Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
To be creative, to share ideas with others who are creative and wish to exchange art in the mail!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Nafpliou 85
10441 Athens

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  • Maura Di Giulio

    Thanks for your 'making off' of your sunset recycle. I love reuse materials to create new suff of object, it will be proper speak of UPCYCLE instead of RECYCLE but in Italy the difference between these two items is quite unknow! Anyway give new life to something you don't use anymore!!!

  • Michalis Kotsaris

    Μany thanks for the books - !

  • Heleen de Vaan

    Thank you for your kind comments, Katerina! I'm glad to see you (and Edmund) appreciated it!

  • Antonia Mayol

    Thanks for your congratulations.
    You can send any of the envelopes to complete?

  • Mail Art Martha

    Gosh there is a lot of excellent work in your blog, Kat! It is so inspiring, so back to the painting table for me.

  • Erica Durante

    Hi Katerina! I'm so glad you liked my postcard! I'm going through a bit of a dry spell now; in the past month or so, I've only made six postcards. Hopefully I'll "snap out of it" and get back to making lots of mail art! Ciao! Erica

  • David Stafford

    Hey Katerina,

    I blogged your banana con flies...


  • Bill Porter

    Hi Katerina,

    I'm so glad to hear that the little painting arrived there safely. Your send will be a good prompting for me to get those paints and brushes active again. 

    Have a marvelous day!

    The Olathe Poste

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Hi Katerina, while I was in a celestial visit to California your artwork arrived to my PO box. Your bananas look like better than the real ones I see arround here.  Congratulations!!!.  My mail to do list is growing faster than my capacity to make them.  I´ll send some celestial mail art to you the soonest I can.  I´ll keep you posted. 

  • Bill Porter

    Excellent, Katerina! I am very glad to learn that you'll be painting more and I will look forward to your send. I'll get something ready for the return trip, too.  :^)

    The Olathe Poste

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe


  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe

    Hey Kat,

    Mailed MA to you on Tuesday.Look for it in the next few weeks. Take care.

  • Amy Irwen

    Berlin envelopes have arrived! The fun begins...thank you Kat! <3
  • Petrolpetal

    Thanks for the wonderful Valentines day card! When I blog, you'll be surprised to see what the rain did to the envelope. It looks quite beautiful!

  • Miranta. Tzaka

    Your friendship is honorable for me.thank you

  • Neil Gordon

    Kat! Thanks for the tea-time collage and yogi tea wisdom, i love the Thessaloniki euro youth stamp along w/ Greek blue cat, it cheered me up! May have a new healthy home soon and not be sick from all the mold!


  • Keith S. Chambers

    re: Roswell and other sights of visitation. Here's the silly truth of Keith sending out "series editions" of cards. As I did with the Soup Cans last year, this smaller set was created with three in the set, so not everybody received the same set of two [the soup cans consisted of nine pieces, of which recipients only received three each — randomly selected]. With this latest mailing everyone on the mailing list received the third piece, but, either the first or second to make a set. I'm weird like that. Hopefully, someone will share the first in the set so you can see the trio [I have the complete set, selfish me].  :|

    I have some other ideas for single piece editions, but like all things, time is a limited resource.

  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Thank you Katerina for your wishes and your beautiful card!!!!


  • Cernjul Viviana María

    "Gracias Katerina para sus deseos y su tarjeta hermosa!! 

    "Thank you Katerina for your wishes and your beautiful card!!!!

  • Georgia Grigoriadou

    Σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ Κατερίνα για την κάρτα και τις ευχές σου!!!!

  • Mail Art News

  • Giovanni Bonanno

    Katerina, in short I will send a postcard where you can intervene pa participate in the project dedicated to Shozo Shimamoto

    -Best wishes, good job,  Giovanni  Bonanno

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Kat, many thanks for your sunset-time piece. What you do with (timeless!) time is just great and I'm so happy to have one in person! xxx

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Thanks Kat. Time/focus has been in short supply here for a while, but a path is being pawed through, methinks. I have some "time" to send you, this week is the plan, and I think/hope you'll enjoy the sort of historic form it takes.

  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe

    Yes you did Kat and you are most welcome!!! I left a little message on your blog for you and Edmund. Now I know it takes almost 3 weeks to get to you.

  • borderlinegrafix

    You are welcome....and thank you for the blog.  The add n' passes were stacking up around here!

  • Bill Porter

    Hi Katerina,

    Glad to know that the sending arrived and that you liked it. You are very welcome!

    The Olathe Poste

  • Rebecca Guyver

  • Heleen de Vaan

    Camel-in-the-Fridge arrived!
    Thank you, Katerina!!

  • Bill Porter


    A beautiful watercolor/pencil piece of "mountains across the Bay" awaiting me at the post office box yesterday. Thank you! Obviously the mountains in Greece are gorgeous!! Thank you!!!

    The Olathe Poste

  • Bill Porter

    Mt. Olympus, of course, Katerina. The educational bonuses derived from the beauties of mail art.


    The Olathe Poste

  • anamerari

    I was very happy to find your artwork ....
    There are many mail art with clock ... that's your favorite subject?

  • Eva (Mail Adventures)

    Hello, Katerina,

    Today arrived a fridge with a camel inside. He's a bit disappointed as he thought he would find a lot of camels here... But not camels in North Morocco, so I'm happy to have this. I will hang it in the fridge :D

    I'll try to send you something soon. Thanks again!

  • Heleen de Vaan

    Just a note to say that I liked your mail art for the Walnut mail art project a lot, Katerina!

    I was reading the beautiful poem by Nazim Hikmet, and in search of more info about this poet I found out that he was born in Salonica, and I immediately thought of Thessaloniki (which appears to be the same place!?) and  when thinking os Thessaloniki of  course we all think of you :-)

    The poem is astonishing - and alarming: while having been written many decades ago, it's still actual! - and your interpretation in your mail art I htink beautiful.

  • Eva (Mail Adventures)

    Oh, sorry: yes, I put it "on" the fridge :D

  • Bifidus Jones

    Ha! Indeed. I sent that months ago--so glad you got it:-)

  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe

    Kat when I go to post office here I depend on what they tell me is needed to send mail. I have sent Val in France several packages with bulky items and no customs stickers.He has always received them within 10 days as post office stated with only mail art written  on envelope.His last envelope was 11 x12 with prints and he still received within 10 days.

    I will never write the contents of what is in the package. Mail gets stolen and disappears here in US too. I trust the postal workers  at my local PO. When I sent that group of mailings a new young woman was inexperienced. However everyone else i sent mail to that day in Europe all received  their mail with no problems. So there you have it. This journey with Erni's and Edmunds package is now closed!!!! Thank Goodness!! Take care.

  • Jessie

    Heads up, sending something your way! ;)

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Dear, dear Katerina, I received your Easter MA today - it's just lovely! Thanks!!! ^_^ And Happy Easter to you too!

  • Maura Di Giulio

    Arrived your new mail art for ZOO ART RE-CYCLE, thank you so much!

  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Dear Katerina, thanks a lot for your Birthday wishes!



  • Rochleigh Z. Wholfe

    Hey Kat,

    Received your whimsical  MA Camel and Kat Time.Thank you  and I like it very much!!!! Posted it on my blog here. Will send you something soon.



  • Maria Teresa Cazzaro

    thank you dear Katerina,I'm glad you liked.  ciaooo

  • Eraser Heed

    Thank you for the lovely blue bunny in the BC letter :)

  • jon foster

    Hello. Thank you so much for posting the images. I did a little thinking about your camera and I have a response. http://thejonfoster.blogspot.com/2014/04/sent-to-katerina-in-greece...

  • Keith S. Chambers

    You're very welcome.

  • Heleen de Vaan

    I happened to see this blue stamp print on Etsy.com - which I wanted to share with you, how coincidentally :-)

  • Lisa Marie Mencke

    Good morning Katerina!  Thank you for the beautiful Mail Art! I loved the piece you sent to me.  Spring Time Mail Art!  THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!

    Are you coming to Homewood, Illinois in May?

  • Heleen de Vaan





  • Eva (Mail Adventures)