • Mercedes La Marquesa

    Love to be your mail art friend.
  • Maria Teresa Cazzaro

    Thank you for your friendship . I'll send you a mail art.
  • Mim Golub Scalin

    See you in the mail!
  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Aceitei sua amizade. Bem vinda.


  • renata di palma

    Thank you for asking my friendship!

  • Terry Reid

    So Patricio knows you by your former self - ?  A sleuth. Or, more correctly, a sleuth and an agent.

  • Amy Irwen

    How intriguing! Thank you for friending....
  • Debra Mulnick

    Thanks for your friend request. As Patricio says, I'm ready when you are!

    I look forward to seeing you in the mail.

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Dear agent, I was, I´m , I´ll be ready when you are.  Nice to have you on borad again!

  • Mary Jo Cartledgehayes

    Thanks for letting me know. I hope you liked the art. :)

  • Terry Reid

    Dear Nome d'Arte,  Are you an agent for the eating of Turkish delights?  Istanbul may have the Grand Mosque, but Sydney yodels back with the Opera House.  Your pixel pal, Terry Reid de Plume

  • Terry Reid

    Image may contain: 1 person , text

  • Terry Reid

    When I saw the American Embassy had a Turkish Agent, I was certain they would welcome a nom de français such as Terry Reid de Plume.

  • Terry Reid

  • anamerari

    I will send a mail art....

  • Li Araki

    Thank you so much for the wonderful card!  The bookcover looks so much like the Church of the Transfiguration on 29th Street in New York.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi;Turkish Agent. I am so thrilled to have a spy as a friend, wow!
    Although I am surprised that there are not any Turkish dishes in the list of your interests. I love anything with patlican in it. 

    I agree with your political non commitment, that is why I campaign for an independent London, with lots of Turkish restaurants in it.

  • Mail Art Martha

    I have been eating aubergines everyday during my holidays in Catalonia and there I came upon a recipe for a dish from Italy which as soon as I try it I will send to you with the appraisal.First I have to get to my local Turkish supermarket were they have the best veg and fruit.

    I will have to do a picture of the dish or it would not be mail art.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Not only I have two small supermarkets authentically Turkish within some ten minutes in the bus but a Turkish restaurant right at the corner of my road. We here in London are multicultural which I hope will remain so. Now that I remember there is another near by too, and would you believe it? a Turkish barber! I cannot imagine what is the difference with an English one.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Do you think they may be undercover agents?

  • Karalie

    Hi! I saw your post on the PDXCC on Toni's comment. I would love the info on the group. I am fairly new to mail art, but I love the outlet it gives me! 

    Would love to exchange if interested. :o)

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    I am interested A s l i, although i probably wouldn't be able to attend many meetings since I live quite a ways from Portland. I would love to know more. Thanks!
  • Karalie

    Thanks for the info!!  

    MA heading your way. :o)

  • Karalie

    Goodies received!  Thank you!!  I love the holiday theme, and that Buddha sticker is awesome!!! Safe travels! If you're in PDX, give me a shout, would love to meet for coffee. :O)

  • Jan Hodgman

    your friend request kept slipping away somehow. hope to exchange mail soon!

  • Jan Hodgman

    That was a throwback, all the way to 3 am!

    Love that old handwriting. Nobody writes like that anymore, eh?


  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Happy new little one, though I'm not sure when it arrived. Maybe not so new. In any case, take your time getting mail out, to state the obvious, as little ones take up a lot of one's time. But someday, you'll have wee hands helping you make mail art. My grand girl is very into it these days.
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    WoW, happy Little one. Amazing how amazing they are, isn't it? Best wishes to you. 

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Ciao Cara Amica! grazie per aver scelto i miei gruppi!  vuoi darmi l'amicizia? ti abbraccio . Bruno Cassaglia.

    Hello dear friend! thank you for choosing my groups! do you want to give me friendship? I hug you . Bruno Cassaglia.