Guido Vermeulen

70, Male



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Communication in a global network
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

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  • borderlinegrafix

    Happy Birthday!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Enjoy, Guido!!! Like last year, with Michelangelo!

  • Claudia Garcia

    Happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyy Guido!!!!!!!

  • Zois

    Happy Birthday to you Guido!  You have entered a lyrical decade. May your year be trilling and thrilling and with frequent joys popping up.  Thinking of you extra through your Birthday month. with love from Elizabeth

  • Amy Irwen

    Happy day to you Guido! Hugs *!*
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Guido!

    Great painted envelope and amazing "stamps" inside :-)

    posted at "Envelopes" and blogged here:

    Mail Art Friday and add n' pass from Guido

  • Ruud Janssen

    Dag Guido,

    Er is wel een dagelijkse limiet aan het aantal fotos dat een lid kan uploaden. Heb dat nu even op 50 gezet. Lukt het nu wel?



  • Renske Leeuw

    Thank you Guido
  • Jean Claude SARPI

    Bonne fin de semaine, sirène en route......................

  • Guvenc Uguz

    Thanks Guido :)

  • Edel Waugh

    Thank you :)
  • Andrea Vicentini

    Grazie!!! so gentle !!!

    I really hope to receive some amazing mail art...this is a very rich and creative world ;)

  • medbh gillard

    hi guido, your mermaid is on her way from sligo tomorrow morning!
  • 𝕊𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖 𝕃𝕖𝕨𝕚𝕤

    Thank you for being a friend! ☺ 

  • Andrea Vicentini


    Really well done! Gorgeous!

  • medbh gillard

    ah guido, what a mix up, i have also posted something to Andrga, lets hope I got that bit right, its al part of the big communication wheel, little mishaps happen. Thank you for your contribution to the YEATS DAY MAIL ART PROJECT. Its lovely to hear you have nice memories of your time in Sligo....tell me, can you remember if the man who gave the tour was very tall....I am wondering how small the world might actually be. Medbh
  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Sligo Blues Poem: following in the footsteps of Yeats--thank you for a wonderful birthday poem. 

  • medbh gillard

    I know! Its wonderful isn't it? Thrilled! 

  • Maude Earhart

    Thank you for adding me as a friend. I love looking at trees, flowers, light meditative blue skies with white fluffy clouds, quilts rich in color and a story pattern, crayon drawings, black and white photography, dale Chihuly glass work, folk art, simple illustrations in picture books and beautiful salads and fruit bowls, babies smiling, I am allergic to negative art. Again, thank you for adding me I appreciate it. An old friend just visited your home country and smiling in all the pics. It must be a beautiful place with lots of inspiring art.
  • Jean Claude SARPI


    ok que dois-je faire?


    OK what do I do?

  • medbh gillard

    Guido there is mail on the way to uour from Sligo!
  • Anna Titova

    Thank you for friendsheep!

  • Andrea Vicentini

    Guido .. the feeling of suspance is really strong in both of your mail. Really meaningful!

  • Petrolpetal

    Thanks for your mail! Would you believe that although I read voraciously I have never read anything by Philip K Dick! I will now - maybe just a short story to start with since I am still a bit wary of science fiction! Regarding your comment about friends - that one is lucky if one has 5 true friends- I think it all depends on how you define a friend. I get sustenance from brief interactions - so the internet revolutionized my social life - but I tend to get quite claustrophobic with intense friendships (what some would consider the only true friends). I like to compare it to poetry - some like epic narrative; some like Haiku!
  • Petrolpetal

    I've been reading about Philip K Dick and his writing sounds fascinating - it's so weird how one can end up just missing a great writer for no real reason.
  • Dan Landrum

  • James Jansen van Vuuren

    Thanks for the welcome-message! I look forward to exchanging artwork with you ...

  • Gemma-Louise Green

    Thanks for the welcoming ! Can't wait to start this mailART. :)
  • Mail Art News

    Greetings Guido.

  • Ahmet Demir

    Hello Guido

  • Theresa Easton

    HI Giuido

    thanks for the Mail Art - I will be blogging soon and promoting your project, hope to be engaging with some more Mail Art soon.  Been busy in England setting up an Artists' Union England, exciting times, look forward to seeing more of your work on line. best


  • Pit Wagner


  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Guido, thank you for that. You pop into my mind often, and now I find you've got two excellent art blogs going (and maybe more, who knows, you're so prolific!). I'll send you m.a. again very soon.

  • Dimitra Papatheodorou

    Dear Guido, thank you for your message. I am glad my mail art arrived but I have a question for you: how can you do this, I mean changing colours.... It's ok for me, it is inderesting see my painting with other colours, just wondering

  • Dimitra Papatheodorou

    Thank you Guido, very interesting.

  • Hello new mail art friend!

  • Thank you for the link - Great collage collection! The way to Bali? Thats funny, my mother lives in a place called Barley, so I know the way there!

  • FinnBadger

    Thanks for the welcome, Guido.

  • Deborah S. Phillips

    nice use of ink guido! really enjoyed looking at your blog. will now look at the blue moon mail art project... care to send something & i'll send something back? my address D. Phillips Emser Str. 117 12051 Berlin

  • Thanks for that Guido, I learn something new everyday.

    I am working on a piece for the project, will send it to you soon.

  • Thank you very much Guido, I sent one for you today too! They can wave to each other as they cross paths. I look forward to it.

  • Deborah S. Phillips

    thank you guido! your envelope arrived in today's post. i shall htink about your very important theme &, when i come up with something in the next couple of weeks, shall send it to you.

    alll the best from berlin, deborah

  • You beat me, yours has arrived! Mine is probably still in transit. Thank you, it's really great!

  • Great! Thanks for blogging Guido. You are getting a big response to this call. What a busy man you are! 1973 was a strange yr too - That's when I was born!

  • Emmy

    Thank you Guido! How should I begin. :)

  • Thank you so very much for the post I received today. What a surprise! - A really wonderful book of your work.

  • Deborah S. Phillips

    thanks for posting the ink drawing guido. have set up a link from my blog to it. i shall look regularly at new contributions. best

  • Jan Hodgman

    Thanks for being so welcoming, Guido! May I send you a postcard????

    Jan Hodgman

  • Dörthe Siemers-Wulff

    Thank you, i´m glad to be here

  • Solimini Renata

    Hello! Thank you, glad to follow this group!