Frieder Speck




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
like to get letters, like to send letters, like art
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Luise Kiesselbach Platz 22
81377 München

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  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Frieder, you tricked me!!! In the most fantastic way!!! What a surprise, and the art is wonderful--I'm thrilled. I had to laugh, because at first I actually believed you had sent me a pack of tissues for crying, haha. Thank You So Much. My blog is behind but these will be posted soon. Wow.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Thank you, and when I do have tears, I won't be using your amazing art to wipe them away! It took 20 or 30 minutes to figure out what you did. At first I thought you might have sent me a secret to keep from Svenja. :--}
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Frieder, you sent woodcuts, yes? Pardon if that's wrong, I know very little about printing, sadly.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Thanks Frieder, especially for not making fun of my ignorance! :--}  I will be blogging them soon and wanted to be sure of what I'm talking about.
  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Thank you.

  • Yvonne Neldel

    Vielen Dank Frieder für Deine lieben Geburtstagsgrüße, ich habe mich sehr gefreut darüber! ganz herzliche Grüsse an Dich! Yvonne.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Hi Frieder, At last my camera is fixed and I made a blog post of those wonderful "crying" tissues you sent. They are very dear to me! And I'm happy to have others be able to see them now. You are a magnificent mail art friend. I will be sending some new mail art very soon.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    All is well.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Please do, Frieder, you got my curiosity up, as you knew you would! You are on my list for something very soon also. Thank you for your good wishes, this has been a happy birthday. And it's not even over yet.
  • Ruud Janssen

    That is quick! Glad you like the envelope....


  • cheryl penn

    Frieder, your extremely moving World is a Town has landed. I am overawed :-) XX
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    What a sweet + very funny postcard you sent, Frieder! Thank you kindly. I sent you some (strange?) minimal mail arts recently. Don't know if you've received them yet, but more substantive work is frying in my mental pan.
  • Svenja Wahl

    Frieder, danke für die Mailart! Hab mich erst erschrocken und dachte, du meinst, ich hätte etwas geklaut. Der Plagiatsgedanke beschäftigt mich auch immer wieder, wenn ich eine Zeichnung oder ein Gemälde überklebe oder kommentiere. Manchmal wenn die Zeichnung nicht ganz so professionell ist, fürchte ich jemand könnte denken, sie wäre auch von mir (Dabei kann ich LEIDER nicht mal Hund, Katze, Maus zeichnen...). Bei den letzten Briefen bin ich dazu übergegangen irgendwo immer noch den "Originalkünstler" hinzuschreiben oder -zukleben. Ich bewundere daher deine Zeichenkunst umso mehr! - Keine Sorge, ich liebe es, was du aus den Vorlagen und Ideen machst, ein Dialog per Mailart macht soviel Spaß!! LG Svenja

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    The waxy paper, Frieder, is fabulous-looking and -feeling. Can't keep my hands off it. It's beautiful, thank you very much. Your ink drawing is superb, of course, and the child's weather booklet is charming. Where did it come from? I appreciate everything; you are a great mail art friend.

  • Michalis Kotsaris

    Many thanks Frieder for this unique art work! Just amazing... Posted today on IUOMA blog. All my best to you!

  • Terry Reid

    Frieder, you may not have this link: 

    if you did not get details for the eXCHANGE, the address for Korea is:-

    Tell Me Tell Me SECREts; MoCA; San 58-4, Makgye-dong; Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do; Seoul, Korea 427-701

    the show will go to February 19

    pass it on to your friends

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Birthday greetings from Greece! OPA!

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Frieder!!! HaPPy BiRTHDay to you! I just discovered it and hope you aren't asleep already so you get this wish from me to you while it is still your day. If not, have a great second birthday tomorrow. I'm sending to you very soon.

  • E


    wow thank you very much for your wishes

    i wish you happy---- 2012=== to you and to your family too


    i like very much your works

  • Susanna Lakner

    Dear Friends of Planet Susannia,

    we are proudly present with the association of Arnolfini Archívum


    - Official chronology of magazines

    - Register of the artists in alphabetical and by countries ( 217 artists from 29 counties)

    - Interactive timeline of magazines since 2000

    -Illustrated summary of magazines (cover, participants + 2 pages from each number) with Susanna's comments (now only in Hungarian yet)

    Optimized for Mozilla Firefox and 1024x768 pixels (or higher) resolution
    Webstart: 30 December, 2011
    If you are a participant, please share with us our stories, memories, experiences, relevant links,

    and opinions of the site as comments in the guestbook.

    With best regards:
    Susanna Lakner Founder-editor of assembling magazines of Planet Susannia & Ervin Zsubori Co-founder of Arnolfini Archívum

  • Karin Greenwood

    Hi Frieder, just to thank you very much for your wonderful mail art received yesterday. Will send soon.

  • Jim SantAmour

    Danke soviel fur die "scwarze und blaue Kuh"!  I love this piece of art!

  • Jim SantAmour


  • Cristian Sima

    hello, frieder...glad to meet you here....please...i hope you'll answer at this invitation...

  • Carina

    Hallo Frieder, I got your mail today, big thank you!! Interesting drawing paper, I have also used kraft paper, often the paper that I usually have to protect paper... I will send something to you soon. Have a good evening.. 

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Frieder, many thanks for today's mail art and your sweet note. At first I looked at the print up close and thought it was a map; then, away, I saw your person very easily. Made it extra interesting to open.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    You have a blog, and I didn't know that! I just peeked at it now, and wow, wow, wow. I will have a fine time looking through it carefully.

  • Karin Greenwood

    Thank you for your kind wishes.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Frieder, thank you kindly for the wonderful "winner and friend of secrets" prize! How lucky I feel. Your secrets are always very interesting to me. I see bat wings, and also a bat face in two or three places, but am not sure how it all comes together. I will put it up on the wall to study. As always I appreciate your artistry and thank you very much ~ Nancy

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    That's very true, Frieder. Even though you and Svenja drove me a little crazy with secrets several months ago ...

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Such mysterious news, Frieder ... :--}  I look forward to them ...

  • Angela Stadthaus


    danke für die Geburtstagswünsche. Interessante Seite :-)

  • Carina

    Thanks Frieder for blogging! Very funny and involving :)) 

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks, Frieder, for the birthday wishes. And, yes, we had a gorgeous weather. I love it.
  • Marie Wintzer

    Frieder, I'm so happy to get my first mail from you! I looks that your envelope didn't make it through the first time and had to be re-sent? In any case, it's a beautiful piece, as are all of your pieces, thank you so much!

  • Svenja Wahl

    Danke schön für das schöne Gedicht UND die Post! Wie immer wundervoll, auch wenn (oder gerade weil?) dir nichts einfiel ;-)

  • Nadine Wendell-Mojica

    Frieder my friend. thanks so much for the greetings. Your art is always close to my table and heart. Danke!

  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Thank you!!!

  • Marie Wintzer

    Frieder, I got the most wonderful envelope from you, thank you so much. Very special mail, I love your style. Gorgeous. Thank you!!

  • michael dahm

    SERUS zurück vom fuss der zugspitze!:)

  • Svenja Wahl

    Leben neben dem Papier?????? ;-)

  • Marie Wintzer

    Thanks for letting me know that it arrived, Frieder, I'm glad you like it. The old german music scores are from my grandad's attic. He used to play the baryton and to direct. In his days everything was in german (I am from Alsace), a lot of books too etc... I was really pleased to find those old music scores. 

    Thanks again!!

  • Carina

    ha ha, Hallo Frieder, nice to hear from you! The first bite is the worst... or the best  :))



    Mailart project

    Doingpoetry: Poetry, Art, Society

    Free size, medium and technique

    No fee, no jury, no sales, no returns

    The show will be held in Pavia in 2012,    

     November 23-25

    At Santa Maria Gualtieri during PAVIART POETRY Festival 2012

    Organization by O.M.P. and Farepoesia

    Documentation: all submissions will also be posted

    on the web sites under costruction in  


    Artworks should be sent by snail mail

    DEADLINE to be received

    2012, November 10

    send to:


    Via Torino 37

    I-27100 Pavia


  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Hello Frieder, I received your beautiful waxed painting - thank you very much indeed! (All amongst the gorgeous painterly gestures, your colour sensibility always send me so.....)

  • Carina

    Thanks Frieder :D

  • PIRO

    Hola Freider,

    Thanks for your Bday wishes. :) All the best to you too.


    Happy Birthday to you!!!

    Ciao from Italy