Lara Leal

Olinda, PE


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
por el cambio con artistas de distintas partes y lenguajes del mundo
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
CEP: 22060-970
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Comment Wall:

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Lara: Ya ves como son las cosas. Querías intercambiar con artistas de paises distantes y en idiomas exóticos.  Pues que el primero que te sale al paso es uno "que vive al lado" y en tu mismo idioma.  Uno propone y que se yo quien dispone!!!.  Si estás dispuesta a comenzar a cambiar con alguien, aunque sea de al lado, ponés lo que quieras en un sobre que escribirás así:

    El Escriba Celestial

    Caixa Postal, 24827




    Recibiendo lo tuyo te mando algo celestial, adjetivo que nace no por excelente y si por origen.  Es  una promesa celestial.  Soy Patricio, El Escriba Celestial     

  • Poison Label Productions

  • Ellie VG

    Hello! I am looking for Katy Perry themed Mail Art. So if you fancy giving it a go, please send to :


    96 Eldon Street


    YO31 7NE



    Thankyou :)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    We have a major SPAMMER: Paulline ATTA.


  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hi Lara, Yes let'(s be Friends. Send me something to 1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine, F-11130 Sigean, France, and I promise to send you something back. Also I go to York aboute every 3 months -- wanna meet up for a drink in the New Year?

    Regards, Val (who was born and bred in Darlington, and who goes there every few months to see his Mum who is in a nursing home)

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    El puente Baires-Curitiba ya está tendido. Esperaré ver tu nombre atrás de un sobre o de una postal en mi casilla de correo. Ridículo o no, ese es el deporte que a muchos nos entusiasma por aqauí. :-))))  

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Hombre-mujer, alto-bajo, noche-día, brasileña en Porteñalandia-porteño en Brasilandia.  Por Dios!  Este bendito planeta ciertamente ya fue de menos polaridades...Debe ser la globalización, cruz credo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Lara! Look forward to receiving your mail (with your temporary  so I can send you something back). I can't think why, but something told me you lived in York England. Buenos Aires, i couldn't be more wrong! Au revoir, Val

  • Terry Reid

    Lara, please pass it on to your friends

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hello Lara! Happy holidays!

    And thank you for your mail art and wonderful stamps!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Lara! Many thabnks for your card. I thought it was Argentinian bar code art, but then 'uvia' or 'lluvia' appeared at the end, and I wondered what it was. I assume that there is a secret message in it for me, and am trying to work out what it is. When I do, I will send you something back to your temporary address in return.

    Thanks again, and Best Wishes for 2012. Val 

  • Márcia Godinho Leal

    I would like to invite you to participate in this mail art project;

    Sem Juri/No Jury

    As obras não serão devolvidas/None of the pieces will be returned

    Exibição: Todas as obras serão integradas nas Festas da Praia 2012 e exibidas no Etis-Bar / Exhibition: All received mail art will be in display at Etis - Bar, included in Praia's Festival 2012.

    Técnica e medidas livres / Any medium that deal with any technique and any size.

    Data limite para envio / Deadline to send:

    26 de Julho de 2012 / 26 of July 2012

    Enviar todas as obras / Send all mail art to:

    Daniela Quadros

    Aptº 12 - 9760-909

    Praia da Vitória.

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist