Esther--Let me be the first to welcome you to this unique community of mail artists. Have fun!
I would like to receive mail art from you --and I will send you something in return. Documentation can be found on and my IUOMA page.
Welcome, Esther, to the IUOMA! And thank you for sharing your website and poems with all of us.
Reading one of your ruminations, there comes some subject in my mind, I'd like to create some mail art about it and send it to you. If you'd like to receive, could you please mail me your snail mail address (via email or via your IUOMA-inbox)?
Thank you for your postcard containing your poetry and a detailed drawing. It's will be added to my IUOMA photo stream and will be blogged within the next week at
Earthling, this is the last but certainly not the least welcome message to IUOMA you receive. I’m a celestial mail artist living in a heavenly corner of the faraway universe called Republik van Patland. When you joined IUOMA on October 21 I was unable to welcome you on board. At the time I was in a Celestial Journey far beyond the Milky Way. Now, back to planet Earth, I´d love to be the other end when you decide it’s the right time to start trading snail mail art. If this is the case at the time your envelope should read as follows:
The Celestial Scribe
Terrene Embassy
Republik van Patland
Caixa Postal 24827
I look forward to see a piece of yours in our terrene mailbox. I will do my homework after receiving yours. This is nothing less than a Celestial Promise. I’m Patricio, Celestial Scribe & Republik van Patland Official Envelope Provider.
"...I had to guess what feeds a Celestial Being..." it´s easy Esther. If the entity is a celestial mail artist, then mail art is the obvious answer. It´s Job number two time. Why don´t you show Palo Alto to many pople through the lens of your creativity? Dead line is December the 3rd.
MAIL ART CALL: My city through the lens of mail art
THE IDEA: This is a group of students of Cities Semiotics, class of 2012, undergraduates in Communication Technology of the UFPR (Federal University of the State of Paraná, Brazil). We invite you all to show to the planet your city through the particular and creative ”mail art eyes” of yours. We´ll be happy to expose your artworks to art students, the academic community and the general public.
BACKGROUND: “Last month I invited Patricio, the Celestial Scribe, an IUOMA member, to present mail art to my group of students at the university. It was totally awesome! My students and I have fallen in love with mail art mainly because the many connections between semiotics (the study of signs and symbols as elements of communication) and the outstanding creative process observed in the artworks received by Patricio. We, as a group, decided that we all wanted to undergo our own mail art experience, semiotics related The group of students decided to make this mail art call and soon it became one of the assessments procedures for the discipline of cities´semiotics by the university. Anna Beatriz Paula, PhD (
FORMATS: The following are accepted
Artworks created on a heavy card stock paper. Postcard size 4x6 or 5x7
Artworks in any size, that can be folded down to fit into a standard size envelope 9 ½ x 41/2
Artworks/Objects/3D forms that can be sent through the mail unwrapped.
All visual art mediums will be accepted including text/poetry, printmaking, and sculpture.
The following information should be included on the back: Name / Full Snail Mail Address / Title of artwork (if there is one) and Medium
No jury, no censorship. All works will be exhibited.
The contributions will not be returned and remain the property of the Dept. of Semiotics of the UFPR, The Federal University of Paraná.
DOCUMENTATION: issued by UFPR it will be sent to all participants in exchange for their works.
SUBMISSIONS: Artists are encouraged to use the envelope or various packaging as an art surface, either on its own or in addition to the artwork that is inside it.
ORGANIZATION: Prof. Anna Beatriz Paula. CURATOR: The Celestial Scribe
DEADLINE: Submissions must arrive to UFPR by December 3, 2013
VENUE: Technological and Professional Education Sector of the Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba. Brazil
Your poems are beautiful. I like 'Red Gesture' especially, so far. I listen to a lot of spoken word/performance poetry. Also, I've recently learned about the Landay - (through the June issue of Poetry Magazine) - which was entirely new to me (and probably to most of the world, I suppose!). Anyway, if you would like to exchange mail art, please either send me your address, and I will gladly respond. I like Heleen's idea of creating a piece of mail art in response to the images that your words evoke.
"...out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field..." Iuoma is a brilliant cluster of brilliant people who provide a powerful antidote to decades of conventional thinking and it shows on the envelopes, the postcards and the sentences their members select to write on their artworks. You and the artwork from yours I received yesterday are not the exception to this rule. My artwork to do list is as long as the Palo Alto-Curitiba huge gap. I was hijacked by a mail art call. The exibition ended yesterady. Now is time to....
Carmela Rizzuto
I would like to receive mail art from you --and I will send you something in return. Documentation can be found on and my IUOMA page.
Carmela Rizzuto
526 West Fremont Ave #2891
Sunnyvale, CA USA
Oct 21, 2013
Heleen de Vaan
Welcome, Esther, to the IUOMA!
And thank you for sharing your website and poems with all of us.
Reading one of your ruminations, there comes some subject in my mind, I'd like to create some mail art about it and send it to you. If you'd like to receive, could you please mail me your snail mail address (via email or via your IUOMA-inbox)?
Best wishes from the Netherlands,
Oct 22, 2013
Carmela Rizzuto
Thank you for your postcard containing your poetry and a detailed drawing. It's will be added to my IUOMA photo stream and will be blogged within the next week at
Mail art will be coming your way within the next 4-6 weeks.
Oct 26, 2013
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
Earthling, this is the last but certainly not the least welcome message to IUOMA you receive. I’m a celestial mail artist living in a heavenly corner of the faraway universe called Republik van Patland. When you joined IUOMA on October 21 I was unable to welcome you on board. At the time I was in a Celestial Journey far beyond the Milky Way. Now, back to planet Earth, I´d love to be the other end when you decide it’s the right time to start trading snail mail art. If this is the case at the time your envelope should read as follows:
The Celestial Scribe
Terrene Embassy
Republik van Patland
Caixa Postal 24827
I look forward to see a piece of yours in our terrene mailbox. I will do my homework after receiving yours. This is nothing less than a Celestial Promise. I’m Patricio, Celestial Scribe & Republik van Patland Official Envelope Provider.
Nov 5, 2013
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
"...I had to guess what feeds a Celestial Being..." it´s easy Esther. If the entity is a celestial mail artist, then mail art is the obvious answer. It´s Job number two time. Why don´t you show Palo Alto to many pople through the lens of your creativity? Dead line is December the 3rd.
MAIL ART CALL: My city through the lens of mail art
THE IDEA: This is a group of students of Cities Semiotics, class of 2012, undergraduates in Communication Technology of the UFPR (Federal University of the State of Paraná, Brazil). We invite you all to show to the planet your city through the particular and creative ”mail art eyes” of yours. We´ll be happy to expose your artworks to art students, the academic community and the general public.
BACKGROUND: “Last month I invited Patricio, the Celestial Scribe, an IUOMA member, to present mail art to my group of students at the university. It was totally awesome! My students and I have fallen in love with mail art mainly because the many connections between semiotics (the study of signs and symbols as elements of communication) and the outstanding creative process observed in the artworks received by Patricio. We, as a group, decided that we all wanted to undergo our own mail art experience, semiotics related The group of students decided to make this mail art call and soon it became one of the assessments procedures for the discipline of cities´semiotics by the university. Anna Beatriz Paula, PhD (
FORMATS: The following are accepted
DOCUMENTATION: issued by UFPR it will be sent to all participants in exchange for their works.
SUBMISSIONS: Artists are encouraged to use the envelope or various packaging as an art surface, either on its own or in addition to the artwork that is inside it.
ORGANIZATION: Prof. Anna Beatriz Paula. CURATOR: The Celestial Scribe
DEADLINE: Submissions must arrive to UFPR by December 3, 2013
VENUE: Technological and Professional Education Sector of the Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba. Brazil
Prof. Anna Beatriz Paula
Caixa Postal 19056
FURTHER INFORMATION: Phone 55-41-9979-1949
The End
Nov 8, 2013
E Coles
Hi Esther,
Welcome to IUOMA.
Would you like to exchange mail art?
Best wishes,
Nov 14, 2013
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
Earthly apples sometimes are able to feed Celestial Beings. Celestial apples, like those I received today, feed our soul. Always!
Nov 18, 2013
Your poems are beautiful. I like 'Red Gesture' especially, so far. I listen to a lot of spoken word/performance poetry. Also, I've recently learned about the Landay - (through the June issue of Poetry Magazine) - which was entirely new to me (and probably to most of the world, I suppose!). Anyway, if you would like to exchange mail art, please either send me your address, and I will gladly respond. I like Heleen's idea of creating a piece of mail art in response to the images that your words evoke.
Nov 23, 2013
Thank you so much Esther. I love this bird-mailart and the message you've sent.
Nov 30, 2013
Carmela Rizzuto
Happy Birthday, Esther!
Dec 2, 2013
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
"...out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field..." Iuoma is a brilliant cluster of brilliant people who provide a powerful antidote to decades of conventional thinking and it shows on the envelopes, the postcards and the sentences their members select to write on their artworks. You and the artwork from yours I received yesterday are not the exception to this rule. My artwork to do list is as long as the Palo Alto-Curitiba huge gap. I was hijacked by a mail art call. The exibition ended yesterady. Now is time to....
Dec 4, 2013