Kat: i have been sending you things and you don't seem to be getting them, one envelope got sent back, i always send it to the same address, Am i on the Greek"No mail List"???
Sent a boekie, and other goodies w/ a new yorker cartoon about Greece....Hope to see you in the mail soon!!!!
Oh, and by the way, the equation should be read as
INEPTITUDE over TOLERANCE and vice-verse, it's an anger thing about the state of Dutch politics... though I fear the equation could equally be applied to other governments:)
Kat! I got the haul of rubber!! Yippee- thanks a bunch!! I'll blog it big when I get some more mail! I've wrapped your stamps ready to send to you soon!
Also got your Rothko!! Oops, I opened it early...did you know that Rothko was born in Latvia?? Thanks ;-))
Thank you for posting, Katerina! Glad to read you liked it, and I'm curious to know and looking forward to seeing your additions to the stamp sheets (anytime, anywhere)!
Kat, just heard about the Crete quake, i know your about 230 mile from the epicenter, but hope your OK!, I'll keep you and family & friends in my thoughts/prayers! Maybe the quake will make some "QUAKEPO" for us ????
Thank you KATERINA for remembering my birthday. It means a lot, thank you! Also, looking just at the front I actually recognized the young Melina Mercouri! How wonderful to learn she has/had the same birthday, very nice for me!
Momkat, i really appreciate your quick submission! Looks great! I've not seen any submissions in person and probably won't for some time. Will send you a proper thank you soon. :)
Hey Katerina - just got your RL B-day card - thanks chere! ('Tis rather ironic, but quite cool actually: I think he and Warhol are my 2 least favorite 20th cent. "artist"s, yet I just love this card - lol!) (Small envelope posted to you today...) Be well and creative my dear, and Thanks again! Best, C
The display for mail art for the Celebrate IUOMA 25 Call for Entries was a success. Visitors were intrigued with your 'sands of time'. Thank you again for participating. Read my report about the event on my IUOMA blog or at entry #42 on http://decordisart.blogspot.com/
Kat, thank you for the Giacometti and RAUSCHENBERG (you know, a big favorite of mine) birthday works--very very nicely done, I love them both. The gorgeous turquoise and orange for Rauschenberg: POW! Great. Am just catching up here and hope all's well with you. xox
Hey Kat - Great new stamps just arrived from a collector in the Netherlands... ('Twas looking for certain stamps for a project, and got carried away...%_^) Wanted to share this with you because of all the great Greek ones! (mmm, makes me want to make you something new...%_^)
Planned to send you something and it will be partly blue, love colored stamps more and more, guess I am affected by Brain Cells and mail friends, away with the black for now. But I will wait until I find something to put inside the envelope.
Lord you're prolific my dear!: I received your reply MA already/today! It's a blue-beauty - thank you!
I ordered a bunch of beautiful old Greek stamps this weekend, and am planning a lil' bookie for you (eventually, of course! %_^...) Thanks again love! xx, C
Oh Sweet Kat! Thx for the beautiful B-day crd w/ Leaves(Fig, Olive???),Stamping ,Tea Ephemera!, Blake card(WOW!) &Xpowa Poffa!....Tea Time w/ you any time my Gecian Friend! Enjoy fun and sun in Thellassonili!
Many thanks for the lovely Magritte birthday mail :) As my camery is clouding everything of interest I will not blog it but Erni made a good job in that department.
hmmm more tire tracks....birthday roadkill? a weatherbeaten woman on a toilet? this is a bigger mystery then why the asemic wallpaper trend went the way of the spork and the percolator
Oh Kat -Thanks so much for the birthday/Blake/ Thanksgiving greetings and Mail art!!!!, you are So sweet & Thoughtful! It was also a big day in my life yesterday because it was the first time since 1888 that Chanukah & Thanksgiving fell on the same day, not to happen again for 79,00 years!!! Hope you had a warm Greek, sunny filled Thanksgiving w/ family ,friends!!!!
Eraser Heed
That is a wondeful mail I just received, thanks :)
I did a tiny blog of it, love the picture of the sea and the 10 bucks stamp also of course!
Sep 10, 2013
Neil Gordon
Kat: i have been sending you things and you don't seem to be getting them, one envelope got sent back, i always send it to the same address, Am i on the Greek"No mail List"???
Sent a boekie, and other goodies w/ a new yorker cartoon about Greece....Hope to see you in the mail soon!!!!
Sep 11, 2013
Bruno Cassaglia
Ciao Katerina! è arrivata la tua lettera...GRAZIE !!!!! un abbraccio , bruno poetamailartfluxus
Sep 11, 2013
Bruno Cassaglia
Sep 11, 2013
An. U.
Got your Mark Rotko birthday mailart today! I will open it on 25th september! By the way, did you know that he was born in Latvia? :))
Sep 16, 2013
Rod Summers / VEC
Thanks for the greets Kate, I am spending the day... working, will set up the group
and decide the final track order for my new CD 'A MISCELLANY OF BROKEN SILENCES"
And Liz and me will go for a wander into town as soon as she has finished preparing the plums she is going to dry.
Thanks again and hugs.
Sep 19, 2013
Rod Summers / VEC
Oh, and by the way, the equation should be read as
INEPTITUDE over TOLERANCE and vice-verse, it's an anger thing about the state of Dutch politics... though I fear the equation could equally be applied to other governments:)
Sep 19, 2013
Hi there
I have sent you some mail art. I hope you like it and that we can become friends!Lets dance!
Sep 21, 2013
Hello Katerina, I hope you've had a good summer! I will be sending you mail art soon.
Sep 21, 2013
Amy Irwen
Happy Saturday...hope the sun is shining!
Sep 21, 2013
Thank you Katerina!
Sep 22, 2013
Eduardo Cardoso
Thank you very much Katerina! :)
Sep 23, 2013
vizma bruns
Kat! I got the haul of rubber!! Yippee- thanks a bunch!! I'll blog it big when I get some more mail! I've wrapped your stamps ready to send to you soon!
Also got your Rothko!! Oops, I opened it early...did you know that Rothko was born in Latvia?? Thanks ;-))
Sep 24, 2013
Claudia Garcia
Hello Katerina!!!! Today I received your mail art. It is great!!! I like so much!!! It has very energy!!! Thanks a lot!!!!! σας ευχαριστώ πολύ!!!!!
Soon, I post it and I send you mine!!!!
Oct 2, 2013
Heleen de Vaan
Thank you for posting, Katerina! Glad to read you liked it, and I'm curious to know and looking forward to seeing your additions to the stamp sheets (anytime, anywhere)!
Oct 3, 2013
Claudia Garcia
Hi Katerina!!!!! today I sent you my mail art. I hope you receive it soon. Many kisses
Oct 3, 2013
Neil Gordon
Kat, just heard about the Crete quake, i know your about 230 mile from the epicenter, but hope your OK!, I'll keep you and family & friends in my thoughts/prayers! Maybe the quake will make some "QUAKEPO" for us ????
Be safe, Be well,
Oct 13, 2013
Thank you KATERINA for remembering my birthday. It means a lot, thank you! Also, looking just at the front I actually recognized the young Melina Mercouri! How wonderful to learn she has/had the same birthday, very nice for me!
Oct 19, 2013
Oct 21, 2013
Cernjul Viviana María
Muchas gracias por la tarjeta de mi cumpleaños!!! Maravillosa!!![](http://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/51061810?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024)
Oct 22, 2013
Hi there
Thanks for the Giacometti card - he's an interesting artist alright! My reply is written,and will be in the mail tomorrow!
Oct 23, 2013
Hi Katerina
Yes it was my birthday yesterday and I open your letter after breakfast. :Lovely birthday card. Thank you very much. I had a great day.
Oct 24, 2013
An. U.
Thanks a lot for your blog! Glad you like them! (APC) :))
Oct 24, 2013
Michael Orr
Momkat, i really appreciate your quick submission! Looks great! I've not seen any submissions in person and probably won't for some time. Will send you a proper thank you soon. :)
Oct 24, 2013
Claire (aka Cleo)
Hey Katerina - just got your RL B-day card - thanks chere! ('Tis rather ironic, but quite cool actually: I think he and Warhol are my 2 least favorite 20th cent. "artist"s, yet I just love this card - lol!) (Small envelope posted to you today...) Be well and creative my dear, and Thanks again! Best, C
Oct 24, 2013
Suus in Mokum
Thank you Katerina!
Oct 26, 2013
Dimitra Papatheodorou
Thank you Katerina,
"ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ!" to Thessaloniki
Oct 26, 2013
Carmela Rizzuto
The display for mail art for the Celebrate IUOMA 25 Call for Entries was a success. Visitors were intrigued with your 'sands of time'. Thank you again for participating. Read my report about the event on my IUOMA blog or at entry #42 on http://decordisart.blogspot.com/
Oct 27, 2013
Nancy Bell Scott
Kat, thank you for the Giacometti and RAUSCHENBERG (you know, a big favorite of mine) birthday works--very very nicely done, I love them both. The gorgeous turquoise and orange for Rauschenberg: POW! Great. Am just catching up here and hope all's well with you. xox
Oct 28, 2013
Claire (aka Cleo)
Hey Kat - Great new stamps just arrived from a collector in the Netherlands... ('Twas looking for certain stamps for a project, and got carried away...%_^) Wanted to share this with you because of all the great Greek ones! (mmm, makes me want to make you something new...%_^)![](http://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/51062977?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024)
Oct 31, 2013
Ruud Janssen
Nov 2, 2013
Amy Irwen
Nov 3, 2013
Eraser Heed
New stamp pads bought today; lagoon blue and sky blue, you have inspired me :)
Nov 6, 2013
David Stafford
Your dress goes out today. Let's do another. Your art was perfect....
Nov 6, 2013
Eraser Heed
Nov 7, 2013
Neil Gordon
KAT! Thanks for the "Tea w/ Rodin" Thanksgiving card! Love it, esp. the Greek Cat stamp too!
See Ya in the mail my Friend!
Nov 7, 2013
Neil Gordon
Whoops! Sorry i let the Greek Cat out of the bag! I guess the cat was hungry?
Nov 7, 2013
xx Jones
Katharina, thank you for your beautiful Itten card - I hade misplaced it and could not open it on the 11th, but found it just now!! Love the colours!!
Nov 13, 2013
Claire (aka Cleo)
Lord you're prolific my dear!: I received your reply MA already/today! It's a blue-beauty - thank you!
I ordered a bunch of beautiful old Greek stamps this weekend, and am planning a lil' bookie for you (eventually, of course! %_^...) Thanks again love! xx, C
Nov 18, 2013
vizma bruns
Thanks Kat, was there anyone else from that month that you remember? Opa!
Nov 20, 2013
Neil Gordon
Oh Sweet Kat! Thx for the beautiful B-day crd w/ Leaves(Fig, Olive???),Stamping ,Tea Ephemera!, Blake card(WOW!) &Xpowa Poffa!....Tea Time w/ you any time my Gecian Friend! Enjoy fun and sun in Thellassonili!
Nov 20, 2013
Neil Gordon
WHOOPS! Spell-Chic Spelt Thessaloniki wrong, sorry....
Nov 20, 2013
Eraser Heed
Many thanks for the lovely Magritte birthday mail :) As my camery is clouding everything of interest I will not blog it but Erni made a good job in that department.
Nov 21, 2013
Thank you Katerina - the birds have made their way here safely and are nesting near my desk.
Nov 21, 2013
Matthew Stolte
nice! at one with Toulouse! making art on my BD (though at home & the Madison Children's Museum, not in the club!
Nov 25, 2013
Kat--so thoughtful for you to send me a birthday envelope. It will be very very hard, but I will wait to open it until Friday. thank you so much!!!
Nov 25, 2013
hmmm--i'm AT
Nov 26, 2013
HMMM..I'm at a loss. I was thinking discover the fountain of youth?
Nov 26, 2013
hmmm more tire tracks....birthday roadkill? a weatherbeaten woman on a toilet? this is a bigger mystery then why the asemic wallpaper trend went the way of the spork and the percolator
Nov 26, 2013
Neil Gordon
Oh Kat -Thanks so much for the birthday/Blake/ Thanksgiving greetings and Mail art!!!!, you are So sweet & Thoughtful! It was also a big day in my life yesterday because it was the first time since 1888 that Chanukah & Thanksgiving fell on the same day, not to happen again for 79,00 years!!! Hope you had a warm Greek, sunny filled Thanksgiving w/ family ,friends!!!!
XOX, Neil
Nov 29, 2013